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The Confederation of Democratic Worlds

AKA: CDW, or the Confederation


The CDW is a loosely knit Confederacy of 10 planets in 7 star systems and is currently involved in a rebellion from the larger: Federation of Democratic Worlds. The rebellion was sparked by debate over the rights of man-made-sentient or semi-sentient machines (TFPs, etc...). 

These 10 planets: Dixie, Pixie, Nixie (commonly known as the 3 sisters), Argo, Rodel, Canann, Sumpter, Tyme, Helmuth, and Moor’s Planet; all seceded from the FDW when the Supreme Court, under pressure from the Planet Union, declared Robots, Automatons, and AI Computers to have the same rights as other sentient beings. This ploy was intended to get the 4 worlds known as the Robotics--home to an entirely mechanized race of androids--to join the Federation, thus adding their considerable wealth and industry to the organization. 

The worlds of the Confederation are lightly populated, and most agricultural and industrial work is performed by sentient (or semi-sentient) robots and computers. For this reason, the Declaration of the Court was deemed a direct assault upon the private property rights and economic survival of these worlds. 

Civil War has broken out, as Secession from the Federation has been deemed Unconstitutional, and Federal Forces have attempted to occupy Confederate Territory. 

The Dixian Navy, long known for its military prowess in the wars of the Democratic Federation, has defeated attempts by Federal Fleets to occupy Moors Planet and Sumpter. A cease fire has been declared, but is not expected to last. 


CoLC Index


Q-dex / Technology / Magic
Size / The 10 Worlds / Population / Climate & Geography / Flora & Fauna
History / Government / Foreign Policy / Domestic Policy
Society / Languages / Religions / Castes / Economy
Military / Sports & Leisure / Major Population Centers / Chronic Problems
Submission Information


T 776.8325/335.753X M 224.2513/223.21


The Confederation of Democratic Worlds is highly advanced, technologically. In particular, their advances in the AI and Robotics Fileds are widely acclaimed throughout the sector, additionaly, Worker Robots and Androids have always been a large part of their exports.. 

The Three Sisters (Dixie, Pixie, and Nixie) are especially noted for the quality of their Spacecraft, producing suburb, interplanetary, and interstellar models for both military and civilian use. Rampart Interstellar is one of the leading manufacturers of Fighter spacecraft and aircraft. The Rampart 361 “Spacehawk” and the Rampart 451 “Raptor” fighters make up a large proportion of Spacecraft Carrier Airwings in both the Federal and Confederate Navies. The MIRC Corporation of Dixie has perfected smart missiles for the Navy with micro-components which enable the weapons to achieve interstellar flight for short periods in pursuit of targets. 

Advances in biotechnology have led to the development of many species of disease resistant crops. This has in turn been a great boon to local agriculture, as the AAY (Annual Average Yield) of farm acreage continues to rise on the plantations of the Confederacy. Biotechnology has also revolutionized the Pharmacology Industry. For instance, great strides have been made in the treatment of diseases. 

Experiments which focus on the development of drugs which enhance psionic ability and increase resistance to magic are currently being carried out by the Frost Corporation on Tyme. The drugs are said to promise great changes in the way the Confederation deals with magic and those who use it, so far though, there have been only reports of extreme side effects as a result of prolonged contact with and use of the drugs. 


Magic is not very pervasive throughout the Confederacy. There are a few who dabble in such things, but most are members of cultic or charismatic religious groups. Explorers have had contact with societies where Magic plays a major role and this is part of the reason for the experiments at Frost to come up with drugs to make humans or argonians more resistant to magic. Experiments have been hampered by severe side effects for those exposed to the drug for more than a short time period.


The Confederation of Democratic Worlds consists of 10 worlds in 7 star systems. Dixie, Pixie, and Nixie inhabit the same star system and so do Tyme and Helmuth. Argo, Sumpter, Cannaan, Rodel, and Moors Planet orbit separate systems. 

Argo, the only member with a non human population, was once an empire spanning 11 star systems. Following her defeat by Federal Forces in the Argon War, her territory was reduced to her mother planet, and her government was changed from an Absolute Monarchy to a Parliamentary Monarchy. 


The Confederacy consists of 18.5 billion sentient beings divided into 11.7 billion humans and 6.8 billion Argons

Climate and Geography:

The 10 Worlds

The Three Sisters: Dixie / Nixie / Pixie 

Tyme / Helmuth / Moors Planet / Rodel / Cannan / Sumpter / Argo 


Standard Class M planet: 66% of planet covered by salt water seas. There are four major continents and several island chains and archipelagoes which represent the majority of the planetary land mass. 

