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I woke up with a stiff pain in my neck. Sleeping on the floor is not a good idea especially with my sensitve bones. I stood up off the floor Zoë was still asleep, she looked so peaceful hugging General Potts close to her. I stared at her for awhile before I got this nasty taste in my mouth and needed to brush my teeth. I stepped out of the bathroom, Zoë had woken up by now and was fixing herself a glass of orange juice.
"Hey, did you sleep well?" She asked.
"Kinda, that floor is pretty hard and I think I got a kink in my neck."
"I'm sorry, I feel bad about making you sleep on the floor."
"It's OK, it wasn't your fault."
"Well, the least I can do is make it better." She approached me and put her hands on my shoulders.
"Watcha doin'?" I moved away from her.
"I thought I would just give you a nice shoulder and neck rub to ease the tension in the muscles. Oh, it was probably uncomfortable for you cause I'm a girl. Right?"
"Yeah, that's it." That wasn't it, but she was the real reason.
"I'm sorry I forgot."
"It's OK, so what's going on today?"
"I don't know I thought I just hang out here all day."
"That's no fun. There's gotta be something else you wanna do?"
"Not, really I'm still kinda upset."
"I know what'll cheer you up."
"You do?"
"Yep, shopping."
"You are too cute."
"Should we invite Mallory?"
"Are you crazy then she'll pick up on it."
"You're right just the two of us."
"Girls day out." I looked at her.
"Hey now." Mallory walked in.
"Oh good morning Lance, Zoë." She looked at her strangely. "...if your here who's running hell?"
"Justin told us what you did to him. I just want to go on record to say you had no right to do that."
"Do what?"
"Dump him. I mean everyone knows something is going on between you and Lance and you could at least give him the pleasure of dumping you."
"There's nothing going on between us." I defended her.
"Sure there isn't. Ya know Zo, the more you two keep denying it, maybe you'll finally open your eyes and look at what you're cheating on Justin with." It took me a while to realize what she was trying to say, but I knew it insulted me.
"Hey." Was all I could say in my denfense.
"Oh come on Lance, you're not the best package under the tree. Zoë had it and traded it in for you."
"I'm a good guy."
"You don't actually think that you are better...oh you do, that is so sad."
"Hey Mal." JC couldn't have walked in at a more opportune time.
"Hey baby. I was just telling Zoë how sad I was when I found out the news about her and Justin."
"That's so sweet of you. Isn't she the sweetest?" Zoë and I rolled our eyes.
"Oh yeah an angel." I said.
"I was also telling her how lucky she was to have someone like Lance. I knew they were always perfect for each other. He's such a great guy." She gave us this cheeseball smile.
"He is a great guy." I blushed a little. JC thought I was a great guy all I can say is wow. "I just wanted to tell you I was ready so we can head out to breakfast now. You wanna join us?"
"I would lov..."
"I don't think so." Zoë interrupted me.
"Oh come on, IHOP."
"We'll have to catch you some other time."
"Suit yourself. I'll be waiting in our room whenever you're ready."
"OK, I'll be in in a sec sweetie." He walked out the door and she turned to us. "If I were you Zo I'd get out here before things got ugly, and Lance, that was pathetic begging her to come back even though you knew it would hurt Justin to see you two together. Do you have no consideration for your friends? Well if you don't mind I have a breakfast to get to. Lance, I'll see you later, unfortunately and well Zo I hope I never see you again." She turned around and walked out.
"Well she got rude all of a sudden."
"Ever since you left she's been like that of course not in front of JC."
"Sorry about breakfast I know how much you wanted to go to gawk at JC."
"No, I didn't want to do that."
"You didn't?"
"No of course not."
"I thought you were over him, ya know you have Kyle."
"I am over him."
"You were so drooling."
"He looked good."
"Now you know what I go through everyday."
"I don't know how you do it, it's hard."
"You get used to it. Have you heard from Kyle in a while."
"No, I've almost forgot about him. Ya know I think he would at least call after that night we spent together, but he's probably is still mad at me about the morning after."
"What did you do to him again?"
"He came over to say bye and I kinda brushed him off casually in front of JC and Mallory. I didn't want them to think ya know."
"Yeah I know, you're ashamed of him."
"I am not."
"Yes, you are and you don't want JC to know you're booked."
"It's perfectly all right for him to know I'm booked."
"Really? Come on you still want him I saw you check out his butt as he left. I think it's sweet. You really like him and you don't want to interfer with his relationship. Although I wouldn't mind if you did get Mallory out of the picture."
"Well it's tempting but I think now the only way to get her off of JC is to pry her off with a crow bar."
"What's wrong with that?"
"I don't want to hurt the dear."
"Once again I ask what's wrong with that?"
"Even if we took care of Mallory how would I go about telling JC my feelings for him?"
"I don't know."
"This would be so much easier if I was just into chicks."
"I know it'd probably be better if there was something going on between us." I was confused by that. Girls are so complicated she wants something to be going on with us but yet she says I'm not good for her. Ahh this is tough.
"Of course not." I kept my guard down.
"I know, you wouldn't be in to that."
"Are you saying you are?" I was curious.
"No, it doesn't matter forget I said that." We stood there silent for a while. "I'm gonna go get ready for shopping."
"OK." I sat down at the table as she disappeared in the bathroom. I took a drink of the orange juice she made for herself. I couldn't get a moment by myself.
"Hey where's Zo?" Justin came barging in.
"She's taking a shower."
"Oh, well I wanted to talk to her about us. Ya know get us back together."
"She said she didn't want to."
"You just want her to say that. I know her, why don't you leave her alone and let her make up her own mind."
"I'm not telling her that."
"Sure you're not. We all know how you want her. You couldn't stand it when we were together."
"They don't all know that. Just you and Mallory and that doesn't count."
"Well, just the same, I would perfer it if you didn't hang out with Zo while she here."
"You can't tell me who I can hang out with and who I can't. Now we are going shopping and I need you to leave me be so I can get dossied up."
"Shopping? Leave you be? Dossied up? Since when do you say stuff like that?"
"I've always said stuff like that."
"I guess that's the good thing about not being with Zo. You have to do all the shopping with her."
"I enjoy shopping with her."
"Why doesn't she just go with Mallory she's a girl."
"She went to the IHOP with JC, besides we all ha..."
"Have you been to the IHOP with her, man she is the international house of pancakes."
"Besides we all hate her."
"Yeah that too. Why was she mean again?"
"I don't know she probably has JC's head stuck so far up her butt it's starting to hurt."
"Yeah, he's so clueless." Zoë walked out of the bathroom in a towel. It looked good.
"Don't mind me I forgot to take my clothes in." Justin walked over to her and gave her a big hug. "What are you doing?"
"What do you mean?"
"It's not that hard of a question. What are you doing?"
"You just looked like you needed a hug. Now I'll walk you to the bathroom." They started walking back, Justin still hugging her. They reached the door.
"You can let go now."
"I could never let you go, baby."
"That's what I wanted to talk to you about. I'm really sorry about everything I said and did to you."
"And what was that?"
"I didn't trust you with Lance and I told you you could never have me back. I want you back. I'm sorry." She stood there thinking for a while.
"I'm sorry too."
"You didn't do anything."
"I know, but I'm sorry I've been spending so much time with him. He's just needed a friend." What is she telling him? Why is she telling him this?
"So will you take me back?" He looked at her. He was so pathetic.
"Yes I will." She dropped her clothes and wrapped her arms around his neck and met him with a kiss. I sat down on the bed. Maybe this is better that way I won't be threaten to do anything. Maybe this will make me strictly gay.
