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Zoë and I were watching tv in my room. Justin walked in, me and him are friends again.
"Hey Zo."
"Don't call me that."
"Guess what, I have some bad news."
"We have to go out with JC and Mallory."
"Mallory why?"
"She thought it would be nice if we went out to celebrate us."
"Where are we going?"
"A play."
"A play?"
"Yeah, she says we need to be more cultured."
"Sounds fun." I thought it did.
"You're kidding right? Spend a whole night with Mallory and do it at a play?"
"Well, she'll be with JC so she won't be that bad."
"This is true, we just can't let him leave."
"OK, we'll make it if we just stick together."


They walked into the theatre and were walking to their seats when Mallory turned to JC.
"JC, it's kinda cold in here, would mind going and getting my coat?"
"Not at all, it would be my pleasure."
"Thank you."
"No!" Justin shouted.
"Let me do that, JC you've been walking all night. You look tired, just sit down and have a little rest. You treat us to lovely play the least I could do is get the dear lady her coat."
"I'm closer to the door, you go find our seats." JC left the theatre. The three walked down aisle and notice an elderly couple in two of their seats.
"Um, excuse me sir..." Justin started.
"Hey! What you two think you're doing?"
"We were just sitting in our..."
"Really you were sitting in your seats? Look again at your ticket Pops."
"I guess I made a mistake."
"Right you made a mistake. That's about the most intellegent thing I've heard out of your mouth tonight. Here's another bright idea, Gramps tomorrow you and Miss Daisy take a little trip and get yourself a new pair of glasses cause you know what you can't see. Now get out of our seats!"
"Come on dear."
"Well, I never." The lady said as she got up.
"Now you have!" The two walked away and she turned to Justin and Zoë. "I found our seats."
"You sure did."


They returned back and Justin and Zoë immediately came in my room.
"How was the play?" I asked putting down my magazine.
"Total snooze fest."
"That's good." JC walked in the room.
"Guys I just want to apologize for the play. Mallory said it was good and I dozed off a couple times."
"It's OK, there's something we need to tell you."
"While you were gone and getting Mallory's coat there were these old people in our seats. Well, Mallory just started yelling at them."
"She flipped out."
"Ya know what, and at the end she just stood up and started banging her hands together." JC laughed as he walked out the door. I laughed too it was funny.
"He's too much." I said they looked at me. "Sorry."


The next morning we were all lounging around on the bus. JC and Mallory were doing their own thing. Joey return to the back with everyone else carrying a cup of coffee. He took a sip of it.
"Needs sugar." He got and started walking back but almost ran into Mallory.
"Oh hey there, where you going?"
"I was just going to get sugar for my coffee."
"Coffee, is that ice coffee, tell me it's ice coffee."
"It's hot coffee."
"What? Hot coffee, everyone did you hear the news it's hot coffee. What is going on in that stupid head of your's. Are you just so oblivious to the world around you. You're just lost in your own little Joey land. You almost spilt that on me!"
"I'm sorry."
"Oh your sorry. Oh my gosh can I just see that for a second." She took the cup and poured it on him. "Oh I'm sorry are we good now?"
"Actually you know what Mal, I'm kinda getting sick of yo..."
"Hey Mal." JC whispered. "You coming back, ya know." He jerked his head towards the bathroom and raised his eyebrow.
"Hold on a second."
"What happened to you?"
"Well, Mal here dum..."
"He has bad aim he missed his mouth."
"Dude get yourself a bib." JC walked back to the bathroom.
"Well I got to go do that. So I'll see you later." She walked into the bathroom.
"Let me get you a towel." Zoë got up and went to get him a towel.
"Thanks. Is she getting on anyone else's nerves, cause she's getting on mine."
"Yeah." We all nodded.
"I wanna get rid of her." Zoë said returning with a towel.
"Me and Joey know why you wanna get rid of her." Chris said.
"We do?"
"Yeah remember."
"Ah that's right."
"What?" Justin questioned.
"She likes JC."
"What?" I was confused I didn't know we both liked him.
"We read it in your diary." I got scared.
"My diary? I don't have a..." She looked over at me. "My diary that's right, you guys weren't suppose to read that."
"So wait you like Lance and JC now?" Justin asked.
"No, first I don't like Lance I never did I thought we were over that. Second I don't like JC." She looked at me again. "Anymore."
"Are you sure you don't like him?"
"Positive. He does nothing for me."
"Yeah, you know you're the only one for me."
"I know. You know what tonight I gotta surprise for you."
"You do? What is it?"
"Nu-huh if I told you then it wouldn't be a surprise."
"You're so sweet."
"I know."


Justin snuck into Zoë's room and looked around making sure no one was in sight.
"Time to set up my surprise." He started setting up when he heard the doorknob jiggling. He jumped into the closet.
"All I'm saying is stop putting me in situations where I'm embarrassed."
"When were you embarrassed?"
"Twice, first when I had to come back here, even though I really wanted to cause I really wanted Justin, it made me look pathetic. Just so I could hear your stupid stories about how much you want JC. Then today I almost got dumped cause Justin thought I liked JC, when it was you. Your diary, your fantasy about having JC, it's not gonna happen."
"I'm working on Mallory."
"OK, let's say you get Mallory out of the way, I'd love you, but how is something gonna happen if the feelings aren't mutual. You can say hey JC I'm gay are you? He's gonna say no are you crazy? Cause he's not gay and you are." A noise came from the closet. "Did you hear something?"
"Just your big mouth."
"You know what I won't tell anyone your secret, but from now on you're on your own."
"Fine!" I walked out of the room slamming the door behind me.
"Fine!" She followed and did the same thing. Justin walked out of the closet.
"Whoa, I was not suppose to hear that."


"Zo, can I ask you something?" Justin walked back into her room an hour later.
"Are you and Lance in a play?"
"A play? No, you're so silly."
"OK, and um is there by any chance a girl JC?"
"There's only one JC."
"That's what I was afaird of. OK I heard something I know I wasn't suppose to hear. Lance is gay?"
"Oh my gosh, let me sit down."
"You didn't hear this from me?"
"Well, yeah I did, but I won't let him know that."
"I need to sit down too." She sat next to him on the bed. "Are you OK with this, you look a little, I don't know, stunned."
"It's just a lot to take in. Finding out one of your best friends is gay. I'm perfectly fine with it as long as he doesn't touch me."
"He's the same old Lance, you just know a little bit more about him."
"I know a lot more about him. Hey how come he doesn't like me, and he likes JC? Is there something wrong with me, do I not appeal to guys?"
"I don't know why guys wouldn't like you."
"I wanna know why."
"It's a good question. I could ask him."
"Do that, I wanna know what I gotta do differently to attract a guy."
"Actually I've been trying to convert him, but it's been hard cause of you."
"If I gave you permission to do whatever you gotta do to get him ungay then he would be?"
"Before you could even wink."
"But I can't wink."
"Then I guess I have a little extra time."
