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Lance walked up the driveway, rubbing his head. He'd had a rough first day and all he wanted to do was lay down in bed and sleep. It was almost 7:30, he noticed, looking at his watch, as he put his key in the front door.
"He's home!" Chris yelled, running in the kitchen.
"No, not yet! We're not ready." Joey said, dumping the sauce in the pan. "Chris, stall Lance, keep him in the living room."
"I'll try." He exited the kitchen and met Lance walking in the door. "Hi Lance!" He greeted, cheerfully.
"Hey, buddy." He said, quietly.
"How was your day?"
"Awful, I just want to go to bed." Chris bit his lip.
"But what about dinner?"
"I'm sorry, have Joey make you something, I'm really sorry." Lance started up the stairs.
"Joey!" Chris ran back in the kitchen. "Lance doesn't want dinner, he's to tired."
"OK, I'll be right back."
"Joey?" Justin said.
"Don't get him in a bad mood, please?"
"I won't."
Joey walked to Lance's room and knocked on the door.
"Lance? Can I come in?" The door opened.
"Yeah?" He asked.
"Uh, I thought maybe you'd be hungry. We made dinner for you."
"You did what? For me?"
"We figured you would have a bad day, so we all made you dinner, even Justin."
"Justin helped?"
"Yeah, and he smiled while doing it." Joey said, proud he had gotten Justin involved.
"Well, how could I turn that down, no matter how tired I am." The two were on their way back to the kitchen, but stopped in the dining room, to see the table set, and three boys seated in their chairs, waiting patiently.
"I think my day just got better." Lance said, while sitting down next to Chris.

Justin glanced at the clock on his bedside table, it was almost 10:00. He closed the little notebook the counselor had given him, pleased that he had written about him and his brothers making dinner for Lance. The counselor would be proud. He set in down beside his bed and reached to turn his lamp out.
He settled into bed and went to sleep, unknowing he would be interrupted that night.

Chris whimpered in bed, trying to get JC to wake up and get Lance, and he was failing. He started to call to him.
"JC, JC, help me." Chris wasn't feeling too good and he needed Lance. He noticed one of his toys on the floor and picked it up, and threw it at JC's bed.
He groaned.
"What?" JC said, tiredly.
"I don't feel good."
"Well, what do you want me to do?" He asked, keeping his face to the wall.
"Get Lance." He whined. JC sighed and got out of bed and started to Lance's room. He rubbed his eyes as he went into the room. He walked over to Lance's bed and started to shake him. Lance awoke and looked up at JC.
"Sorry, to wake you, but Chris isn't feeling good."
"OK." Lance got out of bed and went with JC back to his room. Lance turned to light on. "Chris?" He slowly walked over to his bed, with JC behind him. "What's wrong?"
"I don't feel good."
"Where do you hurt?"
"All over." Lance felt his head. "Am I hot, Lance?"
"Very, I'll be right back." He headed towards the bathroom to get the thermometer. When he returned, he stuck it under Chris' tongue and waited a couple minutes. When he took it out, it read, 102.1.
"I'm gonna call a doctor." Lance left once again. With all the comotion going on, Justin and Joey had woken up and were going to Chris and JC's room.
"What's going on?"
"Chris is sick." JC replied.
"Sick, huh, well whatever ya got, don't give it to me." Justin said, walking to his brother's bed. Chris frowned, but then smiled and breathed all over Justin.
"Eww, now I have your germs all over me."

Lance opened the front door to a very close friend of his parent's, who was a doctor. Being their friend, he dropped over to the house.
"What is his temperature? I need to know how bad it is."
"Alright." When the doctor went into the room, he had asked everyone to leave. They waited for about 5 minutes, when the doctor had come out of the room.
"How is he?" Lance asked.
"Oh, it's only chicken pox."
"Chicken pox?"
"Yes, chicken pox." The doctor talked to Lance a few minutes about what he should do, and then he left. Lance went to talk to the boys.
"OK, now I had them when I was about 7." Lance started.
"11." Joey answered. Lance looked at JC.
"Justin?" Lance said.
"I..uh..I never had them." Lance sighed.

"I still don't see why I have to stay in the baby's room." Justin commented, the next night.
"It is not a baby's room, Justin." Lance said, while tucking Chris in. "And since you caught the chicken pox too, it only makes sense that you stay in this room with Chris."
"Why? I want my own room. JC's already had them, he won't catch them again, by being in here with Chris."
"That's not the point."
"Well, I'm just gonna warn him one more time that if he touches ANY of my things, he's gonna get it." Justin walked out of the "baby's room" and down to his.
"It's so good to have my own room for once." JC said, laying back onto the bed.
"Oh shut, up. Not only do I have to share a room, but I have to do it when I itch."
"Oh, one other thing. Don't roll around too much in bed. Chris can't stand the noise."
"Yeah, thanks for the tip." Justin replied, sarcastically, walking out of the room.
