Avernum 3 FAQ v. 1.0 ==================== Written and compiled by Drakefyre Avernum 3 is copyright Spiderweb Software (www.spidweb.com). Copyright: This FAQ is copyrighted by me. Unauthorized use is prohibited. Email me (information is below) if you really want to display my FAQ. If you don't ask and display it anyway, there will be repercussions. Email: drakey@sitemouse.com. You can email me to comment on the FAQ about anything you want. Please email me grammatical errors, factual mistakes, and any additions you'd like to make. If I've passed over any important artifacts, please let me know. However, non-unique or weak items aren't useful beyond the Isle of Bigail and Krizsan Province. Don't email me about cracking through registration codes. Avernum 3 is a great game and is definitely worth your $25. Piracy is stealing and against the law. Plus, I can find out where you live and call your internet service provider (or local authorities). How to Use: It's better if you used the FAQ as a reference if you get stuck in any particular area or dungeon. The hints are grouped by dungeon and using "find" can help you navigate through it. Also, 3rd level spell locations and recipe locations are located in the FAQ and can be utilized if you get stuck. ABBREVIATIONS USED: XP - Experience C - Coins Q - Quest (check your quest log) HP - Hit Points SP - Spell (magic) Points PC - Player Character (member of your party) NPC - Non-Player Character Rep - Reputation GIFTS - Giant Intelligent Friendly Talking Spider(s) AP - Action Point, movement point. Normally a character has 4 unless they are wearing too much armor, or have magical items, spell effects, or special traits. TABLE OF CONTENTS: (1) Character creation (2) Spell Analysis (3) Walkthrough (4) Spell Locations (5) Quick Answers (6) Cheating (7) Additional Info (8) Version History ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ (1) CHARACTER CREATION: PARTY LAYOUT: When playing with all four PCs, I like to have two warriors, a mage, and a priest. This plan works quite well as the fighters can eliminate the immediate threats while the magic users focus on the more threatening beasties from afar. Typically, the NPCs that you can pick up are very powerful and will greatly aid your party. However, none of them are available from the very beginning of the game and it's of no use to leave a slot empty for them unless you want to get an archer levels ahead of everyone else. RACE: The surface is full of scared and biased humans. It's not hard to predict that Slithzerikai will take the average citizen of Valorim by surprise. There are several instances on the surface where having a Slith in your party will result in more fights. However, the rugged lizardmen are worth the extra bloodshed. They receive a bonus when using pole weapons and are fire resistant. It's useful to make at least one of your fighters (or priests) a Slith. The feline Nephilim were persecuted by the Empire, but pockets of them still exist on the surface. Some of them will aid you if you have a Nephil in your party. Nephilim are extremely agile and will receive a bonus when using missile weapons. Your mage or second fighter would benefit from the extra dexterity that the Nephilim receive. The third race is the average, boring humans. They have no advantages or disadvantages and are fine for a priest if you can't afford the Slithzerikai experience penalty. Otherwise, you'll want to choose one of the first two races. Also, Nephilim receive agility and speed bonuses every eight levels. Slithzerikai receive pole weapon bonuses every eight levels as well. Slith pole weapons bonus: Level 1: +15% Level 8: +20% . . . Level 32: +35% etc. CLASS: Always make custom characters unless you're in a real hurry to get started. Predefined characters have an unnecessary and inefficient distribution of skill points into skills that you'll rarely use. SKILLS: Certain skills are to be avoided like the plague. Other skills are great at any level and can be a great help wherever you get them. This section is a run-through of all the skills available in the beginning of game when you're creating your party (of custom type, of course). Strength: Controls carrying capacity, bashing percentage, and damage. Start out with some of this for everyone, but more for your fighters. Once you max out carrying space at 350, bring up your dexterity level. Also, Strength adds 1-8 points of damage per level, depending on the weapon. Dexterity: This controls your act rate in combat, dodging percentage, and many secondary skills. Start out with a little less dexterity than strength but bring them closer after you max out your carrying capacity. Dexterity does not affect your to hit percentage. Intelligence: This is a must for all magic users and affects many secondary skills and abilities. Give your fighters a few