The climate is very temperate in the northern hemisphere and is rather hot and muggy towards equatorial regions. Most areas are grasslands and savanna with plantations, farms, and villas dotting the landscape alongside smaller villages. But some belts of rain forest exist on the equator and a large mountain chain divides the main continent of Sophusland from north to south with some peaks reaching 5000 meters in elevation. There is also a great desert in the interior of the southern hemisphere on the continent of Richtophen; which spans several thousand square kilometers. The northeastern portion of Spohusland alongside the Sophus Sea contains the majority of the civilized industrial area of the Planet with the cities of Atalanta, Pearl, and Freeport located there.


Slightly smaller than Dixie, Nixie is a cooler class M planet covered with salt water seas over 80% of its area. Most land is found in two large island continents, Vespa and Vesta. 

Vespa is a cool mountainous continent spanning the southern hemisphere. The mid portion of the land mass crosses the Antarctic polar regions and is covered with ice. More temperate zones can be found in the northern region of the continent located in the western hemisphere. This is where the city of Oxford can be found as the main industrial area of the continent. 

Vesta is located in the northern half of the Eastern hemisphere temperatures tend to be more moderate than those on Vespa though winters tend to be just as severe. The east coast of the continent adjoining the Great Salt Sea is the location of great industrial infrastructure; with the cities of Lafayette and Armistead to be found here. 

Nixie’s moon Dryad is the location for the main system spaceport and shuttle service between the 3 Sisters and Dryad is quite heavy.


Smallest of the 3 Sisters, Pixie is also the closest to the sun. The climate is very hot and humid with large expanses of desert, grasslands, and rain forest. 30% of the planet is comprised of salt water seas which are divided by the massive global continent into the Eastern Sea and the Western Sea. 

A great salt flat comprises a desert many thousands of square kilometers in size in the western hemisphere which is the remains of an smaller sea which once existed on the planet. In the Seir-Negib Rain forest of the Northern hemisphere there is a great freshwater lake which is fed by melting snows from a large mountain range which extends in to the arctic polar regions. The main industrial cities of the planet, Sprite and North Tara are located in the plains and valleys surrounding these mountains which make up the most temperate part of the world. 


Tyme is a standard class M planet, comprised 64% of Salt water seas with the rest being land mass concentrated in 9 major continents. Climate is quite mild in the equatorial areas with temperature steady in the 70’S F. It is in this belt that major agricultural activity takes place with plantations, villas, and farming communities spread across the planet. 

Industrial centers and major cities are located in the southern hemisphere on the continent of Robias with a spaceport serving both Tyme and Helmuth at Tyme. Save for Robias, the continents of Tyme are mainly evergreen forests save for the areas near the equator cleared for farming and ranching. There are old mountain ranges scattered along the polar regions of both Arctic and Antarctic poles with large glacier formations present.


Helmuth shares the same star system as Tyme. Her surface is covered 90% by water with one small continent and several tropical islands comprising the main land mass. The temperature outside of the polar regions are very hot and balmy with an average mean temperature of 89 degrees F. Hurricanes are frequent and severe and most populations centers are located well inland on the “Big Island”. One exception to this is the city of Aqua-Helmuth an underwater seafaring community which is the only underwater city in the Confederation.

Moors Planet:

Moors Planet is the only terraformed world in the Confederation. A very temperate climate has been created which rarely exceeds 76 degrees F. Moors Planet is 40% shallow saltwater sea divided by a giant continental mass. 

Agricultural zones and lakes have been formed in inhabited areas of the planet and hardwood forests have been established in some remote areas as tree farms but as yet only 20% of the usable surface of the world has been put to use. Moor’s Planet is wholly owned and governed by Moor TerraForming corporation and is a showcase of terraforming technology. All inhabitants are employee/stockholders of Moor Corp.. 


Rodel is an almost totally desert planet. There are no oceans but there is a large freshwater sea nestled in a great valley between two large glacial mountain ranges near the arctic circle from which a large river flows to irrigate the only hospitable section of the planet which resembles the Nile valley of N. Africa on old Earth. This area known as Arcturus is the main area of population on the planet yet there are some mining colonies such as Iron City and Desert Palms which exist in artificial habitats on the great salt flats of Rodel which were once great oceans. Most mining is done by robots and androids especially designed to withstand the high temperatures and constant exposure to the sand.


