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"Watcha doing?" Nicole, JC's 6 year old sister skipped into his room.
"About what?"
"What kind of stuff?"
"What are you doing here?"
"I need help."
"Why don't you go ask Andrea?"
"Cause she's stupid, you're smart."
"OK this better be quick." She placed her worksheet on his desk and pointed to the problem. "4+6." He took her hand and spread out 4 fingers. "This is 4."
"I know that."
"OK you add 1." He flipped up her thumb and grabbed her other hand. "2." He flipped up another finger and so on after every number.
"Very good."
"I'm on the fast track through life. As Daddy says just like you."
"Yeah. Now get out of here. I'm trying to study."
"OK." She started to leave. "You are smart, no matter what Andi says."
"Well thank you. Will you please leave?"
"I'm going." She walked out the room and JC went back to his studying.
"I'm going to fail this test." He said as he looked at his book then at his clock. "11:43 I think I'll just rest my eyes for a little while." He laid his head down on all of his papers and slowly drifted off to sleep.
"Hey JC!" Andrea came barging into his room at 10:00 a.m. the next morning. JC popped his head up and looked around his room to see Andrea standing next to him. "Are you ready?"
"Ready for what?"
"Don't tell me you forgot Grampy's funeral."
"I did, give me like 5 minutes I'll be ready by then."
"OK." She walked out of his room. JC ran to his closet and got out his best black suit. His mother had it dry-cleaned for the event and he tore the plastic off of it. He was all dressed in under 2 minutes. He headed to the bathroom and started to work on his hair. He noticed one side of his hair was sticking up from the way he fell asleep and quickly put the comb to it.
"Gosh, stay down!" He yelled in frustration as the piece of hair just kept flipping up there.
JC and his family were walking out to their car when Dustin's car pulled up with Paige, and Amy in the back. Amy got out of the car and walked over to him.
"Hey, You wanna come we're going to hang out with Lance and Jenny?"
"No, I kinda have to go to my grampy's funeral he died on Thursday."
"Oh, sweetie I'm sorry."
"It's OK, I'll be alright, but how bout I meet you guys later."
"OK you let me know when you're ready and we'll tell ya where we are."
"Yeah bye."
"Bye." She gave him a quick kiss and ran off to Paige and Dustin.
They met up with Lance and Jenny at Charly's.
"So aren't we gonna call the others and let them know what's going on?" Jenny asked.
"No we can't socialize with them weren't you here last night." Paige was outraged.
"Why can't we hang out with them, just cause they stood us up is no reason to ditch them."
"I think it's a perfectly good reason to ditch them. They insulted me when they didn't show up."
"I think you're over reacting." Amy inputed.
"No I've decided that we, the six of us, including JC cannot hang out with those other five. Does anyone have a problem with that?"
"Well I..." Lance started.
"Good, I didn't think so." She looked at him. Lance rolled his eyes. "Dustin will you go get me a Pepsi please?"
"Huh?" He was off somewhere else. "Uh yeah." He got up and left.
"Isn't he sweet."
"Yeah, but he's not exactly the brightest bulb in the... the.."
"Bulb box?"
"Hey brains don't matter to me as long as it makes Justin jealous then it's ok in my book."
"Oh I see, a wonderful process we all should use when picking guys."
"Even me." Lance said.
"See, we don't need those others to have fun." Dustin walked back and gave Paige her drink.
"You owe me $3.50."
"You're making me pay?"
"Yeah it's your drink."
"But you're my boyfriend you're suppose to pay for me. It's a rule."
"Oh OK sure whatever you say." Just then five people walked through the door.
"Hey look it's the others." Kristen noticed pointing Paige's group over at a table.
"Kristen remember we're not suppose to hang out with them."
"Oh right." They continued to a table on the other side of Charly's.
"I'll be right back." Lance started to get up.
"Where do you think you're going?" Paige asked.
"I was just going to ask Chris something."
"I don't think so sit your butt down." Lance obediently sat back down. "All of sudden it got a little I don't know uncomfortable in here. Come on Dustin let's get out of here. You guys coming?"
"No I think we'll stay."
"Suit yourself." Her and Dustin walked out of the door and Amy, Jenny, and Lance walked over to the others.
"Hey guys."
"Hey you're ok we can talk to you."
"Oh good can we sit down?"
"Yeah." The three sat down in the booth.
"Does anyone else hate Paige?" Amy asked.
"Yeah." They all said at once.
"Why don't we all just ignore her."
"Let's do that."
"Yeah and as soon as she loses the attitude we'll have her back." They all agreed on that.
