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"Lance! Lance!" Chris ran into his bedroom and jumped up on his bed. He started bouncing on Lance.
"What?" He asked, sleepily.
"The morning's here!" Chris sang gleefully.
"OK, OK, go wake up your brothers." Chris ran up the stairs and down the hall into the room he and his older brother, JC shared. He skipped over to his brother. He shook him.
"JC, JC." Chris stuck his hands on his hips. He looked down at his feet and saw one of his tennis shoes. He took a couple of steps away from the bed, wound up, and chucked the shoe right at JC's head.
"Ow!" JC sat straight up, as Chris ran out of the room. He once again ran down the hall to Justin's room. He scampered in, waving his arms all over the place, screaming at the top of his lungs. This did not wake Justin up, so he ran some more. This time though, he slipped in his footsie pajamas. Chris hit his head on the side of Justin's bed on his way down. He started to cry. He slowly climbed up onto Justin's bed and began to shake him.
"Justin, I broke my head." Justin still laid there, asleep. "Wake up if you care. Wake up! You do not care, Justin, you do not love me." He moved to the end of the bed and sat there.
Justin then woke up and saw the little Chris at the end of his bed.
"Heya buddy." He greeted.
"Don't talk to me."
"Why not, what did I do?"
"It's what you did not do. You didn't care when I bumped my head."
"I'm sorry, do you need a band aid or something?"
"I don't need a band aid, I need a kiss. Kiss it, make it better."
"Go get someone else to kiss it."
"Fine, be that way." He stomped out of his room and to Joey's room. Joey was already up and dressed. "I need a kiss."
"OK, come here." He walked over to him. He smiled up at him. "Where?" Chris pointed to the top of his head and Joey kissed it.
"All better!" He climbed up on his bed and got under the covers.
"What are you doing?"
"Chris go night night. Bye Bye."
"No you have to go get ready for school."
"I am ready. I wear my footsie pajamas."
"Come on let's go." Chris jumped off the bed and ran towards him. They walked down to his room. JC was still asleep. "Come here squirt." Joey lifted Chris up and walked towards JC's bed. He stood over him and dropped Chris on him.
"That was fun let's do it again!"
"Noo." JC groaned.
"Then get up."
"I am up."
"Get out of bed!"
"Yeah get out bed do what Joey say!"
"You get dressed." He pointed at Chris. Joey left and joined Lance at the table. He was reading the paper and sipping his coffee.
"Hey I need you to take Chris to school. I have to go into the shop early today."
"OK fine." Chris came bounding down the stairs.
"I'm ready! I even tied my own shoes." Joey looked down at his shoes and noticed that his shoe strings were untied.
"You did a really good job there, but you missed a step." He bent down and tied his shoes.
"Wow I missed a lot."
"You missed something else there." Lance observed the tag of his shirt sticking out of the front. Chris ran over to Lance's side of the table and he adjusted his shirt for him. "There ya go now you're all ready."
"I go and make Justin lunch." He ran into the kitchen and grabbed the loaf of bread off of the counter. He opened the refridgerator and pulled the jelly off of the shelf. He also got the peanut butter. He took out 2 slices of bread and opened the jelly. He stuck his hand in the jar and grabbed a handful of jelly. He splattered it on the first piece. He licked his fingers. Lance and Joey were oblivious to what he was doing. He then procedded to the peanut butter and did the same. He slammed the first piece of bread on top of the other and walked out to where Lance and Joey.
"I taste good." He licked his hand again. They looked over at him casually.
"What did you do?!" Lance screamed. He ran into the kitchen to see a mess of
peanut butter and jelly on the counter top.
"I made lunch!"
"You made a mess. Go clean him up, Joey."
"OK." He lead him to the bathroom. He knocked on the door.
"What!!!" Justin yelled through the bathroom door.
"Let us in!" Joey yelled back. Justin opened the door and stuck his head out into the hall.
"I'm doing my hair. Leave me alone." He returned back into the bathroom. Chris started knocking on the door.
"Don't touch that not with those hands." Joey pounded on the door. "If you don't open this door I'm gonna tell Lance." He stuck his head out the door again.
"Ohhh." Chris pushed his way into the bathroom. "Hey I was in here first!"
"We are just cleaning him up." Joey hoisted Chris onto the counter by the sink. He turned on the water and grabbed a towel and worked on his hands. He finished tidying Chris up and took him out into the hall.
"I'm ready to go!" He jumped around.
"Well ok let's go then."
"Wait a second I'm not ready! I got to get my crayons."
"Ok hurry up." He ran down the hall into his room. He looked all over under all of JC's clothes.
"JC have you seen my crayons?"
"Yeah they're in the closet." Chris ran into the closet and got his little stool and grabbed his crayons off the top shelf. He ran back out and met Joey in his car.
"Sorry I took so long. JC put my crayons on the top shelf again. I could not reach them."
"That's ok. Now buckle your seat belt." Chris put his seat belt on and left the house.
"Guys! I'm leaving!" They came running to meet Lance. "I don't want you to stay home again. You need to go to school today."
"I mean it! And if you guys miss anymore days of school severe action will be taken."
"Fine we'll go."
"OK I'll see you later bye."
"Bye." Justin went to turn on the tv.
"Aren't you going to school?"
"No, like Lance can actually know if I go to school or not."
"OK I'll stay too."
"No you have to go."
"That's not fair."
"I don't care if you stay home then Lance is going to think I talked you into it. Then I'll get in trouble."
"You said Lance wouldn't even know."
"Just get out of here." JC walked outside and started on his way to school alone.
