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My fight is not a fight for Randgold. It is a fight against Anglo. I would have preferred if there were more bidders to choose from. But seeing that there are only two bidders, who would you have chosen?

Option A

Option B

Ashanti name to be retained

Option A will lose its name and maintain the name Ashanti Goldfields

Vote for Option A

Ashanti name to be changed

Ashanti's name will be changed to Option B's , i.e. Option B Ashanti

Vote for Option B

Shareholders retain majority - 70/30

With the Option A offer current shareholders will retain 70% shares

Vote for Option A

Shareholders lose majority - 16/84

Under the Option B deal the current shareholders will retain only 16%

Vote for Option B

Option A values Ashanti more

Option A offered $1.5 billion, while Option B offered $1.1 billion

Vote for Option A

Option B values Ashanti less

However, Option B revised its offer to $1.431 billion. This was only done after Option B realised that Option A was a real threat to their takeover bid.

Vote for Option B

Option A has a "clean" record

Many searches on the Internet failed to produce any reporting of a poor environmental record by Option A

Vote for Option A

Option B's record tainted

Option B has attracted quite a lot of bad publicity concerning social and environmental responsibility and accountability in Zambia South Africa and in Peru.

Vote for Option B



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Last modified: 10/28/03