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The Wealth Guide

( Giving You The Secrets How Others Do It )

I will show you how to Make $50,000 in 30 minutes later on in this report with SOLID PROOF.

By Reading This Amazing Report From Start To Finish You Will Absolutely Learn...

* How to get money now using an amazingly simple Internet strategy described in full detail below
* How you can get $250,000 worth of Advertising free...
* How to make $467.50 a day plus 8 additional ways to make a paycheck without a job on the Internet.

Deadline Notice: The programs discussed in this report are currently in effect but subject to end soon.

The following programs are for those who want and need to start making money within the next 30 days or less.

I'll start with an amazing program available for those who need money to start any type of Internet business.

It's a program that gets you the money you need NOW, and it will cost you only the price of sending a fax.


Currently, the countries smartest businessmen and women are using this program to finance their businesses and get new projects off the ground.

It is an old bank program that has been kept confidential for years. It is based on a loop-hole in the system and anyone with knowledge of it is free to use it.

The program consists of acquiring a simple one page form, filling it out in the way instructed (there are no questions on your financial background or credit check) and faxing it to the proper institution.

It will take you approximately 30 days before you can get money, as much as $5,000, $10,000 or $25,000 or more regardless of past credit history.

Have you ever wondered how some wealthy people can go bankrupt, lose everything and within months are purchasing a new home and cars...?

This is how they do it.

It Doesn't Matter If You're Flat Broke Or Have The Worst Credit History.

You can get the money you need now and get yourself on the right track today.

Ordinary people on the verge of loosing everything but were lucky enough to gain access to knowledge of this program have used it to get thousands of dollars.


The program has never failed to work when applied. One high school drop-out in Chicago with D credit and an overdrawn bank account needed $10,000 to purchase a foreclosure that he new he could turn around and sell at a lose and still make $25,000 profit.

After using the program, he was able to walk out of a bank with $15,000 Cash and the rest is history. Today he owns over 2 million dollars in commercial and residential properties...

One man in Kansas used this method to buy into a Burger King Franchise. He is now making over $100,000. a year because he was fortunate enough to know how to get money now and take advantage of a hot opportunity...

The Fastest and Easiest Way To Success Is To Model After Someone Who is Already Successful...

For years I have picked the brains of financially successful people who had mastered the art of getting money.

My focus was to get information on programs and methods they used to get money now. What I found will astound you!

You will see for yourself first hand exactly how one of these programs can put thousands of dollars in your pocket virtually overnight.

However please... I ask that you not take my word for it until I show you REAL PROOF how you can "get money now", later on in this report. Keep reading.


Below is a list of these amazing cash producing secrets and methods that you can find on my web site:

---- "The Wealth Guide" ----

"Success Strategies of Wealthy Internet Entrepreneurs"

You can start using these amazing methods today and begin seeing the money rolling in tonight!

* How a banking secret bankers don't want published can get you $5,000 to $15,000 for any purpose within 30 days.

* How to get your web site at the top of search engines and directories like Yahoo, AOL, Lycos and more within 5 business days. This technique is so powerful and brand new it was only introduced on the Internet in November of 2001.

* Get a legitimate list of over 100 major corporations looking for telecommute home workers that will pay $500 to $1500 per week . In today's economy, corporations are finding it cheaper to hire people to do work from home. The Wealth Guide lists over 100 web sites with contact information.

* Get Test/Proven Million Dollar Sales Letters that can EXPLODE your sales and signups.

* Free use of an amazing Link Exchange Robot that can link your web site on 469 other web sites within 7 days.

* How to spend 1 hour a day on the Internet and within 2 to 3 weeks have a cashiers check sent to you for as much as $14,000 cash. (This is not a "getting paid to surf the net" outfit or Affiliate Program)

* How to open a checking account if you have a bad rating with ChexSystems or Telecheck and currently can not.

* How you can send 500,000 email messages to Opt-in MLM and Bus. Opp. seekers who want to see your business opportunity. Send once a day - everyday free (You send right from the web site never from your own computer)

* How you can get 1,000,000 hits to your web site in in 1 year with this amazing secret technique.

