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=|=New Year's Eve=|=

*Ding Dong*
Lance ran to the door, hoping it was Daphne but was disapointed to see Justin's friends.
"Hello Nate, Eric."
"Hi Mr. C."
"Don't call me that. Justin! You're friends are here!" Justin came down the stairs and greeted his friends. "Justin, I thought I said one guest."
"You did, but JC didn't invite anyone and he gave me his guest and that means two for me."
"Ok, come in." The three went in the living room and started eating all the food. "Hey hey hey, don't eat all the food, we have two other people coming." Just as he said that, the doorbell rang. Lance once again went to the door. He opened it to reveal Daphne.
"Hi Lance."
"Hey." He led her into the living room.
"Hello, Daphne." Justin greeted emphasizing her name. "I'm Justin."
"I recognize that voice, you're the kid on the phone the other day."
"You know it." Lance took a seat next to her.


"Freddie, will you be my guest tonight?" Chris asked the small puppy. He barked.
"What are you doing?" JC said.
"Freddie's gonna be my guest for the New Year's party."
"That's stupid."
"He's better than your guest."
"I didn't invite anyone."
"Told ya." JC started to the door of their room. "Are you going downstairs now?"
"Yeah I guess, not much to do up here."
"Ok, then we'll come too." Chris went with JC downstairs as Freddie followed close behind. When they got down, they noticed Jusitn and his friends in the corner talking and Miss Hoover alone on the couch. JC walked up to her.
"What are you doing here?" He asked.
"Oh hi JC."
"Yeah, yeah, what are you doing here?"
"I was invited."
"Yeah right, leave." He had never really liked Miss Hoover.
"Honestly, Lance invited me." Just as he was about to say something else, Lance came in and sat next to her and handed her a drink.
"Here you go."
"Thank you." JC looked at them once and then went up to his room. Lance shrugged.
"Chris, this is Daphne, Daphne this is my little brother Chris."
"Hi there."
"Oh and who's this little fella?" Daphne said, patting the dog's head.
"This is Freddie, our puppy."
"Is Adrianna here yet?" Joey came into the room.
"No not yet." Lance answered. "Daphne, this is Joey, Joey, Daphne."
"Oh hello Daphne." He forced a polite smile and shook her hand.
"Hello." Just then there was a knock at the door.
"That must be Anna!" Chris shouted.
"Yeah, probably." Joey left the room to the back door. When he opened it, Adrianna pushed in.
"Sorry, I would've used the front door but.."
"What are you wearing?" She was dressed up in a formal gown.
"I just came from the stupid governor's ball. I didn't plan on wearing this tonight."
"Well, why don't you go upstairs and change into some of my clothes."
"Ok, anything's better than this." She lifted the bottom of the dress up so it wouldn't drag, and started up the stairs. Joey returned to the living room.
"Where's Adrianna?" Lance asked.
"She just came from the governor's ball, she's up in my room changing out of her dress."
"Really? How did she get in there?"
"She's rich, remember Lance?"
"Oh yeah."


Adrianna walked out of Joey's room, changed into a more comfortable attire, passing Chris and JC's room on the way. The door was open and she noticed JC at the other end of the room, coloring. She walked in.
"Hey!" She went over to him.
"What are you doing?"
"I can see that, I mean what are you doing up here? Why aren't you downstairs?"
"Because why?" She layed on her stomach, same as him and picked up a crayon and began to color with him.
"Because Lance invited my teacher as his guest."
"Oh I see, and you don't like that?" He shook his head, staring at his picture. "Is that fair, JC? Just because you don't approve of who he brought, you're mad at him."
"Well, he doesn't let me watch Friday the 13th with Joey because he doesn't approve of those movies."
"That's a tad bit different."
"But she's my teacher."
"I don't like her."
"But Lance does."
"Well why can't you be happy for him that he's found someone he really likes. Like you did with Brooke."
"That was different."
"Different how?"
"Cuz um um um..."
"Come on, let's go downstairs, you don't have to go near them. You can stay with me all night." She held out her hand and he took it. They went downstairs. She saw Joey playing with Chris and Freddie on the floor. "Ya know what? I have to talk to Joey for a sec, then I promise I'll spend the whole night with you."
"Kay." He sat down next to Chris as Adrianna tapped Joey on the shoulder.
"Can I talk to you?"
"Sure." They went into the kitchen, where Justin and his friends were. "Hey, leave, we wanna talk."
"So go talk outside."
"It's cold out there."
"Why don't we just go upstairs."
"Ok." They went upstairs and into Joey's room. "So what's wrong?"
"I need your help, I had a fight with my parents and they said if I left to see you, then I wasn't welcome in their house anymore."
"And I need to find a place to stay, I can't rent an apartment, I'm only 16."
"You can stay here."
"Yeah, you can stay in Lance's old room, he doesn't use it anymore."
"That's great!"
"Well come on, let's go get your stuff."
"Yeah, still got 3 hours until midnight, plus your parents aren't home."
"Ok, but don't we have to ask Lance first."
"I'll take care of it." He went downstairs and into the living room. "Hey Lance, can Adrianna move in?" Lance was so engrossed with his conversation with Daphne, he didn't hear the question.
"Sure, sure, whatever."
"Ok, we're all set." He went back to Adrianna who was with Chris and JC.
"I'm really moving in. This is great. Let's get my stuff, you guys wanna come?"
"Yeah." The four left the house, unnoticed as they headed for Joey's car.
"What does your house look like Anna?" Chris asked.
"Pretty much just like yours." Joey looked at her funny as she smiled. When they pulled up to the mansion, they all got out of the car and headed towards the inside. When they entered the large house, Chris and JC's mouths dropped.
"This is like our house only a gabajillion times bigger." Chris and JC started to wander off in a different direction. They walked through the home until they passed the library. "Wow, look at all the books." They walked into the room and over to the grand piano.
"This piano has a hole in it." JC observed.
"Bet you I could fit in it."
"You could not."
"Bet you a quarter."
"You're on."
"Help me up." JC boosted Chris up into the back of the piano. When he made sure Chris was fully in, he closed the lid.