points later on so they get the extra resistance bonuses. Mind control can be alleviated with lots of intelligence. Endurance: This controls your HP. It's not too important early on, but it does boost some physical resistances (like poison). Later on, a single point of endurance can increase your HP by over 15 points. Melee: You can put a few points in here for your human and nephil PCs. Put points into this skill if you want to be able to accurately hit your enemies. Melee affects your damage the same way as Strength. Most weapons are melee, and the Mithral Broadsword and Demonslayer are some of the best weapons in the game. Pole: This is important for Sliths because they already get an inherent bonus with pole weapons. Build up this skill to increase your hit percentage. This skill affects damage like Strength. The Black Halberd, a pole weapon, is the best weapon in the game. Bows: This skill covers both regular bows and crossbows. This skill is okay for Nephilim mages or priests, but it has no use for anyone else. I equip my fighters with a bow and no bow skill so when they're confused they'll shoot the bow and miss. Mages or priests can use this when they're out of SP. Otherwise, it just doesn't do enough damage to serve a purpose. This skill affects damage just like Strength. Thrown: Razordisks, javelins, and darts. None of the three is good enough to serve as more than a backup for a long-distance fight. Again, I sometimes equip my fighters with darts for when they're under mind control. Hardiness: One of the best and cheapest skills in the game. It affects the effect of encumbrance on your PCs and adds points to many resistances. Towards the end of the game, this skill should be at least eight in each PC. Defense: You'll take less damage with Defense and be hit less often. It's not as good as Hardiness, but buy a few levels. Assassination: This skill gets better as you go along. This skill will enable you to hit the damage cap around level 15. Assassination can add up to 75 damage to your attacks, which is always useful. Mage Spells: One person should start with at least six in this skill. You may want to give your fighters a level or two later on to distract mung demons. Your mage should build this up to 18 as soon as possible. After 18, intelligence makes more sense. Priest Spells: One person should start with at least six in this skill. You may want to give your fighters a level or two later on to distract mung demons. Your priest should build this up to 18 as soon as possible. After 18, intelligence makes more sense. Arcane Lore: This skills enables you to read magical tomes and runes that aren't Vahnatai. If you can't read a spellbook, plunk more points into this. Put more points into this every once in a while. Potion Making: Unless you plan on making lots and lots of Knowledge Brews, this skill is useless. Only one person (if any) needs this skill, usually the priest. Tool Use: One character should have a decent amount in this skill to disarm traps or open doors when you're out of spell points. If you want to avoid the use of Unlock Doors, you can really pump this skill up and open any door. First Aid: This skill isn't worth any of your skill points. Healing spells are cheap SP-wise and healing herbs can are very accessible through the supply caches. First aid will end up doing your characters harm, and it can kill them if they're at 0 HP. Also, first aid kits are extremely heavy. Nature Lore: Spare skill points should go here and into Hardiness. Nature Lore will allow you to open all of the caches on the surface. With all of the items you get from the caches, you can sell them and buy knowledge brews to build up more of this skill. You get a nice prize (?) if you open all 70 caches, although it takes a considerable investment. Luck: This expensive skill can save your life when you're at 0 HP and also benefits many of your resistances. You should invest in this here and there throughout the game. This skill is checked in many places throughout the game, but nearly as often as it was in previous Avernums. SPECIAL ABILITIES: These special abilities affect your experience penalty bonus or penalty. However, unlike previous games, the experience is calculated in a much more consistent manner. Instead of this being a percentage for gaining each experience point, you get the experience with this penalty or bonus appended to the amount needed to level. For example, if you have a 60% experience penalty, you'll need 1600 XP to gain a level. Likewise, if you have a 20% bonus, you will need 800 XP to gain each level. Great Renown: You start off with more reputation. Although it can help you in certain situations, reputation is gained extremely quickly in the early game. Nimble Fingers: This works like extra Tool Use skill and is an invisible bonus when picking locks and