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Nancy's Perennial Flower Gardens.




Garden Accessories

One of my greatest pleasures has been creating and maintaining my perennial flower gardens.  Springtime is something I anxiously look forward to.  The first colorful blossoms of the hyacinths, tulips, and daffodils mark the beginning of a new year.

There are many questions to be answered:
  • Which plants made it through the winter?
  • What should I be adding to my current selection?
  • How can I create more color in my garden this year?
  • Which plants need to be dug up and thinned out?
The colors continue throughout the summer and into the fall.  The first few frosts bring the end to another season.  About January, the seed catalogs will again start arriving.  Time to think--dream?--about another approaching gardening season.
If  you would like to contact me in regards to the content of this web page, please email me at the following  address:  Nancy's Email