Cannan is a standard class M planet covered with salt water seas over 70% of her surface and land mass divided into 3 major continents and several large island chains encompassing the rest. Climate is temperate with average mean temperature of 68 degrees year round. Temperatures do get down below freezing in the Polar regions and in the higher altitudes of the great Mountain chain which comprises the interior of the continent of Everest which was formed when the tectonic plates of two continents drifted to form one massive continent. Most industrial and agricultural areas are located on the smaller continents of Bengal and Singh.


Sumpter is a small class M planet with saltwater seas comprising 40% of the planetary surface, a large freshwater lake the Tara Sea comprising another 7% and the rest being land mass divided into 7 continents. The Northern Hemisphere tends to be very wet with a heavy monsoon season in the areas bordering the great lake on the continent of Tara. Snow and ice are frequent winter visitors to northern climes with the continent of Freya having long winters and short summers. Hot balmy climes are the norm in equatorial and tropical areas. Belts north and south of the tropics experience generally pleasant weather though Hurricanes and Noreasters are not uncommon. Most industrial and agricultural activity are found in the temperate areas of the continents of Borealis and Charlesopolis.


Argo is a standard class M planet the surface of which is covered with 56% with salt water seas and the rest land mass divided into 5 continents. Climate is very mild and is controlled by Argon weather control technology. Argo is the most densely populated world in the Confederation. It is a very old spacefaring civilization and most of the surface of the planet is covered by SMSA’s divided by Imperial Parks and Game Preserves. Argon population is large but is still recovering from losses due to colonization and the Argon War with the Federation of 125 years ago. 

Flora and Fauna:

The Three Sisters: 

Flora and Fauna within the 3 sisters are standard terran types. All three worlds were relatively young on the evolutionary scale and most terrestrial animal life has been forced out of the ecological niches by creatures imported by humans when the planets were set up as colonies. Most native fauna reside in oceans and some are now farmed for export by human Aquafarmers. Some belts of rain forests and swamps are home to populations of primitive amphibians and the codonts.


Tyme is a world covered with evergreen forests which consists of many types of trees very similar to those found on old earth. Many native animals make their homes in the forests the majority of which are rodent like mammals resembling squirrels, chipmunks, and beavers. Large herds of lemming like creatures roam the continents in migrations reminiscent those of bison or wildebeest on old Earth. Predators are all in a family of cat like mammals resembling more the marsupial Tasmanian Tiger than true cats.


Helmuth is a very young world covered with vast oceans. Evolution here is about at the Devonian stage with annelids, arthropods, squid and bony fishes ruling the warm seas. Giant eel shaped predators 14 meters long rule the primitive ocean with slashing teeth and jaws which can come unhinged like a snake’s in order to swallow large prey whole. Large forests of seaweed and kelp like plants exist in shallow waters and are harvested for food and pharmaceuticals by Helmuth Aqua farmers. The only life forms inhabiting the land areas except for a few plants and mosses are those introduced by the original colonists.

Moors Planet:

As Moors Planet is a Terra formed world and has no native life forms. Moor Corporation has introduced everything from bacteria and viruses up to Pachyderms, Leopards, and other major flora and fauna in their terra forming of their world. Some life forms from other non human Federation worlds which blend well with Terran Life have also been introduced.


Except for some sagebrush, lichens and cacti and some insects and worms which have adapted to life in a nearly waterless environment all of Rodel except for the Arcturus valley is devoid of life. The valley is lush with vegetation and teeming with animal life. Fishes, insects, amphibians, and some crocodilians inhabit the rivers and Lake. Birds and Pterosaur like reptiles fill the skies. Flightless birds and swine like mammals inhabit the forests along with small gazelle/deer like creatures. The only major predator is a large reptilian creature resembling a cross between a Komodo Dragon and a Crocodile which attains a length of about 4 ½ meters. 


Cannan is home to a wide variety and diversity of life. Some of the more interesting examples are great herds of Ramus large ostrich like flightless birds which migrate across the continent of Singh. One of the major predators of the Ramu is the Elephant Bear, a large mammalian carnivore with a body shaped like a bear’s but possessing an elephant like trunk for grabbing prey and pulling it near teeth and claws. 


Sumpter is home to an ecosystem in which insects occupy the major niche among land fauna. Hundreds of thousands of species of bugs inhabit the land, sea, and air of the planet. Many species of plants have evolved to become predators of the insects and many unusual and beautiful varieties of a Venus Flytrap type plant exists on Sumpter. The Sumpter Mosquito Lion is an unusual flytrap which is able to temporarily uproot itself and catch the wind to be taken to new hunting grounds.


Argo is an old Empire. Most of its native species are now confined to Imperial Zoological Parks. 


