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Now -or- Never

Last Updated: 1.27.2003

Note from the Editor: 11.06.02

Why does this webpage exist?

  • This page exists becuz I've been a Backstreet Boy/Nick Carter fan since I was 12 years old... 12.12.2001... I met Nick at a club here in Tampa called "Pop City".. now if u have viewed my older version of this site.. It goes into greater detail but.. Im jus gonna summarize! March 2002: I befriended Mike Self (Nick's bodieguard).. -n- da rest of his boys here in Tampa.. -n- ever since I've kept in close touch w/ them all. So all of the information provided on the following pages.. is approved by da boys (aka his friends).. trust me they let me know if something is wrong.. or.. give me info sometimes... or tell me in all honesty to take things down if its not appropriate.. So thanks to da guys for helping me out a bit! U can locate da original site I created titled "Backstreet's Nick Carter Arrested At Pop City" by clicking HERE.
  • Secondly.. Imma Communications major at da University of Tampa and I'm reallie not sure wha direction I want to take w/ it.. Right now I'm looking into an internship possiblie at 933 FLZ...possiblie an internship at Disney World dis summer in Orlando... But I do know I want to work w/ Entertainment for a living!!

Nick at Ybor City's Guavaween 2002 -n- 933 FLZ!

To find out about da editor (ME!) please click the link above... or please visit me by going to:

Note from the Editor: 12.08.2002

  • Wassup everyone?!?!? Mah friend Ana in Spain wanted me to help advertise a petition she wanted to put out.. She wants Nick to do more than one concert when he comes to Spain.. so if ne of u European fans.. esp in Spain want to help bring about dis petition.. Please sign it!! :)
  • I hope it helps u out Ana -n- I also signed it!! :)

Note from the Editor: 1.27.2003

  • Wassup everyone!!! Rumor has it dat Nick will be playing da drums at his boy Tony Bass's concert on Valentines Day here in Tampa.. for more information please click: here

  • Check out mah new 2 Deep website.. 2 Deep consists of Nick Carters friend Tony Bass n his new addition, Cuba.. these guys.. r totallie awesome..i've been fortunate to know these boys first hand -n- 2 have heard their music.. n lemme jus tell u..even though these guys r mah boys.. im definitelie hooked on their music CHECK IT OUT!!!

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