* How to get $3,000 to $50,000 within 1 week regardless of your credit if you currently have a merchant account.

* How to accept Credit Cards without a merchant account.

* How to get others beating down your door pleading to sell your product or service for you.

* How to make $500 a week on eBay using the hottest, hard to find and most sought after product. You'll see where to get this product and get 10 to 100 times what you paid for it.

* How to get an instant $30,000 line of credit by acquiring a 2 -3 year old debt-free Corporation that has a $30,000 pre-established credit line already attached. (You can have yours within 48 hours regardless of past credit history)

* Where you can go and find out how to move into the house of your dreams without a credit check and no money down and buy it when you are ready. You also learn how you can help others get the house of their dreams using this same method an earn a substantial income ($75,000+)

* How to walk into any city or town flat broke, not know a soul and acquire up to $1,000 within one week. This information has changed the lives of thousands.(This has nothing to do with real-estate)

* Where to go and find America's Wealthiest Angel Investors looking to invest in a business idea exactly like the one you have in mind.

* How to get a nation wide cell phone with the worst credit.

* How you can make $48,000 a year or more (part-time) writing on the Internet.

* How to use a simple survey, post it in over 1200 online locations with the push of a button and get 100's of highly targeted visitors to your web site almost instantly.

* See how one man uses the survey technique with a 900 number and made $78,000 in 3 days.

* Make $467.50 a day reselling these programs using Tested/Proven Sales Letters and your own mini webs... free (No Internet marketing experience required)

These are proven, money generating programs and advertising techniques (some extremely confidential) that have never been shared in any other place than high priced boot camp seminars.

Wise businessmen and women who can afford these seminars have used these secrets for years to get the cash they need to start and grow a business or to pay off bills and get out of debt.

They involve No Selling, No MLM's. No Pie In The Sky Business Opportunities.

You need no more than a 3rd grade education to understand how they work. They work fast, and will produce money and instant results for you now.

No matter who you are, what your credit is, where you live, whatever your age, race or sex; by using any one of these programs you can effectively raise money now.

I have sold each of these programs off-line for as much as $97 each. To my astounding surprise the market for this information is limitless.

I have placed ads in how-to magazines that have exploded in profits virtually over-night.


Like the privileged few, I want to give you instant access to the same knowledge that is legally and ethically making everyday people thousands of dollars in less than 30 days.

Here's Solid Proof...

See for yourself just how quick and easy just one of these money generating methods can make you money, simply follow the three steps below:


Go to this Web site: Called the WorldBizClub.

Scroll down and click on the Link "BizLeads To Buy".

You will see requests from companies around the world who want to Buy and Sell things.

For now, focus on the companies that want to "Buy" items in large quantities only. Some Buyers will want large quantities of items like '20 Million Tin Cans' or '20 Tons of Cotton' or '100,000 DVD Players etc.


Now go to this Web site: It's called the Thomas Register.

The Thomas Register is a searchable data base with more than 64,000 manufacturers in the US and abroad. These manufacturers produce any product you can imagine.

Now take one Buyer request from the WorldBizClub Site and do a search for that item in the Thomas Register.

Example: If you have a Buyer from the WorldBizClub site who is requesting 100,000 DVD Players. Enter DVD Players into the #2 area "Product and Services" box at the Thomas Register Web site then click the #3 button titled "Find It Button".

The Registry will come up with dozens of manufacturers of DVD players who sell them wholesale.


At this point all you have to do is call the manufacturer and request a price for 100,000 units of DVD Players.

Once you get the price you may want to call another manufacturer and see if you can get a better price...

Now email the Buyer for the DVD Players at the WorldBizClub(contact info is listed). Tell them you have on had 100,000 DVD Players. Give them a price with your commission added on as a go-between (You're now the Trade Broker).

Example Of How You Make Your Money:

If the manufacture will sell the 100,000 DVD's for wholesale at $50.00 each, you tell the Buyer that you can get them for $52.00 each. The Buyer may only want to pay $50.50. That's great!

Simply agree to their offer and the deal is closed. You haven't had to sell a thing. All you've done is bring Buyer and Seller together and in the process made 50 cents on every DVD sold. That's a whopping $50,000 in less than 30 minutes.

