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"Want some juice?"
"Actually, yeah, but..."
"But what?"
"Oh, now you're jumping to conclusions, that's bad!"
"What else am I suppose to jump to?"
"I'm not that kind of girl, I'm offended. Anyway, I saw Caesar last night."
"I know, you guys came together."
"No, I saw, saw Caesar, in the hallway if you get my drift."
"I get your drift."
"And I know what you did last night."
"What did he say?"
"He didn't have to say a single word. You see, through the years I've sorta picked up on a few things and I know you can tell how far he got with guy by his nostrils."
"Well, last night I noticed his nostrils were flared, but not flared enough you could stick your thumb up, which means you guys didn't go all the way, but you did get freaky deaky."
"Oh my gosh, he's gotta start wearing nose plugs." I paused. "So what are you doing here anyway?"
"JC invited me." I concentrated on her nostrils. "Mine don't do it."
"Don't worry, nothing happened."
"How can I believe you?" I crossed my arms. "Why are you wearing that?"
"Cause I didn't haven't any jammies."
"Where did you sleep?"
"In Mallory's bed."
"Why did you come here in the first place?"
"Cause it was late, and we were both tired and Caesar took the car and I didn't want to have to drive all the way out there to my place, so he invited me back here."
"OK, what was yo....?"
"Stop right there." She held her hand. "What is with the third degree? Back off Matlock!"
"OK, sorry. Now I know where Caesar took his gay lesson."
"I'm not gay."
"I never said you were."
"So where is the crouton?"
"He left."
"Why so soon? You don't want to be seen with him?"
"Its not that I don't want to, I can't."
"I understand."
"Actually ever since last night I've been thinking about asking him to join us."
"Really? Well, how are you going to do that if you can't let them know about him."
"He'll be a friend, or even better you can come and you can bring your brother."
"OK, good, but why would I come?"
"Huh, do the letters J and C not ring a bell?"
"Just cause spend one night here, does not mean we're getting married."
"But it could."
"But it won't."
"But it could." I whispered under my breath while pouring some orange juice.


"Justin!" JC whined as he walked into his and Zoë's room, uninvited.
"What?" He took his eyes away from his cereal bowl to see JC face down on his bed.
"I'm in trouble."
"What's wrong?" Zoë asked from behind the newspaper.
"I think I like Lance's girl." She immediately dropped her paper.
"Lance's girl?" Justin asked.
"Lance has a girl?" She did also.
"Yeah, and a really hot one too." He rolled over on his back. "What am I going to do, it's been so long since he's been with someone. I almost feel sorry for him, but I really like her." Zoë got up and walked over to him.
"I think you should go for it."
"Really? But what about Lan..."
"You met this girl last night?"
"And he left you two?"
"Isn't that reason enough?"
"Yeah, he left, if he really cared about her he wouldn't have disappeared. Going to get drinks, ha! That was just an excuse to let her down easy."
"Oh thanks Zo."
"No, problem." He ran out of the room.
"Hey, how come he can call you Zo, but when ever I try you always say 'Don't call me that!'?"
"Cause you're not as cute as him."
"Oh I see how it's gonna be."
"How's that?" She walked back to him and sat down.
"Nevermind. I wonder who this girl is."
"I don't know." She took a bite of his cereal.
"Apparently she looks good."
"Yeah, don't get any ideas."
"I wouldn't think of such a thing."
"Yeah, plus knowing JC's track record it'll probably end up to be another Mallory."
"That's true, and we thought Mallory would be another Alicia."
"And her another..."
"Candace." They said at the same time.
"Wasn't there another one?" Justin asked his mouth full of Lucky Charms.
"Yeah Tiffany."
"Tiffany, right. I can never keep his hoes straight."
"Justin, that's awful."
"It's true."
"Just eat your cereal." She picked up the paper when a lost girl came wandering in their room.
"Do you know where Lance is?"
"Um no, but if you want an autograph, I'll be more than happy to give you one."
"Someone needs to come home from their ego trip."
"Who are you?"
"Who am I? Who am I? You have a lot of nerve, now I asked you a question."
"I asked you a question."
"I asked first."
"Fine, I don't know where Lance is."
"OK, I'm Caesarea. Nice to meet you."
"That's nice Caesarea, but who are you?"
"I'm a friend of Caesar, who is friend of Lance, who is a friend of JC, which I am now."
"I know who this is, this is Mallory."
"Hold it right there, I've heard about Mallory and I'm definately not her." She sat down with them and grabbed the Lucky Charms.
"So how do you know Caesar?" Zoë made conversation.
"I'm his sister."
"Really? So is it weird having a gay brother?"
"Justin." Zoë scolded.
"It's all right, it was a little hard getting used to, but I've accepted it. Is it weird having a gay friend?"
"Oh yeah." He replied.
"It is not." Zoë corrected.
"Yeah it is, I never know if he's checking me out or not." Caesarea laughed.
"You're cute."
"Why thank you." Justin blushed while Zoë rolled her eyes.
"So what do you need to see Lance for?" She changed the subject.
"I need a ride home."
"I can give you one." Justin blurted out.
"No, you can't. Why don't you just get JC to take you home?"
"You people sure do like to set him up, don't ya?"
"Well, he has such bad taste."
"I don't really need a ride, I just didn't want to tell you the real reason I wanted to see him."
"What was it?" She asked.
"Did you not just listen to what I said?"
"That's OK, well I hate to eat and run, actually I don't, but I have to. It was nice meeting both of you and I hope we do this again sometime."
"Yes we must." Justin said. She got up and exited the room. Justin turned to Zoë. "I like her."
"You would."
"She got spunk."
"I hate spunk."
"You're just jealous cause you ain't got any."
"Eat your cereal."


