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Friday rolled around quickly and before she knew it, it was time for Kristen's date with Chris. She was going to meet him at the movie theater along with Joey, Haley, Amy, and JC. She hoped tonight she would get him back. She walked in and quickly saw Amy and JC getting popcorn.
"Hey." She approached them.
"Hey, are you ready? Tonight is the night." Amy was excited.
"What's going on it's like you guys got some kinda plan going on?"
"We do. Tonight Kristen is going to get Joey back."
"How is going to the movies with Chris going to get him back?"
"He'll get jealous."
"Oh so Chris is the nerdy guy you talked about at the party."
"No we made him up you deserved it for listening in on our party."
"Yeah, but see the only one you freaked out was Joey and he wasn't even there except for the last five minutes."
"Hey it's ok though. He's not the type to mope around he's here tonight."
"Yeah I know." Kristen replied. Chris walked up to them.
"Hey let's go. I wanna get this over with."
"Excuse me?"
"Oh no offense to you Kristen you're a lovely lady it's just I feel bad ya know for Haley."
"No one forced you to come."
"I know, I just wanted to see a good flick."
"OK let's go then." They walked in and found a seat in front of Joey and Haley who had conviently sat in the back row.
"I can't believe them." Joey was angry.
"You know she's just trying to make you jealous right?"
"Of course I know that. She doesn't have to though if she would just tell me 'Joey I want you back' I would take her back in an instant."
"Then why didn't you in the car when she said that?"
"That was different the circumstances were totally different."
"Ok just keep telling youself that." JC and Amy walked in to and found a couple of seats somewhere far from the other 4. Then the movie started.
It was about a half an hour into it when Haley noticed something.
"Joey, you're not even watching the movie anymore. Are you spying on Kristen and Chris?"
"No I'm watching the real show down there." He pointed towards JC and Amy who were involved in an all out make out session. Haley giggled.
"They're really going at it."
"Yeah I've been watching now for about 10 mins. He hasn't even come up for air yet."
"Yeah it's funny but don't stare it's rude." She hit his arm and his gaze went back to the film.
Finally the movie ended and everyone walked out. Kristen started to worry. Joey still hasn't said anything to her.
"I wonder why she keeps looking over here?" Joey asked Haley.
"She's probably waiting for you to go over there."
"It ain't happening. She's going to have to come to me and then maybe I'll take her back."
"Oh I'm so sick of this." She took his hand and walked over to Kristen.
"What are you doing?"
"OK you both know you want to be back with each other why can't it just happen instead of all this fighting it's driving me crazy. Kristen apologize for dumping Joey."
"Only if he apologizes for being rude to me."
"Joey apologize. NOW!" She started to get mean.
"I'm sorry I was so mean to you."
"I'm sorry too I never should have dumped you and I should have trusted you."
"There now it's settled can we all go back to being happy?"
"Yes." They both agreed.
"OK good, Chris take me home."
"Sure." The two walked outside leaving Kristen and Joey.
"You need a ride?" He offered.
"No I brought my car."
"Oh. You want me to walk you to your car?"
"That would be nice." They walked out together and through the parking lot.
"So how have you been?" He started conversation.
"Good I guess considering I missed you a lot."
"I missed you too."
"So are we back together now?"
"Yeah I guess we are. If that's OK with you."
"It's perfect." They walked a little further down the lot and stopped in front of her car. "Here's my car."
"I know." They stood there a few moments longer. "Bye."
"Bye. I'll see you tomorrow."
"Yeah." He turned around and walked away. She waited until he had disappeared from her view and then went to her car. She started the engine up and left the lot.
The next day Amy, Paige, and Jenny went shopping at the mall.
"Guys we need to stop, I've already over charged my dad's credit card." Paige said as they sat down on the bench.
"I know I think I got to much stuff too."
"Well what do we have here?" They turned around and noticed three guys walking up to them.
"Oh great." Amy mumbled.
"Fancy meeting you here. Watcha doing?" JC asked.
"Just a day out for the girls?" Lance suggested.
"We're just shopping."
"Yeah what did ya get me?" Justin sat down next to Paige and took a bite of his ice cream.
"I got you something."
"What did you get me." He started to get excited. She reached into one of the bags.
"These." She pulled out a pair of socks.
"Bullwinkle socks?" He questioned.
"Well, I knew you had the Rocky's so I thought you could wear Rocky with Rocky, or you could wear Bullwinkle and Bullwinkle, or you could mix and match, moose and squirrel."
"Gee thanks. It's just what I've always wanted." He took them from her.
"So what's everyone doing tonight?"
"I don't know."
"I'm going to a football game." Paige announced.
"Why? Who's playing?"
"My boyfriend is playing. He goes to West High."
"No I don't." Justin answered.
"You're not my boyfriend. You just someone I happen to see every Friday night, who happens to be a friend, and happens to be a boy."
"Where did you ever get a crazy idea like that?"
"From you."
"You can't go."
"You guys wanna come?" She asked ignoring him.
"Sure." They answered.
"I can't go." They all looked over at JC. "I have to study for my Biochemistry test."
"That isn't til Monday just wait and study Sunday night."
"I can't study all in one night."
"OK so everyone else is coming?"
"I'm not going." Justin pouted.
"I don't need to go and watch, what's his face, run around."
"His name is Dustin."
"Still, I don't want to go see Dustin, I'll just help JC study."
"Yeah he's going to help me."
"Here I don't need your socks." He threw them in her bag and walked off. JC promptly followed him. Lance sat down next to Jenny on the bench.
"Sooo." He looked around and noticed Haley and Kristen. "There's Haley and Kristen."
"Good maybe they can come tonight." Paige said.
"Hey guys."
"Hi. What are you two doing tonight?"
"Nothing." Haley answered.
"Good then you have to come to Dustin's football game tonight."
"I can't." Kristen replied. "I already have plans."
"Plans? You can't have plans."
"Why is it so important that we all come tonight?"
"Cause I don't know anyone there except Dustin."
"Oh, anyways I'm going out tonight."
"Oh well, maybe Chris and Joey will go."
"Chris might I doubt Joey will." Kristen answered.
"Cause he has plans too."
"What could he poss..." Paige paused for a second. "Ohhhh, I see."
"Yeah. We have plans together."
"Well then you can come to the game together."
"Fine if it will make you happy we'll go."
"Yeah, so the only ones not going are JC and what's his name."
"See Lance I told you the only happy ones." Jenny whispered to him and he chuckled.
