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Lance walked up to Jenny's house and rang the doorbell. Jenny answered the door and didn't let Lance come in.
"Come on let's go!"
"OK you sure are excited."
"Of course. Come on let's go pick up JC and Amy." She ran to his car and got in.
"Why are you so happy?"
"I'm just so glad we got JC and Amy back together."
"Jenny, we didn't do anything they did it all by themselves."
"I like to think that we pushed them to make up."
"They made up before we got a chance to talk to them. I think we should make a new new school year resolution."
"Yeah we should. Oh I know!"
"We should get Kristen and Joey back together."
"I was thinking more like eat an orange at every lunch. Not all this putting everyone together."
"But everyone is falling apart. We have to do this we're the only truely happy couple."
"I know, but still I think they're really happy how they are."
"No they are not they're miserable and they need our help."
"Whatever, you can do this without me."
"No I need you, you have to talk to Joey."
"OK fine I'll help."
"I think JC and Amy should help too."
"No this our resolution you can't have everyone joining in on it." They pulled up to Amy's house and didn't have to get out of the car.
"Hey guys!"
"Hey Amy! What's your guy's new school year resolution?"
"I didn't have know we had to have."
"Yeah I'm going to put it in Paige's right of passage that every couple has to have one."
"We could eat an orange at every lunch." JC suggested.
"That's what I was saying!" Lance shouted.
"Orange? I don't know they're kinda hard to peel."
"OK you pick something."
"How bout pineapple?"
"Ewwwww. Pineapple gross." JC whined.
"OK, I know you like these, bananas."
"Oh yeah bananas!"
"OK so we'll have a banana at every single day at lunch."
"Good 2 down 3 to go."
"Wait am I missing something I thought it was just 1 to go?" Lance asked.
"Technically it's just none." JC corrected.
"Not before the night is over."
"Oh brother." Lance rolled his eyes.
The four of them walked into a very tacky decorated gym. They immediatly spotted their friends seperated into two groups. They walked over to where Chris, Haley, Joey, and some girl were standing.
"Hi guys!"
"I'm sorry I don't think I caught your name."
"That's cause I didn't throw it."
"Oh well I'm Jenny and you?"
"Kellie, Joey's date."
"Oh Lance can I talk to you for a second." Lance wasn't paying any attention drinking his punch. "Lance!"
"Oh yeah." They walked away from the group.
"Get rid of her."
"Get rid of Kellie. I don't care how, just do it. Is that clear?"
About a half an hour passed, and Lance still hadn't gotten rid of Kellie.
"Lance don't you think it's about time she left."
"OK, but I'll need your help, you need to distract Joey while I casually take her out of the gym."
"Wait, I have to go make sure I look good for her." He ran off to the bathroom. He walked up to a mirror and made sure his hair was combed perfectly. He was on his way out when he was met with a thud. He looked up to see the face of Big Vinnie, the school bully.
"Watch where you going Lancey."
"I'm sorry Vinnie. I didn't mean to." He stuttered out.
"Yeah well you step on my good shoes now you're gonna pay."
Lance walked out of the bathroom to meet Jenny.
"Oh my what happened to you?"
"Big Vinnie gave me a swirly." Jenny started to giggle.
"It's not funny."
"I know anyways come on let's go." They walked over to where Joey and Kellie were.
"Hi." Jenny greeted them. "Joey, may I have the pleasure of dancing this song with you."
"Sure." They left then Lance turned to Kellie.
"Hi there."
"Hi." She seemed annoyed.
"I was thinking now that Joey's gone you and me can go do something."
"What about that girl isn't she with you?"
"Jenny? Nah I know she wants to be, but I kinda had my eye on you."
"Really?" She asked intrigued.
"Um yeah so you wanna go somewhere get out of here."
"Sure." He took her hand and lead her out into the hall. Jenny watched the whole thing from her spot with Joey.
"Yes!" She whispered.
"What are you looking at?"
