Angelfire Has Taken "the Tomb of Anubis" Away From You :(

That's right everyone, Angelfire (possibly in coalition with Disney) has taken away the Tomb of Anubis! No, they didn't boot us out, but instead, we left. Tired of Angelfire's "new" system and all the damage it's done to my precious page, I have decided to pack up the hearse and U-Haul my ass over to Geo-Cities to squat for a while! Not only is the Geo-Cities system more sound, but now my URL ( is a HELLUVA lot easier to remember! I'm working on my own domain name, but it will take time and effort (both of which I lack). So, until then, feel free to visit my new home at Geo-Cities, by clicking on the funny dancing man below!

Oh, and congratulations! You are the th person to come here just to get detoured! Now go check out my REAL page!