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Lance came home around midnight. He walked in and heard the tv on. He then went into the living to see Joey on the couch eating ice cream.
"Hi." Joey muttered.
"What happened to you?"
"I had a bad night."
"What happened?"
"Justin called Adrianna to come over here and she did. I came home and now I think we're broken up for good."
"What makes you think you're broke up for good?"
"Cuz I told her I wanted to."
"That was stupid."
"I know. And now I don't know what to do. The guys think that she's gonna come back, I don't think she's gonna."
"That's tough, little bro."
"What am I going to do? I can't take away the only woman in their lives since mom passed away. They'd hate me. I mean I know that just looking at their faces, if she left, would make her stay. She'd lie and say we were still together. I mean she came tonight because Justin called her."
"But you would be unhappy."
"I would but I would be even more unhappy to see them upset."
"You'll think of something, now get to bed it's late." Joey chuckled at Lance's fatherly tone as he went to his room.


Lance walked up the stairs to check on everyone and make sure they were all asleep. He walked into Chris and JC's room, JC had returned to his room since the chicken pox were healed. They were both sound asleep. He crept down the hallway and noticed a faint light leaking out from under Justin's door. He walked in and Justin jumped. He was sitting up in bed writing in a notebook.
"What are you doing up so late?"
"Umm reading?"
"I don't think so, what's that?" He pointed to the notebook that was in Justin's hands.
"Um it's the book that I'm reading."
"Give it to me."
"No it's private."
"Hand it over."
"I mean it."
"And so do I."
"Fine, but I know where you live." He said leaving the room. After he had left, Justin continued in his journal.

...tonight was the worst night ever. First, Lance goes out with his girlfriend leaving me and my little brothers with Mrs. Slovack, an old lady from next door. Of course I called Adrianna and she came over. But I think something going on with her and Joey. I think maybe they're breaking up or something, I don't know. The only good thing that happened was that I finally moved out of the baby's room and back into mine since my chicken pox were cured. But I plan on finding out more about Joey and Adrianna.

He closed his notebook and put it back in it's usual place, turned out the light and went to bed.


Monday morning rolled around quickly and everyone was in a rush. But when everything had been settled they were on their way to school. Justin and JC decided to walk again, and Joey took Chris himself.
As they were almost to Chris' school, Chris spoke up.
"Joey, why didn't we pick up Anna, where is she?"
"Well, squirt, I don't think we'll be giving her rides anymore."
"Why not?"
"She just got a new car and she wants to use it a lot." Joey lied.
"Oh." Joey looked over at his disappointed brother.
"Hey, don't sound so upset." He said, patting his leg. "I know Anna has been a little distant from us lately but don't worry about it, ok?"
"OK." Joey nodded, as they pulled into the parking lot.
"Now, we're here. So have a good day at school." Chris grabbed his book bag.
"Bye." He said, getting out of the car. Joey sighed as he went on his way to school.


"Now, Justin, did you bring your notebook?" The school counselor asked him after school.
"Yeah, here." He handed it to her. "Sorry, I haven't been here, I had the chicken pox."
"You did, did you?" She asked, reading his entrys.
"Yeah, I got em from my little brother." She handed the book back to him.
"I am seeing wonderful progress here, Justin. You seem to be doing some bonding with your family."
"A little."
"Well, I want you to continue writing in your journal. We'll see what happens."


JC was walking up the sidewalk and Wendy came up from behind he and pulled his backpack.
"JC wait!"
"I was thinking maybe we could go over to your house and reherse the play."
"But we don't have any scenes together."
"Well, that's OK we'll do all of them."
"Hey Carter! Who's this, your little girlfriend?" Big Chuck and his gang came up behind them.
"She's not my girlfriend."
"Scrawny little thing isn't she?" Chuck said flicking her hair.
"Leave her alone!"
"Sticking up for your girlfriend are ya?" Chuck pushed him. JC charged at him and the fight got intense.


Joey was in the kitchen making a snack for Chris when JC walked in the door with Wendy following him.
"Leave me alone."
"But you saved my life." Joey turned around.
"Hey who are you?" He didn't even notice JC's black eye.
"I'm Wendy, JC saved my life."
"Oh that's nice." He looked over to JC. "Whoa what happened to you?"
"I told you he saved my life."
"Don't tell Lance I got in a fight."
"OK then we'll have to do something about that black eye." He left to go to the refridgerater. He came back with a steak.
"What's that for?"
"To put on your eye." He slammed it on his eye.
"Where's my snack?!" Chris asked coming in the kitchen.
"Just a second. Hold that there." Joey got up and went back to making Chris' snack. Wendy smiled at JC.
"Will you leave me alone?" He asked, rudely.
"No." She taunted.
"Go home."
"No." JC started up the stairs to his room and of course Wendy followed. He slammed the door in her face.
"He's just playing hard to get." Chris skipped into his room, slamming the door in her face. She walked downstairs.
"I'm going now."
"Good." Joey said as she walked out the door. About an hour later, Lance came home.
"Guys!" He yelled coming in the door. "I have something for you." He layed the grocery sack onto the counter.
"Ah you went to the store!" Joey said as the 4 came down the stairs.
"Close, happy meals for everyone!" He pulled out the little McDonalds boxes and handed them out.
"Oh great a happy meal, just what I wanted." Joey said, taking his little box. Chris started digging through his box to his toy but ended up pulling out a Barbie.
"Barbie, ewww." He threw it on the floor.
"Here buddy you can have mine, it's not a Barbie." Joey said, leaning down to his eye level.
"Hotwheels!" He ran out of the room to go play with his Hotwheels.
"Wait! You left your food."
"He's gone, once he starts playing with those little cars, you can't get him back."