Caesarea was in my room getting ready to go back home.
"So when do you leave?" She asked me putting on her shoes.
"About an hour and a half."
"Oh, Caesar is going to be very disappointed."
"Well, I'm going to hate to have to leave."
"Maybe you don't have to."
"Nah, I think I do."
"Can't we just keep you?"
"Sorry, you can't." She finished with her shoes and stood up.
"I guess I should be going now."
"No wait!" JC ran into the room. "Don't leave, not yet."
"I really need to go, I have to get to work."
"Then... then..." JC looked around the room for an idea. "Come with me, I mean come with Lance. You like Lance."
"I can't." She looked at me. I shook my head letting her know she should come.
"Please..." He gave her the eyes, I knew she would say yes any second. One look in those eyes and you would be lost.
"I guess..." She once again looked at me. "If I can bring my brother."
"Well, he kinda protects me. I don't go anywhere without him."
"I don't have a problem with him coming, do you Lance?" He asked me, that's so sweet of him.
"No I don't care."
"Then I'll go home and pack."
"OK." She walked towards the door and left. JC turned to me. "Are you sure this is OK? I mean I'm not inviting her so you can play around, she's for me."
"When I left last night I was giving her away. I should have stayed, now there's nothing I can do. She's fair game."
"Thanks." He ran out of the room. He was so cute.


We were waiting around for Caesar and Caesarea. They were late and JC was hearing it from the others.
"You're not suppose to just invite people on tour!" Chris seemed really mad, which was unusual for him. Normally it's JC who's yelling.
"Hey, she's different. She's special."
"Didn't you say this about Mallory?"
"And Alicia." Justin added.
"Don't forget Candace." Zoë said.
"Or Tiffany."
"What about Megan?" Joey reminded.
"Right." Justin sighed.
"You don't need to keep reminding me, I know their names."
"Caesarea isn't like them." I said. I knew this for a fact, she's wasn't.
"Are you sure?" Chris asked.
"Yes, I'm positive."
"Well, if Lance says she's OK, then she's OK."
"Hey how come you believe him?"
"He has better taste in women." I heard Justin and Zoë laugh at his statement.
"Stop the presses, we're here!" Caesarea said as they walked in. I saw Caesar and I was so happy he was coming.
"You came!" JC got up off his suitcase he was sitting on to greet her.
"I told you I would, and you remember Caesar."
"Yeah it's nice to see you again." He kinda took an 'I don't want you to be here, you tag along homo' tone with my man. I did not like that.
"Well, thank you for having me." He was so polite. I couldn't keep my eyes off of him, he looked so good.
"Let's get this show on the road, we're already 15 minutes late." Chris hussled everyone out.
"I'm sorry, we didn't mean to be late." Caesarea said as her, JC, Caesar, and I left together.
"That's OK, he's just cranky in the morning." JC lied.


It was late at night and everyone else was in bed. I was writing in my diary something I haven't done in a while. I was disturbed by the creaking of my door.
"Hello?" I asked quietly.
"Hey, baby." It was Caesar I was relieved.
"Hey, whatcha doing here?"
"I came to see you. I couldn't get to sleep without you. What are you doing?"
"Nothing." I covered my diary.
"You're doing something, but I don't care right now. I wanna cuddle." He gave me the lip.
"OK." I got up from the desk and we moved to the bed, and cuddled.
"Is there anything else on tv?"
"You wanna watch tv at a romantic time like this?"
"Yeah, I always do better when the tv is on."
"OK." I started flipping through the channels.
"Oh, leave it. Syndicated Will and Grace." I threw the controller on the floor. "Now we can cuddle."


JC was watching tv in his room, trying to get to sleep.
"Hmmmm, something's missing, but what?" He pondered the thought for a while. "Ahh Caesarea." He rolled out of bed and came to his feet. He snuck out in to the hall and down to her room. "Caesarea?" He opened the door. No one was there. "Caesar must know where she is." He walked into his room. No one was there either.
"Hmmmm. Where could everyone be? I bet Lance knows." He walked down and opened my door.
