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We were on our way to New Orleans I was sitting at a table reading a book when Zoë sat down next to me.
"Hey, whatcha reading?"
"Little Women." She laughed a little. "What?"
"You're reading that book in front of them you might as well tell them you're gay."
"You're right." I closed the book and pushed it away. "So what are you doing here?"
"I wanted to let you know what's going on tonight."
"You guys got a show to do, and then afterwards after you've cleaned up and everything. We will head out to the Drag Shack on Burbon street."
"The what?"
"Drag Shack, my brother used to live in New Orleans and I asked him of a good gay place, and he said that's the best place to go so I'll take his word on it."
"What if someone else wants to go too?"
"Trust me I've got that all taken care of they won't want to go."
"What did you tell them?"
"That's for me to know and you to not know."
"OK, so are you sure you wanna do this?"
"Yeah it'll be different ya know get away from Justin for a while."
"OK, but it's just one night."
"Unless we have a whole lot of fun and we do it again somewhere else."
"That's a possibility."
"But let's just get this first one over with."


After the concert everyone was lounging around the hotel rooms while Zoë and I were getting ready to go out. I was done quickly and went to wait for her in her room. I was sitting on the couch watching the tv when she stepped out of the bathroom. Let me tell you she looked good, for a girl.
"I'm ready." Justin walked in.
"I'll be ready in a sec." He said to us.
"You don't expect me to stay here while you two go out do you?"
"Yeah we do." He looked at her shocked.
"Zo, I wanna talk to you." He lead her to the corner of the room which didn't work cause I could hear everything being said. "You're telling me, you're going out with Lance, looking like that."
"Yes I am, you can't come."
"Why not? Now, Zo what's going on? Why have you two been like together all the time recently?"
"It's nothing."
"Well, I don't know if I can believe you."
"Justin, do you honestly think I would choose Lance over you?"
"You've got a point there, what girl would choose Lance over me."
"I don't know, sure ain't me."
"How do I know you're just not saying that?"
"Cause I'm not, and I wouldn't lie to you."
"OK, I'll let you go, but if I find out you did something then it's only fair I get do the same to Mallory."
"Fine." She walked away from him and towards me. "Are you ready now?"
"Good, let's go." I followed her and closed the door behind me.


We walked into the Drag Shack. There were tons of people there it was loud and smokey.
"Let's go sit down!" Zoë yelled to me over the loud music. She grabbed my hand so she wouldn't lose me. We weaved our way through the crowds of people and found a nice table by the bar. "So."
"So, this a gay bar?"
"I guess so, my first time in one."
"Mine too."
"You want something to drink?"
"Sure just get me whatever you're getting." She got up from the table and walked up to the bar. I scanned the enviroment looking for anything sane in the place.
"Hi." I looked up to see a tall, dark haired guy looking at me.
"Hi." I said tentatively.
"Do you mind if I sit down?" He pointed to the chair saved for Zoë, I glanced in her direction and found her enthralled in a conversation with some girl.
"No, go ahead." He took her seat.
"I'm Kyle. Nice to meet you."
"Lance, and you too."
"So do you come here often?"
"No, actually my first time, I'm not from around here."
"Oh, so where are you from?"
"I live in Florida. Just visiting here."
"What part of Florida cause I moving to Orlando this summer for some job thing."
"That's where I'm from."
"It is a small world, so what are you doing here in New Orleans?"
"My job, actually I'm on kind of a road trip type thing."
"What do you do?"
"I'm in the entertainment business." I saw his eyebrows raise when I mentioned my field of employment. "Music, to be exact. Right now me and my singing group are on tour."
"Oh, so you would be leaving Louisiana soon?"
"Yeah tomorrow morning and I'd be back home in about 2 months."
"I see, well by that time I'd be down there. So if you're intrested I'll be there and we could hook up."
"That would be great." I really liked this guy.
"But in the meantime we got all night so would you care to join me in a dance?"
"Yes, I'd love to."


I spent all night with Kyle but unfortunately he had to leave. I promised him when I return home I would give him a call. I looked around trying to find Zoë and spotted her with a different girl.
"Zoë, I'm ready to leave."
"Oh OK." She turned to the girl she was talking to. "I gotta go it was very nice meeting you, Jacque." She got up from the table and we headed outside. "I saw you snagged a guy." She immediately brought it up as soon as we got out.
"Yes I did, his name is Kyle, what about you?"
"I got 4 girl's phone numbers, I'm not saying it's something I'll consider, but it's good to know I got options. You're guy was cute tell me about him."
"Well, he's like a processor or something like that he works with numbers and computers. Plus he's moving down to Orlando in a month and he told me to call him when I got back."
"Really? I'm so happy for you!"
"Hey, what time is it?" I looked at my watch.
"It's too early to go back, let's go to a straight club it was hard hitting on girls."
"OK." We walked up and down Bourbon Street and found another place to go. We walked into another loud smokey building. I really didn't want to do anything I was to busy thinking about Kyle and how perfect he is for me.
"Lance, dance with me." Zoë pulled me out into a big crowd of people. It was uncomfortable for me not because it's Justin's girl, but it was a girl, period. She could sense it. "What's wrong?"
"Nothing, it's just weird dancing with you."
"Don't think of me as me, think of me as Kyle." She said in a deepened voice.
"You like to make jokes don't you?"
"Just relax and have fun. It's not like I'm gonna do anything to make you feel strange to be with me."
"You're right."
"Like always, now come on you've had you're fun now let me."
"And being with me is how you want to have your fun."
"You better believe it, cause I'm gonna turn you straight."
"You're joking right?"
"Like always."
"Good, I thought you were serious that you could actually turn me straight."
"Oh here's this agian. I'm the only one that could get you back on our team."
"You think so?"
"My team has got the best equipment."
"You're funny."
"I know." She smiled and then it hit me that maybe she was right.