These transactions are done every day by people just like you who have the knowledge of where to look and what they are looking for. Of course not every transaction may close.

However if you send 5 emails a day to 5 different "Buyers" that's 25 emails per week and one hundred emails a month.

If only 3 or 5 of these deals go through, you will make a substantial amount of money working approximately 1 hour a day on the Internet! Simple yet powerful when you have the knowledge.

You'll see how easy it is to 'get paid' with this program at the 'Wealth Guide' web site.

This is only one of over a dozen powerful secret money makers that you will get access to.


The day you gave me your guide I was skeptical. Little did I know it would change my life forever. I didn't believe your programs and methods would work for me, but I was dead broke and had nothing to lose. I followed the steps for the banking program and to my surprise I got 4 cashiers checks totaling $20,000. I used the money to invest in a business which today earns me $75,000 each month. This is my beginning. - D.B. La Mesa CA

In 58 years I have never seen such a dynamic how-to-guide as yours. He doesn't have any competition. - J.S. Arnold, CO

I thank you for the guide. Nothing in this world would have made me more money or happen so fast. I pray to repay you many times over. - L.C. New Orleans, LA

I have your guide. I have gotten much more than I paid for it. My cash return has been more than substantial. H.R. Taimal. CA


If it is important for you to get money and advertising now with minimum time invested, then get the knowledge you need at my Web site to make it happen today.

Until now, The Wealth Guide has only been available in off-line publications. It is now available to you on my Web site just a few clicks away.


I have made it as easy as possible for you to plug into substantial amounts of money and million dollar advertising secrets right away.

For the next 50 people who apply for access to the Wealth Guide web site, your cost is only... $49.95



Are you interested in learning how I was able to start making $467.50 a day on the Internet working only 1 to 2 hours a day?

Would you like proof how you can do the same?

I am giving away an amazing resell opportunity to the incredible cash producing Wealth Guide web site to the next 50 people who obtain access passes.

You will see how to set up an online marketing system for the Wealth Guide within 2 to 4 hours and start making money by this weekend.

No Internet or computer experience is needed.

You'll get my Killer ads and tested sales letters that will get you more enquiries than you can handle.

In addition, you get free access to Jodi's live interactive Online Workshop.

Within 1 hour, I will show you how to make $467.50 a week to start. I make it so simple a child can do it.

Once your system is up, it's only a matter of pushing a few more buttons on your computer to start making $467.50 a day. It's that easy!


** Free use of an Autoresponder with 6 Killer follow-up messages for the Wealth Guide. You can use these follow-up messages with any product and increase your sales by 30% to 70%

** Free use of my merchant account and shopping cart to accept Visa, Mastercard and American Express. You can accept Credit Cards without a merchant account. No set-up fees. No monthly charges ever.


In addition, I'll include 100% free of charge with full resell rights the Traffic Virus 2.0 software submission tool.

You can use Traffic Virus 2.0 to create a Los Angeles Freeway traffic jam at YOUR website and generate $1000's in free publicity for your ad within a few short weeks.

The Traffic Virus 2.0 comes with free tools such as:

*Establish your own FREE affiliate program
*Create your own killer web graphics
*Download free website templates
*Create your own stunning FLASH screens
*Download 3 free incredible webmaster apps
*Browse "do-it-yourself" web builder tutorials
*Generate traffic from discussion boards
*Access your own online marketing toolbox

But, that's not all!


You get 100% ROYALTY FREE RESELL RIGHTS and free download of all these #1 best selling ebooks:

* Million Dollar Emails
* Autoresponder Magic
* Magic Letters
* E-Mail Marketing Strategies Revealed
* Free eZine Ad System
* The Complete E-Bay Auction Marketing E-Course
* How To Increase Your Auction Profits
* Classified Ad Secrets 2001
* Your eBook Daily Marketing Plan
* A Cheap And Easy Guide To Self-Publishing eBooks
* eBook Cover Templates
* eBook Submitter
* The Absolute Beginners Guide To Building A Killer Web Site
* 1001 Newbie-Friendly Tips
* 101 High Profit Business You Can Start Online For Nothing
* Wholesale Sources 2001
* The Ultimate eLibrary (6,000 Free Info Products you can sell)
* The US Constitution

As it stands, the next 50 people will get instant access to The Wealth Guide web site.

