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Don't Bring Us Down!

Chapter 4

In July of 1999, Izz and I hung out one day and he mentioned that HP was thinking about getting a second guitarist, because they thought it would beef up the sound more. I thought it was a cool idea and I was even shocked when he asked if I was interested in playing. Because of the fact that I was going to work with Adam on a band project and I was worried that joining the band that he once played in would jeopardize our friendship, I declined. I probably shouldn't have, but I did. High Pointe still continued on as the Fearsome Four. The next show, and in my opinion one of the greatest shows, was the July 27th with Luckie Strike, Bedford, Butcher Boy and High Pointe. It was a small show, but we all had a really good time. There were a few more shows that were fun and the band continued on. I designed the Crimson Ghost flyer for the December 17th show of 1999. It was High Pointe, Butcher Boy, Better Dead Than Red, and Stereotyped. That was a fun show. They had some pretty good pictures taken from that one too, the stage lights made 'em look all rockstar, it was great. In November of 1999, Nick once again said that he thinks that HP could use a second guitarist. Then there was some talk about changing the lineup with two guitarists, and Dan (bass) switching places with Derek (vox). I was then going to join the band under the change, but then they decided to just keep High Pointe the way it was. So I thought they did fine on their own, and I didn't join the band. A few shows went in December and they didn't go to well. After a string of bad shows, things were starting to fall apart. There was a really awesome Greenville show that got moved to a bar down the street that suprisingly was a really good show, but you could tell that Derek and Nick had, had enough. Little did I know, that this was infact the second to the last HP show. I remember telling Nick "good show" when he was packing up his amp and he said "I'm glad you had fun, because, I think this is the last HP show". I then went to go get some gatorade at the gas station down the street and talked to Adam about it. The news saddened both of us. We had alot of fun with those guys and now the band was just going away. They had one more show about a week later at the same place, that I didn't attend. But I heard it wasn't a very good one and everyone was pissed. Then in mid February 2000, it was over. Derek tells us all that he's moving. I hung out with him for the last week he was here. Derek then moved. So did Adam, Matt and John Nintendo. The crew was gone and so was High Pointe.

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