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"Bekah where ya go?" Joey looked all around the room. The lights were out and JC was peacefully sleeping in his bed. He got up and walked into the bathroom. He loaded his toothbrush with toothpaste and brushed his teeth. He was swishing his mouthwash around his mouth when he was startled.
"How ya doing?" Joey spit all his mouthwash on the mirror.
"You scared me."
"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to." She was fidgeting around with all the toothcare stuff.
"What are you doing here?" He grabbed a towel and cleaned up his mess.
"I wanted to make sure you got back all right and kiss JC goodnight."
"Oh." He continued to clean.
"You're spooked out aren't ya?"
"Yeah ya are. I warned you."
"I know."
"So you're not mad at me?"
"No I asked to see it." He walked out and went to lie in his bed. He got under the covers and closed his eyes.
"Hey Joey." He opened his eyes to see Bekah lying next to him.
"What do you want?"
"I'm bored I have nothing to do."
"Oh well I have a lot of stuff to do tomorrow and I need my sleep so if you don't mind."
"Leaving? I do mind I'm not going to leave."
"Well could you at least be quiet."
"Ok fine." She rolled over on her side.
"Watcha doin'?"
"I'm going to sleep."
"Not in my bed."
"Yeah this way I can comfort you if you have a bad dream."
"Ok fine." He rolled over on his side too and drifted off to sleep.


"Man nothing good in tonight's trash. I'll guess I won't eat tonight." He dug further in the trash. He turned around and noticed his little stray cat over by the box.
"How you doing tonight JC? Probably better than me you can get scraps at the bakery."
"JC come back." The disillusioned Joey yelled chasing after his precious cat. Without even looking he shot into the street going for his cat and out of no where a car knocked him out.
"Ahh!" Joey screamed as he jumped up in his bed. He woke Bekah and JC up. JC turned on the lamp next to his bed.
"What's wrong?" He asked rubbing his eyes.
"I had a bad dream."
"Ahh was it about the future?" Bekah tried to comfort him. He nodded. "I knew I shouldn't have shown him that."
"What's going on in here!" Justin screamed from the doorway.
"Joey had a bad dream."
"Oh is that all?"
"That's just like you, you don't care."
"I could be a dieing homeless man and you wouldn't care."
"Joey shut up."
"No Bekah I will not shut up I'm mad at Justin he didn't care that I died."
"I have no clue what you're talking about but I think you're crazy."
"I'm not crazy! At least Lance tried to save me and even though Chris hit me with his car he still took me to the hopital. You you didn't even care!"
"Joey I think you need to sit down." JC got up and walked over to him and eased him down into a chair.
"You take care of him I don't want to deal with it."
"You never want to deal with it." JC murmured out of Justin's range as the three went back to their rooms.
"Joey calm down it's all right." Bekah tried to sooth him by rubbing his arm.
"What did you show him?!"
"Just his future."
"What did ya do that for?!" Bekah never liked it when JC yelled at her.
"He asked."
"But you knew what was going to happen you knew it would freak him out but you still went ahead and showed him. How smart are you!?"
"I don't need to take this from you I did the right thing I know I did. He wanted to see it so I showed him."
"For once I disagree with you Rebekah." He hardly ever called her Rebekah, only when he was mad at her.
"Fine I'm leaving I don't need to stay here." She turned around and walked to the balcony. "Good luck with him." She then disappeared into the clouds.
JC sat down on his bed. He buried his head in his hands and began to cry. Joey looked over at him.
"Don't be mad at her it's my fault."
"I'm not mad at her." He paused and looked up at him. "I'm mad at myself."


"Bekah, Bekah, Bekah we have got to work on your people skills." Raymond, her angel boss, scolded her.
"Ray I know I messed up."
"How many times do I have to tell you? When you're a guardian angel you..."
"Have no temper. I know, I know, I know it's just he pisses me off sometimes."
"Bekah I've been thinking about giving you another assignment."
"No Raymond you can't do that I need this one."
"Bekah you seem to be so attached. I think I'm going to put Charlie on this one."
"No give me one more chance. I promise no more temper."
"I swear Bekah..."
"Ah ah ah no swearing in Heaven."
"You got me." She smiled up at him. "Now go make him happy."
"Will do."
Bekah floated back down to their hotel room they were all peaceful again. She flew over to JC's bed and lied down next to him. She took his hand in hers and quickly fell asleep.
*Beep, Beep, Beep*
JC reached over with his arm to shut the alarm clock off. He lied back down then noticed another sleeping figure by his side. He saw her long brown hair and knew exactly who it was. He shook her gently and tried to wake her up.
"Bekah, Bekah." He whispered. She rolled over and squinted her eyes and the light. "Bekah it's time to get up." She yawned slightly and looked up at JC.
"I'm sorry about last night. You were right I never should have shown him."
"No you were right he deserved to know."
"Well whoever right it doesn't matter." She snapped her fingers and was standing at the end of the bed. "You need to get ready for the day mister." She threw his clothes at him and hit him in the face.
"Ok but get sleeping beauty up over there." He pointed towards Joey.
"Yes sir." JC got up and headed towards the bathroom. "Joey get up!"
"Get up!"
"It's time to get up!"
"I'm up." He sat up. Bekah went into the bathroom to help JC. Then he fell back on his bed and went back to sleep.
"Hi there." Bekah stood in the doorway.
"I came to help you."
"With what?"
"Your teeth I wanted to brush them."
"Can I get the toothbrush ready for you."
"Sure." She snatched the toothbrush out of his hand and held it under the faucet.
"No, no no you do not put water on it."
"You don't put water on it. Oh that's right I remember you're different."
"I'm not different you're different."
"Very good JC one of your finer comebacks."
"Shut up. Just don't put water on my toothbrush."
"Oh you mean like this." She drenched it with water.
"No you ruined it now."
"Oh shut up." She flicked some water on his face.
"Now you're asking for it!" He took a cup of water and dumped it over her head.
"That was cold, but not as cold as this." She shoved him into the shower and turned it on as cold as it would go.
"AHHHHHHH!" He screamed which sent everyone into the bathroom.
"What ya doing?"
"I'm just taking a shower."
"In your clothes?"
"Yeah it helps you circulate your blood to your feet." He stummbled through his answer.
"Really? Maybe I should try that." Chris replied leaving the scene. The other were satisfied and left. Joey walked in and help Bekah dry off.
"Joey I'm wet too. Why don't you help me?"
"Cause." He took a towel and wiped Bekah's wet face off.
"Fine I don't want your help anyways!" He dried himself off furiously and stomp out the room.
"What's his problem?"
"I don't know." He had completely dried her off and they joined JC out in the room.
"What are you guys doing today?"
"I don't exactly know. Why?"
"No reason I just wanted to know if I should hang around here then."
"Whatever you want to do we don't care."
"Ok fine I guess I"ll meet you up in Seattle then."
"Yep see ya tomorrow."
