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A Church where everyone is WELCOME!

Pastor Gary and Cheri Matthews

A Place of New Beginnings Church started out June 5,2002. Meeting in the front of Fantastic Deals Thrift Store every Wednesday night @ 6:30pm.

They started out with 10 families now they are up to 75 families.

They are a church and a food bank combined. They buy their food at the Atlanta Food Bank at 16¢ a pound. An outside volunteer collects bakery and bread from a local grocery store. And this is all given out every Wednesday night to who signs up for it.

Jesus said,"I tell you the truth,whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for me" Matthew 25:45


A Place of New Beginnings is reaching out with compassion to feed the hungry in body and spirit.
As God gives us grace.

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A Place of New Beginnings Church and Food Bank
994 Main Street
Forest Park, Georgia 30297
Pastor Gary Matthews

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