The Confederation of Democratic Worlds has just seceded from the Federation of Democratic Worlds. It is writing it’s history as it goes along. 

The Three Sisters were discovered 300 years ago by the explorer Sophus. They were colonized 250 years ago and joined the Federation together 20 years later. Dixie developed a fine reputation as a builder of quality spacecraft and developed a fine Naval tradition in reducing the attacks on merchant vessels by Brigands and Pirates. During the Argon War 100 years ago Dixie’s Naval technology and leadership were one of the primary causes of Federation Victory.

Tyme and Helmuth’s system was discovered by famed explorer Lady Cornelia Wilam-Sheppard 265 years ago. They were first colonized as territories of the Democratic Federation 200 years ago by Colonists from Megara, Boetia, and Juba Azziz . The Colonies suffered attack by Argon warships and marines during the Argon War but the attackers were beaten off by the combined Dixie-Union fleet.

Moors Planet was selected for terraforming colonization by the Moor Corporation 60 years ago. Jeffrey Moor moved the HQ of his family’s Corporation from Capea just 36 years ago. Moor began to offer land to stockholders in a stock repurchase plan 10 years ago and most of the Colonists are now Moor employees and stockholders.

Rodel was discovered 298 years ago by Pitar Sikh. The first colonists arrived 45 years later with mining corporations which began to mine the minerals found in the deserts. When ruins of an ancient civilization were found by some of the excavations 100 years later and scholars began to arrive and set up stations at Arcturus City from which to study the alien race. Other colonists arrived at Arcturus to support the scientific research. Rodel was not effected by the Argon War.

Cannan was first discovered 250 years ago by Captain Juba Omalidele. The first Colony was established by the Sidon Corporation with a major development at the City of Canann on the continent of Bengal. Argo attacked and occupied the colony during the Argon War and Cannan Colony was destroyed. Federal Troops reoccupied the planet in the later stage of the war and began to settle war refugees there. A new colony was set up at New Cannan 60 years ago and admission to the Democratic Federation followed 10 years later.

Sumpter was discovered by Julius Sumpter the famous Dixian explorer 150 years and was colonized by humans from the 3 Sisters. Argon ships frequently raided Sumpter during the Argon War but were never able to take the system suffering a major Naval Defeat there in the 5th year of the fighting.

Argo’s earlier history can be found in the excellent History of the Argon Empire by William Focworth of Union. Following the defeat of Argo and the imposition of a Constitutional Monarchy Argo was reduced from the Empire she once enjoyed to possession only of her Home World. It is feared that one reason for her joining the Confederacy is to try to regain some parts of the Empire which she lost. Argons are very pragmatic beings and do not hold any grudges against the Dixians for the defeats she suffered at their hand in the War but admire Dixie for the martial prowess of her Navy. 


The Confederation is ruled by a Congress which has limited powers to interfere in the internal affairs of the member worlds. The Nominal President of the Congress is Julio Campabares of Nixie. Each individual Planet sets up its own internal government and governs accordingly. Most of the worlds have Federal Constitutions and are Representative Democracies, Moors Planet and Rodel are Corporate Democracies, and Argo is currently a Constitutional Monarchy Governed by Emperor Helix V. 

The real power in the Confederation is wielded by the Security Council which represents the Military and Security forces of the 10 Planets and is headed by the civilian leaders of the military departments. All decisions regarding the Civil War are made by the members of the council. Dixie and Argo have veto power over any decision made by the Council. 

Foreign Policy:

The Confederacy is in Civil war with the Federation of Democratic states from which it has seceded. Though diplomatic ties to the other worlds remaining under Federal control have been broken, some informal ties with worlds sympathetic to the Confederate Cause and those wishing to avoid participation in the war remain. The Confederacy is very open to forging new relationships and treaties with foreign powers to secure raw materials for her industries and war machine. Her Diplomats are actively seeking recognition by a Major Empire. Tax Policy made become a sore spot in the near future as tariffs and consumption taxes may not be enough to finance the war. 

Domestic Policy:

Domestic Policy in the confederation mainly consists of attempts to keep up civilian morale and to suppress Pro Unionist Cells. The government has tried to support shows for the troops and cultural events for the citizens to raise morale. New videos and soap operas tied to recent military successes have tried to enhance patriotic fever through propaganda. The Government has frozen it’s own wages for the duration and has tried to get member worlds to support wage and price controls without much success.

Military intelligence personnel trained by Argon Secret Policemen have tried to infiltrate Pro Unionist groups but public outcry by Civil Liberties groups have forced their activities underground. 