disarming traps. It could be useful if you decide to play without a mage who can cast Unlock Doors. Beastmaster: This character will start out with the ability Summon Beast. It can be useful early on, but it's not worth the experience, especially since there are spells and scrolls that do the same thing. Strong Will: This ability gives the character extra mental strength to resist magical effects. This is very useful for avoiding confusion at all levels, although this is more useful for fighters, since they don't have a lot of intelligence to boost their magic resistance. If you have a Slith fighter, consider giving his this skill along with Fast on Feet. Good Education: Gives a bonus to rune reading and item lore. Rune reading should never be a problem for your party, and item lore is also very easy to come by. Skip this skill. Toughness: You will take less damage from attacks and will be more resistant to poison and disease. Consider this for your spellcasters if they're not Sliths. Although this was very beneficial in Exile, you're only allowed two abilities in Avernum. You should definitely pass over this for fighters and all Sliths, regardless of their position. Fast on Feet: This is definitely a great special ability for anyone in the party. It increases your AP almost every turn and, when paired with speed items and hasting spells, will allow you to attack three times in one turn easily. Definitely give this skill to your fighters. Natural Mage: Enables mages to cast spells while encumbered. This is VERY useful. It also delivers a bonus to all spells (mage and priest) which increases as you gain levels. Definitely give your mage this skill, and it's worthwhile for priests as well. I always give this skill to my two spellcasters. An added bonus, this skill gives you the special ability Regenerate. Elite Warrior: This skill gives bonuses to the damage and accuracy of your attacks. It increases based on your level, much like the Slith polearm bonus. However, it's not always worth it to give this ability to Sliths because the damage cap will come to them early anyway, and, unless you want to zoom up to the cap, this skill won't benefit Sliths as much as it will benefit human and Nephil fighters. Also, you get the special ability Battle Rage, which makes you harder to hit. Divinely Touched: This skill, although at a 40% penalty, offers a little bit of each of the above. It also grants you three special abilities - regenerate, call spirit, and divine aid. At higher difficulty levels (torment), this skill can be extremely beneficial, but it's not worth it in a party of four PCs or with a singleton. Of the disadvantages, sickness prone and brittle bones are the only ones worth taking, and only then if you want to experiment or level up faster. Completely inept will give you, basically, a pack mule to carry your items. Sluggish puts you at a disadvantage, especially against mages and disablers like undead. Cursed at birth isn't too bad, but it could manifest itself at the wrong time and kill you. Still, it's up to you. If you want a challenge, take a disadvantage on torment as a singleton. ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ (2) SPELL ANALYSIS: MAGE SPELLS: Bolt of Fire: Bolt of fire is useful at the beginning of the game for single monsters, but later on it will only be cast when you're low on SP and you need to kill a baddie with help from all of your PCs. Light: It will always be useful. Try to get level 3 as soon as possible. Call Beast: You may use it to distract the enemy while you spend a turn healing, but it never brings in anything that will turn the tide in your favor. Spray Acid: This spell is new to the Avernum series, but it's not as useful to you as it is to enemy spellcasters. Acid doesn't stack on NPCs like it does to you, so this spell won't be of much use. Use the SP on Bolt of Fire or something a little more damaging. Haste: This is an excellent spell throughout the game. Level three is excellent and gives your whole party haste. Against enemy spellcasters that like to cast slow, you can have your mage (w)ait until the end of the combat round and cast haste. Voila! Slow disappears. Slow: Although the AI likes to cast this spell, monsters are generally resistant to it and it won't do much good unless you want to keep your enemy in battle for a long time. Use the SP on another spell. Ice Lances: This spell is great if you can get it at the beginning. It will be your primary offensive spell, along with Lightning Spray, until you get Fireblast. As a bonus, you get this spell at level three just by defeating the slimes. Also, very few monsters are resistant to ice (only undead and some ice creatures). Unlock Doors: A must-have unless you want to spend a whole lot of skill points on tool use. Level two isn't much better than level one, but level three