About Old English Wicca


"For the children of this world (Wiccans) are in their generation wiser than the children of light (New Religions)." Jesus Christ in Luke 16:8.

This book is written for several reasons. First to introduce Old English Wicca, how it differs from American Wicca, and to respond to AntiWitch superstitions about Wicca.

The Old English tradition is not derived from Gardener or any other 20th century personality. Old English Wicca is drawn from history, ancient and medieval historical writers, archaeology, traditions passed down from generations of English Wiccans, and on the sacred myths or lore. Throughout this book the author will often refer to these sources.

Surprising for many he refers to the bible! The bible is not an exclusively New Religions publication and is in fact nothing more than badly edited Pagan mythology. Nor does the bible provide support for AntiWitches or superstitions regarding Wicca! The bible does record positive information about Wicca. It's not well known because Wiccans don't study the bible and AntiWitches would profit little in publicizing it. The Jews recorded much of Pagan rituals and the Apostle Paul commented much on the Celt's (Wicca) religion. In fact, you'll find that Paul is far more accurate on Wicca than any of today's Christian writers that have addressed this subject! It is important to only use the old King James version bible because most of the newer versions of the bible have edited out much of what is discussed (this is discussed in "Why the Bible Can't be the Perfect, Flawless Word of God). So the older the bible the better.

His study of the Dead Sea Scrolls (the world’s most ancient and valid bible) reveals much positive information upon magickal traditions that are simply ignored by Pagans and Christians. He will explain the true impact of these ancient texts to religion throughout his book.

Further the bible contains enormous information on the Goddess, this author expose's the West's great Goddess cover-up.

This author challenges any AntiWitch to a debate at anytime and anywhere regarding the contents of this book. After all article 11 of the Principles of Wicca says, "we are not threatened by debates on the history of the Craft, the origins of various terms. The legitimacy of the various aspects of different traditions."

This author feels that one should know what he believes, why he believes it, and be able to defend it. Wouldn't the average Wiccan like to use the bible against the AntiWitches for a change! This book shows you how.

Old English Wicca is not the one and only true form of Wicca. There is no such thing! There are many Wiccan traditions that are absolutely legitimate. Nor does the author claim that Old English Wicca is superior to any other tradition - for it is not. He wants to educate not convert! His way is not the only right correct way. For he believes there are many paths and each person alone should choose what is right for themselves.

Below are the titles of the book. Please come and visit them.


What is Old English Wicca
The Sacred Lore and Wiccan Literature
For the Record. Addressing AntiWitch Superstitions and Falsehoods
Our Values, The Wiccan Rede
Wiccan Etiquette and Customs
The God and Goddess of Wicca
Magickal Tools and Weapons
Fairies, Dwarfs, and Dragons...Oh My!
The Magick Circle
Fascinating Facts From History
Rituals of Old English Wicca
The Sacred Trees
The Sabats and Esbats - A Wizard's Holiday
The Burning Times
Death or Partying at Avalon and Rebirth
In Defense of Magick What AntiWitches Don't Want you to Know
The Priestess and Priest
Comming Soon: Pagan Prophecies About The Future
About Melchizedek