The main language is Terranglo spoken in many different dialects. The other major language being Argonease spoken mainly on Argo. Terrafranca and Terramandarin are spoken in some small communities. Several binary languages exist and human to binary language translators interpret between human and machine languages.


The major religion found in the Confederation is the Yeshuan Church and its distant cousin the Church of Latinicus Vaticanus. The next most numerous is Argon Emperor and Ancestor Worship. There are numerous smaller mystical denominations and cults and probably 30% of the population are more secular in lifestyle and do not participate in organized religions.


Society is divided into Upper, Middle and Lower Classes but there is no class warfare as people frequently rise and fall between classes. Among all except the Argons the most respected class is the Dixian Military especially the Navy. The Merchant Spaceman Class would probably be the next most respected.

The Argons are a humanoid race standing 2.35 meters tall on average with cobalt blue skin, ebony hair and bronze eyes. The Argonostio the ruling class look slightly different with silver hair and silver eyes. The Argonistio are the Philosopher/Bureaucratic class of Argo and are distinguished by their White hair and gold eyes. The Argonauts are regular Argons who make up the Warrior class and are known militarists. 


Economy is free market based upon Interplanetary Trade. Most undesirable jobs are done by Robots, Androids and AI computers which some deem to be a form of slavery. Export of Robots, Androids and AI technology to non aligned worlds has become the major form of trade along with agricultural products and minerals mined from Confederation states.


The Confederation military is controlled by the Dixian Navy and the Argon Army. Dixies Navy is 600 ships strong including vessels owned by Pixie, Nixie, and Sumpter, with 18 Modern Spacecraft Carrier Battle groups. The Dixian Army is small and inefficient consisting of 38 Divisions. Her Marine Corps is excellent and consists of 6 divisions. 

Argo has begun to rebuild it’s Navy and has completed 2 Spacecraft Carriers and is upgrading her System defense forces to be able to form Carrier Battle Groups. Argo’s army has 100 divisions of crack Argonaut warriors which must be transported by the Dixian Navy at the present.

The other worlds of the Confederation have small self defense forces used for planetary security. They have agreed to allow Dixie to use some of their spacecraft for military purposes. In return, Dixie has allowed non citizens to enlist in her Navy and Marines. 

Sports and Leisure:

[Not Applicable]

Major Population Centers:

Dixie- Major cities: Pearl (pop 900,000 est.) Freeport (pop 775,000 est.) Atalanta(Capital) (pop. 820,000) 

Pixie- Major cities: Sprite(Capital) (pop. 975,000) North Tara (750,000)

Nixie-Major cities: Oxford(capital) (pop. 875,000 est.) Lafayette (950,000) Armistead (725,000 est.)

Moor’s Planet- Major City: Moor City(pop. 725,000 est.)

Rodel- Major Cities: Desert Palms (pop. 160,000) Arcturus (capital) (pop. 700,000) Iron City (400,000)

Sumpter- Major cities: Charlestown(capital) (pop. 900,000) Palmyra(pop. 525,000)

Canaan- Major cities: New Canaan(capital) (pop. 750,000) Seleucas (pop. 925,000) New Bern (pop 825,000)

Tyme- Major Cities: Tyme(capital) (pop. 800,000 est.) Kronenburg (pop. 714,000 est.) Helia (pop. 600,000 est.)

Helmuth- Major Cities: Helmuth(capital) (pop. 925,000) Frost (pop. 740,000) Firstenbarge (pop. 720,000) Aqua Helmuth (pop. 120,000)

Argo- Major Cities: Argo(Capital) (pop. 1.5 million) Droulos (pop. 900,000) Sabatalos (pop. 725,000) Navarrenon (pop. 1.2 million) Argraphalos (pop. 850,000) Memnon (pop. 978,000) 

Chronic Problems:

The Confederacy finds itself under commercial planetary embargo and blockade by the Democratic Federation. This has effectively disrupted the importation of some natural resources vital to the industrial capacity of the confederate planets. Argo has taken the lead in research to find replacements for these resources as she suffered from the same shortages in the Argon War. Even though there is a cease-fire in the Civil War all know this will end as soon as Union and her allies rebuild naval forces and the full power of Armbots imported from the Robotics can be brought to bear against the rebellion. The Dixian Navy is formidable and the Argon Armed Forces are fanatic but the Rebellion does not have the population to match the Federales man for man and ship for ship. The Confederacy’s only hope in the end is recognition by a Major Empire.

Submission Information:

Submitter's Name: John Sheppard
Submitter's Email:

Sifter Name: Falcon
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