is easily attained and will open all doors that you come across (and don't need a key for). Create Illusions: I've never used this spell, nor do I intend to. It can be used to distract the AI, even though the monsters will die whenever they're hit. However, if you want to distract the AI, summoning a host of shades is much better and they'll actually do some damage. Far Sight: A decent spell for finding out whether there is something behind that wall. Secret passages are found faster with this spell. You can even cast level three outdoors. Lightning Spray: This spell will be one of your primary offensive spells throughout the entire game. You can use it to great effect against most baddies, including Demon Golems. At high levels, this will do as much and more damage than Arcane Blow and Fireblast. You will find yourself regularly doing over 120 damage to most enemies. Capture Soul/Simulacrum: Use Capture Soul to capture the worst enemies and then summon them back up again with Simulacrum. Level three of both spells are found early on, so you should have no problems. Try to get an Ur-Basilisk, Vahnatai Lord, Mung Demon, and a Quickghast in your soul crystal. You can save and reload before capturing to make sure that the monster goes into your empty slot, instead of writing over another monster. Dispel Barrier: You will need this spell at level two to get far in the game. Fortunately, Mayor Knight in Sharimik will reward you with level two after you complete his troglodyte quest. Summon Aid: This spell summons a few monsters to aid you. Like all summoning spells, it's a waste of time. You will get relatively few monsters with spell, but they can be used to distract the enemy while you make a quick exit. Forcecage: Although this is the AI's new favorite spell, you can't attack the enemies in the cage. However, if you're in a combat with several powerful baddies, you can trap them and kill one at a time. Fireblast: Along with Lightning Spray, this spell will be your major offensive mage spell. You can get a lot of damage out of this spell, switching to Lightning Spray when you get to enemies resistant to fire. You will end up doing close to 150 damage with this spell. Arcane Summon: Probably one of the more useless summoning spells, as it will only summon 1-3 monsters. Regardless of their strength, 1-3 monsters don't do a lot of distracting for you. It's not worth the SP. Arcane Shield: The best defensive spell in the game. You will get martyr's shield at level two and invulnerability at level three. Arcane Blow: This spell deals damage of an all or nothing type. Personally, I think it's not worth it. Fireblast and Lightning Spray will do more damage for less SP. PRIEST SPELLS: Healing: It just gets better. You can heal for hundreds of damage with this spell at level three. This is a must for all parties, although Mass Healing does replace it (eventually). Curing: Use it on disease, poison, and, at level three, acid. Level two isn't that useful, and you can easily skip to level three. War Blessing: A new spell that blends all of the beneficial spells together. At level three it offers haste, bless, shielding, and magic resistance. Couple it with Arcane Shield for the best effects. Terror: I thought we'd made it home free when Jeff didn't include any fear spells in Avernum and Avernum 2. Unfortunately, they're back. At lower levels, the spell will only affect weak enemies that you can kill easily. At higher levels, the monsters you want to scare away are all immune, while the ones that you can scare away you have no trouble with. Repel Spirit: This is a must-have spell against undead and, at level three, demons. Try to get to level three as soon as possible, although it's not so easy in Avernum 3. Smite: This is a good offensive spell until you get Divine Fire. However, it's severely limited by only allowing you three targets to cast it on. Although, at high levels, this spell is as damaging as any other. Divine Fire will replace this except against creatures like Fire Golems. Summon Shade: Another summoning spell that only adds one ally. Utterly worthless, unless you like watching XP and SP go down the drain. Safe Travel: Again, a useless spell. Pathfinder is readily available, so this spell is quickly made obsolete. Spend your coins on Pathfinder and other skills, not this. Unshackle Mind: Useful when you're dumbfounded or some party members have been confused by gremlins or other baddies. Try to get a spellshard with this too. Move Mountains: This is a necessity at all levels. Try to get level three as soon as possible -- nice treasures can be found with this spell. Mass Healing: Heals the entire party. It depends on how many PCs could use healing -- if it's one or two, just go for healing. Otherwise, use this spell. Mass Curing: Meh. I never have to use this, so it may just be a