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JC drove into the parking lot with his girlfriend at his side and his friends close on his tail.
"Back again at good old Central High. Oh I love my life."
"O come on, Amy, its not that bad."
"I can't believe the summer is already over. And we're back here."
"The summer sure was great." He reminisced about the summer they shared together.
"Hey JC!" A voice yelled snapping him out of his sweet memories.
"What do you want Justin?"
"I just wanted to welcome you back to another year of torture. Ain't it grand?"
"You bet."
"But this year it's different we're seniors we rule the school." Paige tried to lighten the mood.
"Well, there is that, but that's just not enough these days." Amy and JC got out of his car and started walking up to the school with Justin and Paige.
"Hey guys wait up!" Jenny came running up to them.
"Hey Jenny. Where's Lance?"
"I don't know? Did you guys hear what happened last night?"
"No what?" Everyone knew that Jenny was the school's gossip but they always loved to hear her latest dish.
"Well, I heard it from a friend, who heard it from a very reliable source that Kristen broke things off with Joey."
"Are you kidding?"
"Hey, that's what I heard."
"No, it can't be they were so cute together."
"Well, I could be wrong."
"Why don't we just ask him ourselves he's right over there."
Joey was talking with Chris, Haley, and Lance.
"Hi guys."
"So Joey, where's Kristen?" Paige brought up the subject.
"Like I would know." He answered a little rudely.
"So it is true you two did break up."
"Oh so I bet you are already spreading it all around the school huh?" He asked Jenny.
"It's what I do it's my job. Besides someone has to let the other girls know that you 'Mr. I'm dating Kristen for two years' is now available."
"I would prefer you not to tell but like I'm going to stop you."
"Wait if you two broke up does this mean we can't be friends with her anymore?" Amy joined the conversation.
"I'd like to stay friends with her, but I don't know if I can."
"Sure you can." Haley encouraged
"Guys I'd love to stay and chat, but we gotta get to class."
"JC's right can't be late on the first day." Lance and Jenny went their separate ways. So did Joey, Chris, and Haley. The other four left as well.
"One good thing about being seniors is all the cupcake classes you get to take. Let me see your schedule JC?" Paige asked as they sat down at their desks in Psychology. He handed her the blue slip of paper and she scanned it over. "Well, maybe I'm taking cupcake classes. JC what is all this crap? Applied Physiology, Biochemistry, Anthropology."
"Well, my dad really wants me to get into Yale ya know like he did and well I'm taking a few hard classes."
"A few?"
"I know it's kinda a strain but I gotta do it for my dad. It's what he expects. It's hard living up to his expectations."
"I understand."
"Good morning class! For those of you who think this is a 'cupcake' class I shall let you know right now it's not! My name is Mr. Snodgrass, yes it is weird but there shall be no making fun of it." He paced back and forth at the front of the room. "There will also be no talking, laughing, or note passing of any kind. Is that understood? You will only use loose leaf notebook paper I will hear no tearing of spirals while in this classroom. And finally..." He walked back to Paige who was sitting twirling her hair and chomping on her gum. "Gum chewing is prohibited. Is that clear?" She immediately swallowed her gum. He turned around and once again began lecturing. She looked over at JC with worried eyes.
"So tell me all the details."
"There's really nothing to tell Hal, She just said I think it's time we moved on in our lives and saw different people." Haley and Joey were best friends always there for each other.
"I'm sorry."
"It's OK I'll be all right we only went out for two years."
"Hey ask me how everything is going with Chris and me."
"How's everything going with Chris and you?"
"Awful, why can't he get a hint that I like him?"
"I don't know maybe he's just stupid."
"Well, we all know he's stupid, but I don't understand it I want to be subtle yet I want him to notice me."
"I'm sure he's noticed you, but maybe he just doesn't think of you as more than a friend."
"He may not, but mark my word I will have that boy before the end of the year."
