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The Story of High Pointe

Chapter 1

It all started back in 1998 when through the ashes of their former band Nick, the guitarist and Derek the singer were ready to start a new band. With their two friends, and both drummers, Israel and Adam they got together with a totally new approach at the music that they play to an oldschool hardcore type sound. The band got together and wrote a few songs, the first of which was "What Went Wrong" which is still today a song they play in their set. Looking for a name many ideas came up, but nothing really stuck. Until finally they passed by a housing center called "High Pointe" and they used that and it kinda stuck with the band. So with Derek on Vox, Nick on Guitar, Izzy on Drums and Adam on bass the band was set. They practiced for months before their first show at the Climbing Place, a local area in town that hosted hardcore and punk shows at that time. I remember I attended that show and I saw other bands and then High Pointe came on. I remember being in the crowd and knowing about them. I didn't know it was their first show though. I remember Derek saying that he had forgotten the words and he had been gone for a while and just got back that day to play the show. They seemed a bit nervous but under control. Aside from Derek not singing, they did alright. I liked the music, but there were no words. I also remember looking around and my friend Richard pointed out to me that one guy had a kick ass Racer X tattoo on his calf. I later on found out that, that guy was Derek's Brother Dan. Who had just come down from Kansas to see the show.

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