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They reappeared in the park. They were sitting up in a tree looking down on a very cute couple.
"Bekah why did you take me here?"
"Cause I'm the ghost of JC's past."
"A ghost?"
"Ghost is too spooky, we'll use spirit."
"Ok so why are we here?"
"I'm suppose to show you a time where you were happier in your life. Don't ya remember this time?"
"Am I suppose to?"
"It's us!" She hit him lightly on the arm.
"I knew that."
"Shhhs I'm trying to relive the moment."
"Oh." They listened carefully as the words of the discussion came flooded back into their memory.
"Don't you wanna spend the rest of your life like this?" Bekah started.
"It feels so right, ya know? Us, being here together."
"I swear I would die if you ever left me." JC said.
"You could live, you're strong."
"But you're a part of my life and I can't live without you."
"Yes you can, I know you."
"JC," Bekah broke his concentration. "It's time to go somewhere else."
"Can't we stay a little longer."
"JC, come on." She once agian held out her hand and he once again took it.
They were transported onto the guys' bus.
"Now I understood the part with you and me, but I don't get why we are on our bus."
"Try to pay attention if you kill yourself then you'll miss all these great times with the guys."
"Oh I see."
"So you know what? They can't see us so we can do stuff to them."
"I don't know if I wanna do that."
"JC, it's a once and a lifetime chance to be a spirit so have fun with it."
"Well where are they, they are not here."
"We're early just be patient." They both floated down to sit on the seating area. Just as the guys came running on the bus.

"Man I'm tired." Justin said as he plopped down on JC's spirit. His spirit being the funny guy it is moved his head forward and back through Justin's. "Guys I feel all dizzy."
"Well you need your sleep." "JC stop it." Bekah said to him.
"You said have fun."
"Well don't make them sick. Go elevate something."
"I don't want to sleep."
"You just said you were tired."
"I'm not anymore."
"This is so stupid just go to sleep Justin." Both JCs said at the same time.
"Wow JC freaky. You know yourself to well." Bekah observed.
"I wanna get out of here."
"Ok let's go then."
