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.:[Booker T]:.
Can You Dig It?! SUCKA!
The cameras quickly pan throughout the Tokyo Dome, as the large crowd is shown. Over 80,000 crazed fans on there feet. A few matches passed by, and the cameras show the 4 way main event promo. The cameras then switch their view to the back where Booker T is shown with his head down, and eyes closed, taking in a mental image of some sort. He think begins talking.

(-"The Book-Man" Booker T-)
"My night..My time..Aint no one gonna stop me. I've waited for this ever since I hit the wrestlnig scene. The CWF World Title. 3 gold-hungry beasts locked up in a cage, all fighting over a peice of gold that means the world to each of them. The most prestigious belt in CWF. The world title. We are all hungry for gold dawgs. But, only one will walk out victorious. Only one will walk out with a title over their shoulder. The others will stay in 'da ring, battered, bruised, and all bloody. Which men will reign victorious and win the CWF Title? Which 3 men will have the most depressing days of their lives? 3 jobba's I gotta face til' I win the CWF Title. The Freak. Basically what this guy is is an overrated punk. He has two titles, one of which he won from me. Only few people can say they beat me, and he is one that can say it. He is a threat. He has built up an enormous amount of confidence. 'Dis guy just might walk away 'da winner...But eh won't. Only one can do that, and 'dat spot is reserved for me. Freak, you had your times here in CWF. You had your defeats, your victories, your titles, your laughs, your everythings. Now its my time dawg. I can guarentee you will be one of the men staying in that cell bloody bruised and battered. Another man that don't have a problem with is Ric Flair. He's old, dirty, and can't wrestle. Is he really a threat? No. Ric Flair can't overcome 'da odds. No chance in hell. It just aint possible for Flair to become a World Champion. Flair, you are useless! Go talk about your US Title reigns, because you'll never hold the world title as long as I'm here to prevent it! Flair, you built a legacy throughout many different feds, indy, established, everything. I give you props. Flair you were good, but about 15 years ago. It's the new school's time dawg. And Raven. I have heard much from him, only a promo or two. He isnt a threat in my book. He can go on about how I am a WCW reject, but I just look at him and say to myself that I have won more titles in WWE than he has and I have won more titles in WCW 'dat he has. Dawgs, tonight will be the most unforgettable night in CWF history. Blood will be shed, tears will be dripping, but only one man will walk out smiling and victorious. Only one man will walk out patting the world title on his shoulder. WIll it be the old Ric Flair? The outdated, overused, and overpushed Freak? Or will it be the all time fed reject, Raven? Dawgs, watch fo' yoself. Only one man will walk out of Old School, saying I did it. I beat 3 other huge established superstars and I won the CWF World a Hell in a Cell! Which man will walk out sayin' 'dat dawgs. I guarntee it wont be Freak. I guarentee it won't be Raven, and I guarentee it wont be Flair. Dawgs, walking out of the CWF PPV OldShool with gold on his shoulder will be me! I aint gonna dissapoint. I'm gonna walk out with a huge smile on my face! These fans chanting my name! I'm walking into CWF's biggest PPV headlining it, and im walking out being the winner of the main event. This may be the biggest match of my life. I will get beat up in 'dat match, but I aint givin' up. Oh well no! Dawgs, in a few hours, I'll be 'da one with the world title. I'll be reppin' CWF! I'll be CWF's #1 man! I'mma win the belt, and take all the responsibility. I'm ready! I'm ready to win 'da CWF World Title! NOW CAN YOU DIG THAT?! SUCKAAAAAAA!!"

Booker T continues thinking to himself as a smirk spreads across his face and CWF fades to a commercial.