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"Ahh this traffic is awful!" Paige got angry at the cars trying to get to the game.
"I know what's the big deal it's just a football game."
"Football is big here at West it's like all they got."
"That's sad."
"I don't even know what happened to Joey's car I think it got lost back there somewhere."
"It's OK we'll meet them up later."


"Guys I got an idea." Chris announced.
"What's that?" Haley asked.
"Why don't we skip the game and go somewhere else."
"Great idea I didn't even want to go to this stupid thing, that's why I said we had plans tonight, but it didn't work."
"So where do we want to go?" All four of them looked at each other before shouting in unision.
"Beef Steak Charley's!" Joey turned the car around and they were off.
The others had already gotten their seats and were looking out for their four friends.
"Maybe they are just parking their car."
"Yeah I'm sure that takes 15 minutes." Paige was pissed off.
"It could."
"I can't believe this the game is about to start and they just left. They are so gonna hear about this."
"Paige they aren't coming so just forget about it for now and concentrate on Dustin." Jenny pointed down to him, he was staring at her then he waved.
"I guess you're right he's not that bad to think about." She waved back.
"I'm so glad we decided to ditch them." Haley popped a fry into her mouth.
"I know I don't even like watching a high school football game when our team is playing, why would I want to drive halfway across town just to some guy that Paige claims to be her boyfriend play." Kristen complained.
"I never did like that Paige." Joey said out of the blue. "She is such a brat." The other three looked over at him as he took a bite out of his hamburger. "What?" He said with his mouthful.
"You don't like Paige?"
"No I don't, I mean she so, I don't know stuck up."
"He's right you know." Chris added.
"Hey she's my friend." Haley defended her.
"Haley, she's my friend too, but they're right." Kristen said.
"I know they are."
"Her daddy bought her a brand new car for her birthday and she still hasn't driven anywhere in it cause she gets Justin to chauffeur her around town." Chris observed.
"I should have said something earlier. So that way we could have stopped hanging out with her a long time ago."
"I don't know if I could stop hanging around with her."
"Come on Hal, we can start our own group."
"Yeah we are the best ones." Joey said.
"What about all the others?"
"I think Justin will join our group."
"And you know Lance and JC will stay with them cause they're whipped." Chris immatated a whip.
"What does that mean?" The girls wanted to know.
"It means that they do what ever their girls want, but you girls aren't like that at all."
"There they are!" The four looked over at the entrance to see Paige and their other 3 friends plus one football player. She stomped over to them.
"Hey Paige."
"Don't hey Paige me where were you?"
"We were here."
"All night?"
"Yeah pretty much. Why was there something else we were suppose to do?" Kristen asked innocently.
"Yeah what about the game?"
"Oh I'm so sorry Paige we just plum forgot." Joey said. "I mean I knew we were downtown for something but I just couldn't remember what."
"Yeah thanks for reminding us, it was killing us trying to think of what we forgot."
"You guys are mean." She looked at them. "Come on Dustin, let's go." She turned around and headed for the door. "Guys aren't you coming?"
Lance dropped his fry back on Joey's plate and turned around with Jenny and Amy. They left with Paige and Dustin.
"Man, they are such push-overs."
"I know she was like 'guys are you coming?'" Chris did a very nice high, squeaky voice. "Then they ran up to her like she was some kind of a God."
"We did a nice job of pissing her off."
"I know that was fun."
"Dustin is whipped too." Chris did his whip impression again and they cracked up laughing.
"Yah know what I don't understand it. How could she go out with that guy?" JC slammed his head on his desk.
"I don't know, but instead of talking about Paige let's try to talk about biochemistry." He said into the desk.
"Oh sure sorry buddy." He looked down at book in his hand. "Biochemistry, you know who had good chemistry?"
"Gee I wonder."
"Me and Paige! You know what I would love to stay and help you learn this crap, but I'm going down to Charley's."
"OK and thanks for helping me out." JC said sarcastically.
"Oh no prob. Bye." He grabbed his coat and left the room.
"Bye." JC walked over to his bed and picked up his book.
Justin swung the door opened to Charley's and stood there looking around and spotted Kristen and Haley at a table. He walked over to them.
"Hey, why aren't you out with Paige and Dustin?"
"Cause we hate Paige."
"Oh I like that." He sat down next to them. "So where are the guys?"
"Getting us something to drink."
"Oh so what happened tonight?"
"Nothing really, we just got stuck in traffic and decided to blow off the game and come here."
"Sounds fun, so did you meet Dustin?"
"Yeah when she came back here after the game to yell at us."
"He's got nothing on you."
"Here's your Diet Coke." Joey set a drink in front of Kristen.
"And your Cherry." Chris put one by Haley. They sat down next to Justin.
"What are you doing here?"
"It got really boring at JC's house, he wouldn't shut up about chemistry crap. I couldn't get a single word in."
"Hey Justin wanna join our group?"
"Our anti-Paige group."
"Sounds fun count me in. I'm hungry, I'm gonna go get a triple Charley burger."
"You're really hungry, nobody ever gets a triple Charley burger."
"I know it's like a heartattack in a bun."
"With a pickle." Justin left and went to the counter. He return with heartattack on his plate, in a bun, with a pickle. He took a heaping bite and greased oozed out the back.
"Guess what!" He said in between bites. "I'm the first one to ever order a triple Charley burger."
"Yeah so."
"I got a coupon!"
"For what?"
"Another triple Charley burger."
