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    Yi Ling
    Zi Rong
Hey! Welcome to my blog. It has been ages since I create web pages. Hope it doesn't get rusty. If you're not interested to read on, press Alt+F4 and don't come back ever! 'Thanks' to my sister, who always persuade me to create a blog. I've been rather busy with poly life and sports! I love basketball! My blog is quite different to those at BlogSpot in a sense that you can't see what i post straight away...Click on the days above to see my entries. There's a new section called "Story" where i basically create tales out of my own free time.(Don't expect updates daily pls). The 'Story' section will constantly be changed, so if you wanna see my previous stories, click on Downloads. One of the reasons I'm doing this is that I hate neverending blog. Anyway hope you'll have an enjoyable time here! Thanks for reading...guess your eyes must be closing, cause it's too lame!
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Maths Test-Boolean Algebra? (13 Feb)
DBMS Test- Up to Practical 8 (14 Feb)
Java Test- Chapt 1-5 (15 Feb)
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