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I made this picture in Adobe Photoshop 5.5 . Yes, I know... pointless info.. but hey.. i like it :)

This is Eric Antonio Gullien.

This is me...

Here is my stripper lady

This is a cloud... a cloud that is hanging in my room... and yes people... his tongue is sticking out at you... his name is.... **drum roll** THOMAS!!!!

This is me after washing my good friend, Amanda's, beautiful purple firebird... i love that car lol =^-^=

This is Amanda after we washed her firebird... I love ya gurly!!!!!!

This is my main man Jay.. hehehe ... he is my bestest friend in the whole wide world... he moved to Winston-Salem, NC... i miss him.... LOVE YA JAY BIRD!!!! That is my other best friend, Jenni, that is standing with Jay... she's a hottie isnt she? HANDS OFF MEN!!!! You cant have her... she is who Jay is living with. :) Thanks god he is in good hands.

This is me being stupid and silly at the beach hehehehehe!!!

Here is Jenni and Jay again... damn i miss them... :(

Here is me and Jay... hehehehe... i we were being silly.

This is me and Amanda's shadow on the beach hehehe... spur of the moment kinda thing.... hehehe Amanda is on the right I am on the left hehehehe.

This is the Ghetto car.. along with Jenni's Ghetto booty... which i dont think she has a ghetto booty... but hell.. you try telling her that lol. :)


Me and Jenni right before her and Jay left again for Winston.

We are witnessing Jay's mighty 'Ninja Skills'. lol... this is Jay pulling out in front of four cars... good job Jay in not hitting any of them :)

This is happy Jay smiling happily in the rain. Hey Jay lol.

This is Jay... what is he doing? One needs not to ask... What is Jenni doing? One does wonder about Jibbity Jibbs... but we still love that crazy gurl.

This is Jibbity Jibbs and her sweet innocent smile... cute isnt she? Hehehehe...

-=-SSSMMMOOOOOOOOOOOOOCCCCHHHH-=- to you too Jibbity Jibbs. I be luvin ya gurly gurl.


The difference in genders...

Differences in the male & female:





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This is a site I am going to send to my congressman about the beaches. Please check it out, if nothing else for the pictures.

This is my other site. It has quotes and a poem of mine. I hope you enjoy these sites.

This is a site of pictures... pictures of my friends and myself.. check it out...

This is Eric's page

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