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([Chuck "Enforcer" Palumbo])

[(Role-Play Disclaimer)] Hey, welcome to my Chuck Palumbo Role-play. This aint' the real Enforcer speakin' to ya, I'm just a fan so don't mail me with bullshit, capiesh? Good. Now, enjoy the RP and don't steal the layout, two simple little things. If you can do that, you're a real man in my book. Any of you wanna steal it? Hell, if you plan on it then you best FUHGETABOUTIT! .:( End Disclaimer ):.

Chucky P is back!

[( Beaten Opponents)] None Yet

The scene starts out with the cameras showing the beautiful view of MSG. They show the parking lot to be fuller than ever, where not even one spot can be seen. On the streets, numerous vehicles pass, as the streets are jammed. They show the inside of the arena, where they show the crowd on hand for tonights event. About 14,000 are on hand. The cameras show the crazed fans anxiously anticipating tonights event. They show the fans holding up signs resembling their favorite superstars. The cameras switch their view outside again, where a black long stretch limo pulls up. The limo driver gets out. He is dressed properly and all. He opens up the back seat, and out comes none other than the Enforcer himself, Chuck Palumbo. The fans start to boo as Chuck Palumbo gets out of the limo. Palumbo is wearing a guinea tea, along with a guido cap on his head. He has blue jeans on, and also black shades. He goes in the back of the limo and grabs his black adidas bag, holding all his gear and clothes. He then gives the limo driver a resonable tip, and walks inside MSG. Palumbo enters the warm place, where he ignores all the EWWF superstars. They all just stare at Palumbo as he walks by then, cocky as ever. After walking a bit, Palumbo reaches his locker room. As he is putting his bags down, he hears a voice.

Johnny "The Bull" Stamboli
"Yo, Chucky P!"

Palumbo then looks around, to see who called his name. He has an idea, but wants to find out for sure. He turns around, and see's Stamboli sitting down on a leather couch with a weight in his hand, curling. Stamboli is wearing a guinea tee, with black shades and his leather black pants. When Palumbo see's him, a smirk comes across his face. Palumbo then begins talking.

Chuck "Enforcer" Palumbo
"What's up, Stamboli! I finally got me a contract ehre in EWWF. What youse be doin'?"

Johnny "The Bull" Stamboli
"Just training, you know."

Chuck "Enforcer" Palumbo
"Yeah, I order us some pizza here. Should be coming soon, anyways, is their any competition the FBI can't handle?"

Johnny "The Bull" Stamboli
"Eh, youse know. If they wanna lay a hand on me or you, then, fuhgettaboutit!"

Chuck "Enforcer" Palumbo
"Yeah, any women in this place?"

Johnny "The Bull" Stamboli
"Hell yeah, Chuck, you gotta check out these chicks! I got me Stephanie McMahon."

Chuck "Enforcer" Palumbo
"Nice, I'm going to goto the ring quick, discuss a few things. Capiesh?"

Johnny "The Bull" Stamboli

Chuck Palumbo then gives Stamboli a pat on the shoulder. He then grabs a cigar sitting in his bags. He puts it in his mouth then begins walking towards the arena. Palumbo then looks determined, as the cameras switch their view to the arena, waiting to see Chuck Palumbo. The F.B.I music hits, and out comes Chuck Palumbo. He gives the fans a signal with his hand meaning whats wrong with you? He has a big brown cigar in his mouth, wearing the same attire as he was before. The whole arena fills with boos, not even one cheer can be heard. Palumbo gets into the ring, get's a mic from the ring announcer, and begins talking.

Chuck "Enforcer" Palumbo
"What the hell is wrong with you people? Youse can't respect true competitiors, THE FBI?! Youse better recognize the new tag team champions, are Chucky P and Johnny Stamboli! We ready...We raedy for any competition. Any tag team, any singles wrestler, anyone at all. I saw the roster for EWWF. I saw some people from Dubbah See Dubbah. I saw some from Dubbah Dubbah E, none of them can compare to my biceps, to my body, or Johnny's at all! We are two of the most attractive and greatest wrestlers of all time. We actually train every day and work out. Me and Johnny also take some offers, so if you need someone baet up, you know where to find us. Any tag team want us in action? Step up..Anyone need an offer, you'll know where we are...Capiesh?!"

The FBI theme rehits as Chuck Palumbo rolls out of the ring. He goes backstage ignoring the fans who are giving him huge heat. He goes backstage as the EWWF cameras fade to a break.