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     Join us at our monthly board meetings, held the first Thursday of each month at 7 p.m. at Rosemont Community Church, 5005 E. Winsett. Each meeting features a call to the audience. We have our annual general meeting each January.

     Each spring and fall, the neighborhood hosts a Potluck Picnic in the Park at Hoffman Park. We have lots of great food and a jumping castle for the kids.

     The neighborhood also holds periodic clean-up projects. In past years we’ve cleaned up the Arroyo Chico Wash and the alley north of Hoffman Park. Most recently, we cleaned up the alley south of Eastland.

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     We’re a neighborhood of about 800 homes in Tucson, Arizona. Our boundaries are Broadway Boulevard to the north, Swan Road to the west, Eastland Street to the south, and Rosemont Drive to the east.
     Our neighborhood features Hoffman Park and one school, Bonillas Elementary. We have numerous shops and businesses on our northern border along Broadway, and the Williams Centre is also nearby.

     The introduction to our charter reads: “This neighborhood association is formed to promote meaningful participation and lasting relationships among neighbors and to promote the enhancement of the lifestyle found within and between this neighborhood and other neighborhoods.”
     Our association has a president, vice president, secretary and treasurer, all elected by our members at the annual general meeting held in January. Also, we have representatives for each street in the neighborhood, and they are called board members.

     The annual membership dues for the neighborhood are $5. People who pay their membership dues are able to vote at the annual general meeting.
     To become a member, send $5 to Lorenia Lee, Treasurer, 4918 E. Timrod, Tucson, AZ, 85711.

     Dogs running loose in the neighborhood have become a big concern for neighbors. People are being growled at, and even chased, by loose dogs. Several months ago, a loose dog in Hoffman Park killed a smaller dog.
     Dog owners: PLEASE help prevent these dangerous incidents by keeping your dog on a leash. Make sure your dog cannot leave your home and wander the neighborhood – it’s safer for both your dog and your neighbors.
     Call 743-7666 for information about licensing your dog – which can help you find your dog if it is ever lost or picked up.
     Residents: Pima County Animal Control officials advise that lying down and being still is a good way to fend off a dog attack. Curl up and cover your face.
     If you see a loose dog, call Animal Control at 743-7550. It helps if you know the address where the dog lives.
     If you believe the dog is an immediate threat, or if someone has been attacked, call 911.
     Neighborhood survey results
Steve Campbell has tallied up the 93 surveys filled out by neighbors and turned in on time. The neighborhood project that received the most votes overall was: beautifying the triangle of land at Melissa and Niven and having a bulletin board there to announce upcoming neighborhood events. After that, the installation of street lights in areas that lack them received the most votes. Making Hoffman Park handicap accessible came in third, installing more sidewalks came in fourth, and building a jogging path around the neighborhood came in fifth. Board members are talking about ways to make these projects happen – we’re still hoping to get money from Back to Basics, and will look for grants. If you want to work on any of these projects, please attend one of our board meetings, held the first Thursday of each month at 7 p.m. at Rosemont Community Church, 5005 E. Winsett. And thank you Steve for all the hard work!

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