"Hey, where did Chris and JC go?" Adrianna asked.
"Probably wandered off somewhere."
"Yes Miss Adrianna?"
"Did you see the two boys we came with?"
"Yes ma'am."
"Could you go look for them, Joey and I have something we need to do."
"Yes ma'am." He started off down the long hallways.
"Ok, let's go up to my room and get my things." They went up to her room. Adrianna grabbed her suitcases, and started filling it with clothes from her drawers.
"What do I do?"
"You can get the clothes out of my closet." He walked to her closet and opened the french doors to reveal 20 feet of clothing and a shelf over that, 20 feet of shoes.
"I think you're gonna need a bigger suitcase." She walked over to him laughing.
"I'll take the closet, just take everything in my drawers and put it in my suitcase, here I'll only take the things I truly want."


"JC! Let me out!" Chris yelled from inside the grand piano. "You owe me a quarter." JC giggled as he left the library. He somehow found his way to Adrianna's room.
"Hello." He came in and sat on the bed next to Joey. Adrianna came out of the closet with her suitcase.
"Hey JC, where's Chris?" JC only laughed.
"Oh no, where is he?"
"Anna!" Chris ran into the room with Martin behind him.
"What's wrong?"
"I found him in the grand piano in the library." Martin informed her.
"Thanks Martin." Adrianna said, laughing. He left the room. "How did you get in the piano."
"JC closed the lid while I was in it."
"Well why were you in it?"
"I made a bet with JC that I could fit and you owe me a quarter." He pointed at JC.
"Ok, come on guys, I think I have all I need for now, let's go back to your house."
"Anna, it's your house too now." Chris told her.


"Where did everyone go?" Lance asked looking around and seeing only Justin and his friends. Just then they walked in each carrying a suitcase. "What is all this?"
"My stuff."
"What's it doing here?"
"Joey you said you asked him."
"I did he said 'sure, sure whatever'."
"Ask me what?"
"If I could move in. Only temporarily until I can find a place to go."
"What's wrong with your own place?"
"I got kicked out."
"Because I ditched the govenor's ball to come here, they said they can't except me in their home anymore. Anyway, can I move in?"
"Of course, I just wished you would've asked me."
"Hey Lance, I did and you said..."
"I know what I said, I wasn't paying attention, I was talking to Daphne." JC bit his lip.
"Ok, then I guess we get my stuff upstairs." The each dragged her suitcases up the stairs and into Lance's old bedroom.
"Let me see I believe that it's an hour and a half until midnight." Joey said.
"I believe so." They started to unpack. Half an hour later Chris was asleep on the bed with Freddie asleep next to him. "Awww how cute."
"Since we're done in here why don't we put these two to bed." Joey picked up Chris and JC and Anna took Freddie downstairs to his bed.

=|=Later that Night=|=

Justin's friends were going to spend the night at his house. They were being very loud in his room. There was knock on the door. Justin opened the door.
"You are being awfully loud." Adrianna complained.
"Well, I can't get to sleep. Could you please quiet down?"
"I don't know we're trying to stay up as late as we can."
"You can do that but do it softer."
"We'll try to keep it down."
"Thank you." She turned around and walked he closed the door behind her.
"I'm thirsty I'm going to get a glass of water." Justin announced.
"OK." He left the room.
"Hey Nate I'm cold, do you know where a blanket is in this room?" Eric asked.
"Check his closet." Eric walked over to his closet and went in.
"Ah cool Nate check this out." Nate walked into the closet. Justin came back in his room.
"Hey guys I just realized something we really are lo..." He stopped in his tracks when he noticed a light coming from his closet. "Not my closet." He ran over there. "What are you doing in here?"
"We were gonna get a blanket but this.." There were pictures of Adrianna and Joey on his walls, with Joey cut out of all of them leaving Adrianna.
"I sorta...kinda...have a crush on her." The two boys laughed.
"You're serious?"
"Yeah why?" There was a knock on the door. Justin ran from his closet and opened it to see Adrianna.
"I thought you were going to keep it down."
"We tried, I'm sorry." Nate and Eric walked out of the closet and when they saw her they went into fits of laughter once again.
"What is it?" She asked.
"Nothing, we'll really try this time, promise."
"Ok, but if you get any louder, I'm gonna go sleep on the couch."
"Alright." He closed the door and looked at his friends. "Let's just go to sleep, please." They all layed down and fell asleep.


"GUY! Get your butts out of bed! It's almost 10:00!" Lance yelled up the stairs.
"Yeah, well maybe you didn't stay up until 3:30 in the morning." Justin mumbled sitting up in bed. He rubbed the sleep out of his eyes, and climbed out of the bed almost stepping on his friends, who were on the floor. "Guys, I'll be right back." He went out of his room and to the bathroom to brush his teeth. He reached for the doorknob and opened the door but then quickly closed it when he noticed Adrianna was in there, naked.
He grinned, slyly, and opened the door a crack and getting lost in his mind.
"What are you doing?" Justin jumped backward, closing the door. He looked up at Joey. "What are you doing?" He repeated.
"I was just um...I..uh..was going to brush my teeth."
"Oh ok, I see." He narrowed his eyes before continuing down the hall to his room. He was just about ready to peek again when she walked out with a towel wrapped around her.
"Oh hi Justin." She started down the hall as Justin looked at her back side feeling very pleased about what he had just seen.
"Gotta write that in my journal."
