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Welcome To My Homepage!

Welcome to my homepage! My name is Elizabeth once known as Butterfly and Babygirl, however, I prefer to go by my real name. They have come from certain people and I wish to keep those names from those people by those people even though they are no longer my best of friends. It is the memories that count right?
As a little hint for the future. Make the best of everyday and live your life to its fullest because you never know what is around the corner. Also stay close to the friends that you have today for they will be your friends of the future. What you throw away today may go out in the trash tomorrow and may not be redeemable. Also keep in mind, that goes for family as well. All together, be careful for what you do today for you may regret them tomorrow!
If you want to know more about me then skip to my page labeled "All about me, photos and info". If you want to know about friends skip to page labeled My friends. And if you wanna know about pets flip to either the cat page or ferret page. Thanks for stopping in and dont forget to sign the guestbook!

Alittle About Me--->From Years Past (Old Stuff From My Page Before I Updated It)
Favorite Song Lyrics
Fraidie Cat--->My Mother's Current Cat
The Ferret Page---> In Memory of our ten little loved ones. Our prayers are with them.
My Friends--->From Back Home
My Guestbook--->PLEASE BE KIND!