"Um nothing it's just, Justin just spilled his punch all over his shirt."
"And you're excited about that why?"
"Well, it's just a relief to see someone so perfect do something so stupid." She struggled to find a reply. Then she saw Lance come back into the gym without Kellie. "We better stop we don't want Lance to get jealous."
"You're right." The two walked back over to him.
"Enjoy your dance?"
"Lance where's my girl?"
"She left, she said she didn't like you anymore."
"Oh well watcha going to do."
"I don't know."
"I'll be back." Joey left them alone.
"OK now part two of our plan."
"You know what to do right?"
"Yep you go and get Kristen's keys and I follow you back to her house."
"Right and bring me back when we're done."
"OK go get em." Jenny walked over to Kristen.
"Hi. Can I borrow your car for a sec?"
"Why don't you just take Lance's?"
"Cause Amy and JC are in there ya know doing well, ya know."
"Yeah I do." She reached in her purse and pulled them out. "Bring it back I have to take Justin and Paige home."
"No problem." Jenny ran off to go get Lance.
After they returned Kristen's car back to her house. They went back to the dance. A couple of hours passed and then it was time to go home.
"Hey Jenny. I need my keys we want to go home."
"Ya know I thought I'd save you trip I already dropped it off at your house."
"You what?"
"It's ok we'll just get a ride with Chris and Haley." Paige solved her and Justin's problem.
"OK can I come too?"
"Sorry I can only fit four in my car." Chris answered.
"Oh." She looked to Jenny.
"Same here, not enough room."
"But you could always get a ride from Joey." Amy suggested.
"I rather walk."
"Oh come on you might as well. You guys could talk things out."
"Fine, but I hate everyone that was in on this."
"We know." The two cars drove off. Then Joey walked up to her.
"Everyone leave?"
"OK I'm going, bye."
"Wait! Could you give me a ride?"
"I guess so. Come on." They got into his car and left. They sat there in silence for a while before Kristen broke it.
"So nice date you had tonight how much did it cost ya?"
"Funny." He rolled his eyes.
"I would've thought you could have come up with a bigger bimbo than that." He pulled the car over.
"Ya know what? I'm sick of this. I tried to be polite to you. I did, I tried to make it pleasant for all the others. You know how uncomfortable they must be, all this fighting. But all you can ever say to me is a smug comment here or a rude little joke there. Ya know you're the one who ended things."
"Yeah cause I was mad at you, not cause I stopped loving you." Joey sat there silent for a few seconds. He went to start the car, but it wouldn't.
"Great we ran out of gas. I think I saw a gas station a few blocks back I'll go walk there." He got out of the car and took off his jacket. "Here in case you get cold." He threw it at her and left. About an hour went by and still no signs of Joey. Kristen started to worry. She also did a lot of thinking.
"I was right, I know what I saw and it was his fault." She looked out the window. "Great now I'm talking to myself." The windows of the car had all fogged up and she could see outside. She was just sitting there when Joey got back in the car. He started the car up and went back to driving her home. They sat there moments longer in the still of the car.
"It wasn't my fault."
"What do you mean it wasn't your fault?"
"It wasn't my fault we broke up it was yours."
"How was it mine?"
"2 weeks ago I saw you with another girl."
"I don't know some restaurant."
"2 weeks ago?"
"Yeah." Joey started laughing. "I don't see how you cheating on me is funny."
"That wasn't another girl that was my cousin Jamie."
"Your cousin?"
"Yeah my cousin."
"I feel so stupid."
"Well you should. You should've told me you thought it was someone else."
"I guess I should have." They both found this really funny now. "I'm sorry."
"It's OK it's not my problem." They pulled up to her house. "It's your problem cause now you don't have me and for a stupid reason too."
"So you're not even going to give me another chance?"
"Why should I? You dumped me."
"Oh so a girl makes a mistake and now you're throwing it back in her face." She got out of the car threw his jacket back at him and slammed the door.
