"If you kill it, it dies." -victoria

March 9, 2003 by HIVerCHIck - The last time I wrote, I had seven months until school was over.. I now have only 3 more weeks of March, 4 weeks of April, minus Easter break, and 3 weeks in May, then it's June!!! I can't believe it, and to my surprise, I actually enjoy school now. Other than school.. A lot has changed in the last few months, I am actually living and enjoying life now. It's awesome to be alive!

October 19, 2002 by HIVerCHIck - HOLY FRIGGING SQUASH NET! This would have been a pleasant little post if I had not jsut typed for the last half hour and lost it all. I HATE COMPUTERS! OMG... anyways, to sum up the bs I am now writing for the second time... I have like 7 more months till the last month of that hellhole we call high school... and other than that, I went to China this summer, it was kick ass!!! I even climbed the Great Wall and I'll hopefully have those pics scanned soon. Lastly, I have an interview to go on a volunteer trip to work for a week in Mexico in February!!! Yay me! (I still hate computers though...)

July 13, 2002 by HIVerCHIck - It is very late, but I just finished updating the PICTURES section, and there is a hell of a lot there. It took forever to upload them all tonight on Roswell's slow as molasses computer.SO SOMEBODY BETTER CHECK THEM OUT!!! GRRR!!! Well I have to work tomorrow morning, so it's bed time. Bye bye :P

July 12, 2002 by HIVerCHIck - I am leaving for China in less than 3 weeks! I am quite excited, and a little nervous. My plans for travel keep changing, it's crazy. Now I am going to be flying back from China, and staying in Toronto for a few days with Veta. She is my old exchange student who I am going to china to see. She is flying back to Toronto with me. Then I will be getting a drive from Toronto back to New Brunswick with my friend Dan, who is also taking me to visit a couple friends who live in Ontario. This is going to be an awesome trip! Hhmmm... other than that, Roswell is very lazy and still hasen't sent me anything to put on this page. I hope she realizes it takes two to make this relationship work, and I can't do it all by myself! hahaha. I finally got my pics uploaded onto this computer! YAY! Summer school is alright but is starting to get on my nerves.. I still can't get math.. UGH!!!! And why must it start at 8:00am??? GRRR!!

July 4, 2002 by HIVerCHIck - Good day to all. It's about time I got my lazy gluteus maximus (excuse the spelling..) in gear an did a little updating. It's been nearly 2 years, and now I'm a big girl! In recent news, Roswell and I have finally grown out of diapers and are now wearing pull ups! I feel like a new woman! Some time we still have accidents though. Anyways... other than that, it's summer time, and once again, our sorry rear-ends are in summer school! Roswell is my lover, and we have intercourse a lot, and some times, she even tries to act out her nature fantasies by dragging me, (or someone who is not me) into the woods for a little "soul searching"... Oohhh yeah. that's the spot! The woods is a hazardous place though... when your pants are off, you can get splinters..or in her case... termites. She needs to take more precautions when probing the black hole! (I love you LeeLee!)

PICTURES - They have finally arrived!

Aliens Exist?!


The Evil Doctor

Ancient Writings... Now the people will know we were here...

harass me... ICQ 101318262... E-MAIL hiverchick@hotmail.com ...
harass Roswell... ICQ 93420278... E-MAIL hot_4_goku@hotmail.com ...

Take A Look
Sign This (Enrique Iglesias would...)

Sorry boys! I am please to annouce Roswell is no longer up for grabs... she has met her match! A picture of the happy couple can be seen by clicking here.

Gas station attendants like to hear us moan!

attendant: "Gas?"
Lisa: "$10 please"
attendant "Ok"
Tiffany: Does annyone smell cheese? (lol!!!)


... Created November 1, 2000...
...Last Updated: March 9, 2003...

.....interesting words.....
.......brought to you by my friend, the thesaurus.......

dejected - depressed, sad, feeling down
ponderous - serious
centrated - thick
psychosis - insanity, madness
reluctance - disgust, hatred, repulsion
obliterate - terminate, destroy, eradicate
ecstatic - overjoyed, delighted, very happy