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Joey waited outside Chris's day care with Adrianna in his car. He was about to go in, when Chris scampered out of the building.
"Hey squirt." Joey greeted as he hopped in the back seat.
"Hi Joey."
"How was your day?"
"Good, I painted this picture for you, Anna." He gave it to her and she took it.
"Thank you. It's beautiful."
"See it's you and Joey and me."
"OK, but why is Joey all the way over here?"
"He's waiting to use the bathroom, cause he's standing outside the potty. "
"Oh. I'm going to hang it on my fridge." They went home. They walked through the door and found Justin asleep on the couch.
"Oh my gosh!"
"What?" Adrianna asked.
"I forgot to pick up JC."
"Well you better go get him." Chris said wanting to be alone with Adrianna. He walked out the door.
"You wanna a snack?" Chris nodded his head. "Should we wake Justin up?"
"Nah he needs his rest." They walked into the kitchen together.
"What do you want?"
"A cupcake!"
"No, how bout an apple?"
"OK." She cut his apple into slices and put them on a napkin. They sat at the table and shared the apple.
"Will you be my girlfriend?"
"Sure, I would love to."
"Gimme a kiss."
"On the lips." Adrianna leaned foreward and pecked him on the lips. "That wasn't a kiss, kiss me like you kiss Joey."
"I don't think you're quite old enough yet."
"I gotta wait for the girls to lose their cooties right?"
"UH huh."

"Why is it I always find you on the side of the road?" Joey asked as JC hopped in.
"Cuz you always forget to take me and pick me up."
"I'm so sorry."
"It's OK, I'm used to walking."
"So, how was your day?"

"Justin, wake up." Adrianna bent down and shook him. "You shouldn't be sleeping at 3:00 in the afternoon."
"Okay I'm up."
"Besides, Lance will be home soon, you don't wanna get caught do you?"
"I guess so."
"Why don't you go anymore?"
"Cuz I don't have to."
"What do you mean you don't have to?"
"Lance always leaves before we go anyway, so he'll never know."
"What if we tell on you?" Chris said.
"You better not."
"Hey guys!" Lance walked into the living room, setting his coat on a chair.
"Lance, what are you doing back so early?" Justin asked.
"I'm taking the day off."
"Where's JC and Joey?"
"Oh Joey went to pick JC up at school." Chris announced.
"Justin, did you just decide to run home, I mean wouldn't Joey have picked you up too?"
"You didn't go, did you?"
"No, I'm sorry."
"Well, sorry doesn't cut it, pal. I told you to go." Chris and Adrianna snuck out up to Chris' room.
"So what? School doesn't matter, you dropped out."
"Because I had to, to take care of you. Be your guardian, and you have been enough trouble, you never treated Mom and Dad like this, why are you doing it to me?"
"Cuz you're not Mom and Dad. They're dead, remember?" Justin left.

Chris and Adrianna were playing Candy Land in his room.
"I won! I won!"
"OK you won, now it's nap time."
"Yes, I'll take one too."
"OK." She tucked him in and started to turn towards JC's bed. "Where are you going? I thought you were going to take a nap too."
"I am I'm just going to sleep in JC's bed."
"Why? You're my girlfriend." She sighed and walked over to Chris' bed and climbed in with him.
Just as they were falling asleep Joey and JC walked in the door.
"Aww how cute." JC threw his backpack on his bed and sat down. Joey walked over to the Chris' bed and woke Adrianna up being careful not to disturb Chris. They walked out of the room and downstairs.