Plus a personal invitation to my live online workshop where I take you to $467.50 a day using Million Dollar sales letters with Killer follow-up messages...

Plus 100% royalty-free duplication and reseller rights to 18 of the #1 best selling ebooks and the Traffic Virus 2.0 software submission tool. All for only... $49.95

Yes, this includes my free online mentoring!


After I've sold the next 50 access passes I will discontinue the reseller offer with my free personal guidance. Plus the Wealth Guide price will increase to $97.00

I must do this in order to prevent saturation of the Wealth Guide on the Internet and allow those who respond today to make money for years to come.

I have proven this system works for myself and many others and I will prove it to you with my personal guidance.


By becoming a member of the Wealth Guide today and by taking advantage of my free live online workshop, if you aren't satisfied that you can make the money you need, you have 4 full months to request a refund.

This amazing guarantee plus money raising strategies with the most powerful resell system is priceless.


* How to get you $5,000 to $15,000 for any purpose within 30 days.
* How to get your web site at the top of search engines and directories like Yahoo, AOL, Lycos and more within 5 business days.
* How get a legitimate list of over 100 major corporations looking for home workers and will pay $500 to $1500 per week.
* How to get pre-written Million Dollar Sales Letters that can EXPLODE sales for any product or service.
* How to get a web site link on 469 other web sites within 7 days.
* How to open a checking account if they have a bad rating with ChexSystems or Telecheck and currently can not.
* How they can get 1,000,000 hits to their web site in in 1 year.
* How to get $3,000 to $50,000 within 1 week regardless of your credit they currently have a merchant account.
* How to accept Credit Cards without a merchant account.
* How to get others beating down their door pleading to sell their product or service for you.
* How to get an instant $30,000 line of credit within 48 hours regardless of past credit history.
* How to move into the house of their dreams without a credit check and no money down.
* How to walk into any city or town flat broke, not know a soul and acquire up to $1,000 within one week.
* Where to go and find America's Wealthiest Angel Investors looking to invest in their business idea.
* See how one man uses the survey technique with a 900 number and made $78,000 in 3 days.
* How to Make $467.50 a day reselling these programs (No Internet marketing experience required)


You can offer these programs to others plus use them yourself. You'll make yourself money and be a hero by helping other people make money.

I sent one of my ads to a list of 4,500 opt-in ezine subscribers (an Internet magazine). It cost me $24 to send the solo ad. In less than 24 hours of the emailing I made over $548.00.

In today's economy, the desire to have and own such a broad variety of powerful secret money making strategies is hotter than ever.


If you act now, you can place the same ad I used in three or more ezines. Do the math and see for yourself the potential for making money you now have.

I've made it super simple to make money online.


With my 120 Day Unconditional Money Back Guarantee and my personal guidance in my workshops what do you have to lose?

**P.S. The confidential bank program is available to anyone who has knowledge of it. Get $5,000 or more within the next 30 days before the banking system changes.

**P.S.S. If you are one of the next 50 people to gain access to 'The Wealth Guide' web site, I will personally show you exactly how to start making $467.50 a day marketing the Wealth Guide program on the Internet.

With my tested proven ads, the powerful advertising techniques you get at the Wealth Guide web site and my personal guidance in my free, live, online workshop and 120 day guarantee... assured that you have finally found a cash producing opportunity that can work for you.


In The Process Of Placing Your Order, If You Are Instructed To Pay Only The Bonus Price Then Please Know That You Have Made It Into The Next 50 And I Will Include Your Reseller Information and Traffic Virus Program....

I look forward to seeing you in my online workshop...

Jamie Schizkoske


Order Your Wealth Guide Here Today

ATT: Wealth Guide Buyers
When you order the (Wealth Guide) please send my an email so I can help you get started in making you money the same day.

Thank you

Jamie Schizkoske