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Welcome to the Solarius NationStates website!!! Your delegate is Titians!!

Our Current senators are Grobs, Sleezak, Jrm, Romulan Empire, The Cardassian Empire, Yourmommaville, Zorflax, THE JON, Zanj, Verfall, King Henry, Totipotentcy, Ardnaxela, Tropical Montana




Well than what does the delegate do?

How do I become Senator/Head-of-Senate?


What does a Senator/Head-of Senate person  do?

Recent News

Here are the terms of the treaty...

8/26/03-Well I just got back from vacation!  Sorry I was gone.  All senators please send your votes for the UNS allience to JRM asap!!!

In your alliance with Solaris, you agree to the following things:

The regions of Solaris, both individually or as a whole, may call upon you in the defense of said regions. Defense of said regions will entail driving out an invader. Solaris may also call upon in the event we are defending another region.
You may, of course, refuse to give assistance, under certain circumstances. They are as follows:
If you are currently involved in a conflict and are unable to send help, you will not be required to send assistance, and no repercussions will be taken on your party.
If you do not like the possible outcome of the conflict, for moral or political reasons, or refuse to fight for said reasons, you will not be required to give assistance, but the terms of this alliance will be brought into question and possible action taken against you.

The regions of Solaris, both collectively and individually, may also call upon you for an offensive strike. An offensive strike entails taking over another region. In an offensive matter, as planning will be used, you will be included in all matters of planning IF we feel from the beginning your help will be needed in advance. If, however, your assistance is called after the conflict has started, you will not be afforded that luxury. Refusing help in an offensive conflict must follow the same guidelines as in defense.

The region of Solarius, and any region directly controlled by thereof, may call in the assistance of the regions of Solaris, either collectively or individually, in offense or defense on the part of Solarius. We will be subject to the same terms described above to you.

Further, you will agree that no hostile actions will be taken against any of the regions of Solaris, and we agree that no hostile actions will be taken against Solarius.

If any or all of these terms are broken or compromised, both parties have the authority to null the treaty after informing the other party of their intentions and giving time to explain any and all questionable actions.

7/31/03- New senators welcome!!  New for non-UN members, advisors.  This will be added to the FAQ section shortly.  This website isn't the fastest in the world so please wait.....  Also, I may put a password protection on sometimes.  Do not be alarmed this is for security.   

8/1/03- Senators I need votes on the current UN resolution.  Also new section for non-un members, advisors.
8/5/03- Well most senators choose not to vote on any UN resolution, this is your right if you want.  Any senator who wants the head-of-senate job contact me.  This is probably the 2nd highest job in the region so any senator interested please contact me.

8/10/03- Well we have of two head-of-senate people.  They are Romulan Empire and Jrm.  They were both asked one question, Why would you be a good head-of-senate person?  More news, I got interviewed by the radio world people!!!!  To see the interview go to 


8/12/03- OK all senators need to give me their vote on who they want to be as head-of-senate!!!  I will need all votes by the 15th (friday)

GRRRRRRRR the POLL wont work.  GRRRR

Advisors (jobs for non-un members)

Contact Sorelle if you want to be an advisor

 Yeaks - moderator

Federation Starfleet - Defense