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JC lied in his bed staring up at the ceiling. His head throbbing in pain. It had only been two days since the accident but he could still feel the aftermath's of that momentous night. Every sound, every screech flooded back into his memory. He couldn't sleep the reasons were twofold. One being of this massive cut or scar that lay on the back of his head he couldn't move without feeling at least an ounce of pain. Two being her. Why her? Was all he ever thought since she was so thoughtlessly taken away from him. Why not him? The scenes and events ran through his head he replayed every step, every move, every misfortune. He glanced over at Joey peacefully sleeping, like always. How he envied him, for he too wanted that unbothered rest, but the fact of the matter is he hasn't sleep like that since then. He knew he probably should, but he just couldn't do it. He looked over at the clock 1:28, it was late there was no point in sleep now it would only bring him down. He threw the covers off and pulled on his jeans. He walked towards the balcony door and opened it slowly as not to disturb Joey.

The cool November breeze stung lightly on his already tear stained cheeks. He leaned out against the railing and looked up at the starry sky of ebony. Why? There was that question that so haunted him for the past two days. For he didn't know the answer, no one did. Everyone would try to conjure up their own explanation, but nothing seemed to fit the question. They tried, but how could they possibly help they didn't know how it felt, they didn't know what it was like, they didn't know anything. Any advice anyone offered would be pointless or meaningless at this point. Anything that anyone could say or do was already too late. There was no hope for him how could he possibly move on. It would be hard, he knew this, but he'd have to try. He would try, how much is beyond me I wouldn't have a clue, but that wouldn't matter now. He was observing his surroundings quite solemnly until he was interrupted by a familiar voice.

"JC?" He turned around and saw a face he had come to know all to well.

"Joey? Sorry did I wake you?" The man got out of bed and approached his friend on the balcony.

"JC, I think you better come inside get your mind off of her."

"I can't every minute there she is in my head I can't seem to get her out."

"Why don't we do something to get your mind off of her?"

"Like what?''

"We could... I don't know, play a game."

"Could we play crazy 8's?" Joey nodded knowing that it was his favorite game and just may get him to stop thinking about her.

He turned on the lamp and got a deck of cards. They sat at the table as Joey dealed the cards to him and JC. He rubbed his eyes to get the sleep out and then they proceeded to play.

"So who's winning?" Joey asked, an hour later.

"I don't know, we're still on our first game."

"Oh." He said yawning. "I'm going to get something to drink. Want anything?"

He shook his head no. Joey turned around and headed for the kitchen. He took a glass from off the countertop and opened a can of Pepsi. He poured the contents of the can into his glass. Then grabbed 5 packets of sugar and tore them open. He dumped them into his glass as well. He stirred the concoction with a spoon and took a big drink.

"That's strong. Now I should stay awake." He walked out to join JC at the table once again, only to find him asleep.

"Well at least he's asleep." He put his glass down on the table and bent down to pick him up. He very carefully lifted him out of his chair as not to wake him up. He walked over to JC's bed and gently put him on his bed and brought the covers to his chin.

JC was sound asleep until his eyes popped wide open and he shot straight up out of his bed. He stumbled onto the floor and slowly regained himself. He dragged himself to the bathroom. He ran some cold water and let it drizzle through his hands. With his hands drenched he rubbed it all over his face before staggering back to his bed. "I'm sorry I'm keeping you up."

"Nah, it's ok I understand."

"No you don't! How could you understand? You and the rest of them too they don't know I how feel! You don't know what it's like!"

"You're right I don't know what it's like. But I do know that we have been nothing but nice, sympathetic, compassionate and all you have been towards us is mean, rude, and bitter."

JC just looked at Joey. He had nothing to say to him. He turned around and walked out the door. As soon as he reached the hall he looked down at his feet.

" Man I forgot my shoes I can't go back in there. I'll just sit in the hall." He walked over to the wall and sat down. He rested his head on his knees with his arms wrapped around his legs. He was sitting there peacefully for a couple of minutes til he heard a door jerk open. He looked up to see Joey running out of their hotel room then immediately put it back down on his knees. He passed JC on the floor before he paused and turned around.

"What are you doing out here?"

"I forgot my shoes." He didn't take his head from it's resting place on his knees.

"I'm sorry about what I said. I was wrong."

"No it's ok I shouldn't have gotten so mad. I know you guys are just trying to help."

"Why don't you come back inside and get some sleep."

"I can't sleep."


"I killed her."
