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"Amy sweetie, you're taking your own car this morning? Isn't JC picking you up?"
"No mother I'm not talking to him."
"Oh you had a fight what about?"
"The right of passage."
"Then it's your fault you need to apologize."
"Me? He's the one who is going to mak..."
"What is it?"
"I gotta go apologize to JC."
"Bye bye. Have a good day." She ran out to her car and sped off to school.
"JC, I need to talk to you." She ran over to where everyone was.
"OK." He followed her over by a tree.
"JC, I've been doing a lot of thinking and it was wrong of me to make you break the right of passage and if you want to be rude to Kristen, then by all means, go ahead. In fact, be extra rude to her."
"You're serious, right?"
"Yes I am."
"Great! So now you're not mad at me anymore?"
"No, are you mad at me?"
"Course not."
"So what time are you picking me up Friday?"
"I thought we'd car pool with Lance and Jenny. I already asked for a ride from them anyway."
"You know what, guys? I asked my brothers about this right of passage and there are like 20 laws in this thing. It's not just the one."
"Yeah we know. We're guys, remember."
"Is there like a book or something?"
"No, it's just something you learn. It gets passed down from generation to generation."
"Well, I'm gonna start one for the girls."
"You can't do that." JC said.
"What are you gonna call it? The left of passage?"
"No, they're gonna call it the wrong of passage." JC corrected.
"Yeah, cuz they're wrong all the time and we're right."
"I'll just call it the right of passage."
"That's stealing."
"I don't think you were the ones to first come up with the right of passage. You must of stole it from someone."
"You call it whatever, but it won't be as good as ours."
"A funny thing happened yesterday. I talked to Chris."
"You did? Gee, what did he say?"
"Well, ya know, the usual, hi, how's it going, Haley never asked me."
"Well, he must of just not have been paying attention."
"I don't think you're paying attention. You lied to me."
"I didn't mean to."
"Do you really wanna go with me that bad?"
"Well, no..."
"Thank you."
"I just, I knew you'd get mad at me if you knew I didn't ask, so I lied to you and I'm sorry."
"Okay, but I'm not going with you now."
"But then I won't be able to go."
"Sure you will. Just ask Chris."
"Well, he'll say no."
"No he won't. He told me he'd say yes."
"Hey guys..." Lance interrupted.
"When did you get here?"
"We've been here the whole time."
"So now who you gonn..." Lance covered Jenny's mouth before she could ask.
"You don't ask someone that."
"I was just gonna ask who he's going to the dance with now."
"I know you don't ask someone that."
"It's ok I'm just not gonna go."
"You have to go it'll be fun with you there."
"For who? I won't be having any fun."
"What if I got you date?"
"I know exactly who it would be too, and I'm not going with her."
"What makes you think I would have picked Kristen."
"Cause I know you. Can't we just drop it?"
"We'll drop it, if you go."
"That's blackmail."
"I know, and you said you knew me."
"Fine I'll go."
Amy and Chris were walking to lunch together.
"So you're going to be mean to Kristen too?"
"Yeah it's sounds like fun."
"You can't do that."
"Why not?"
"You're not a guy. You just can't do that."
"So I have to be nice to her?"
"Yes and if you think about it there's really no reason to be mad at her. So she told you to shut up, at least someone finally did." Amy looked at him. "I mean..."
"I know what you meant, and you're right."
"I knew I was." They both sat down with Kristen.
"Oh so you guys are sitting with me I thought you were mad at me."
"I'm not I'm sorry I got mad at you yesterday. Man, I've been apologizing a lot lately."
"It's ok I'm sorry too."
"Awww isn't this nice everyone getting along."
"Anyways, now that we're friends we need to get you a date for the dance."
"I don't think I want to go."
"Why not?"
"Cause I won't be able to hang out with you guys cause Joey will be there and it would just be too uncomfortable."
"For who? Not for you. It'll be uncomfortable for him. Plus we can get you fancied up you'll make him so jealous. Besides it's going to be fun."
"Well ok I guess I can go."