waste of coins. It's your choice. Radiant Shield: This defensive spell will give you magic resistance at level one, add shielding at level two, and add sanctuary and martyr's shield at level three. Try to get level three as soon as possible. Divine Fire: The best offensive priest spell. You will use it often. It does a lot of fire damage. Cloud of Blades: The only spell that can generate a field, the blade walls will do a lot of damage to the opponents, especially with the AI's insistence on walking through almost every field in existence. Return Life: I just reload from a previous save file, but you may want to resurrect your PCs. Higher levels will resurrect dusted and stoned PCs. Divine Retribution: Almost as much of a waste as Arcane Blow, but not quite. It doesn't do nearly as much damage as it should for its cost, but it will work against most fire-resistant monsters, so you may find yourself using it when Divine Fire won't work. Divine Restoration: Like Revive from Exile, this will heal you for a lot, and even over your HP max. It also cures all bad conditions, which makes this a great spell for a singleton in trouble. Divine Host: Probably the only decent summoning spell. Vengeful shades hold their own and do a decent job of distracting the enemy. Go for level three so you can summon five shades instead of three or four. ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ (3) WALKTHROUGH: This walkthrough is how I played through the game for the purpose of creating this FAQ. It is recommended that you don't follow this walkthrough exactly. Rather, if you get stuck, you can refer to the walkthrough to find the exact town and problem that has you scratching your head. I went through this game on Hard, so there are certain monsters that will pose more of a threat to me than to someone playing Normal or Easy. If I say that certain monsters are hard, don't automatically think I'm crazy. This game contained absolutely no cheating. To get your background information, watch the animation sequence at the beginning of the game. Upper Avernum I: FORT EMERGENCE Q: Go See Anaximander Q: Go up to the surface Q: Kill Bandit Leader Q: Find missing papers You'll notice that you start out in Fort Emergence, the link between Avernum and the surface. Start by getting the scroll on the table and looking in both the chest and dresser for items. Give all of the items to the people who would be most likely to need them. Often, one party member begins the game without pants. Use the ones provided to give some decency (and protection) to that PC. HINT: Look inside all sort of items. Crates, barrels, dressers, desks, chests, bookshelves, and more can all hold items. Most items are somehow concealed in terrain like this. Across the hall from your room is a mess hall. There's a little bit of food to pick up there if you want. There are lots of kinds of food just lying in Avernum, so you'll never have to buy any. Personally, I prefer the lighter food like greens or bread. South of the kitchen is a training room. To train, just step inside the room and press the train button underneath your character portrait. You shouldn't need to train now, since you just started the game and have no XP yet. Read the scroll and go to where the storeroom is indicated. You'll see quite a number of supplies much better than what you're currently wearing. On the way, be sure to stop in the room two doors down the hallway. Cast Unlock Doors or bash down the door and look in the dresser. You can steal the energy potion and put it to better use than its (former) owner. HINT: Stealing isn't a crime unless you get caught. Close the door behind you when you steal so you can be sure nobody's looking. All items with a 'not yours' symbol (NY) in the corner are someone else's property. However, you can always make better use of it than they can, just like with this energy potion. In the storeroom, equip what you can and try to distribute the items evenly. Remember, Sliths work best with polearms, while Nephilim are best working with missile weapons. HINT: Try to compare weapons and armor to decide which is better. For example, a stone dagger is 1-3+1-3/level. An iron dagger is 2-6+1- 3/level. The iron dagger does more damage. Also, an steel dagger is 3- 9+1-3/level, but an iron longsword is 2-10+1-5/level. The 1-5 compared to the 1-3 does make a difference, because you can get a whole lot more damage with a higher Melee skill with the longsword. With armor, 1-10 is better than 1-10-1. It's much simpler than weapon comparison. When you've equipped your party, head up to Anaximander. Listen to him and get the quest. If you want, go across the hall and get the bandit map. Also, you can visit Levi from time to time to get a little gold a reward for ending a plague on the surface. Next, go to the mess hall south of Anaximander (it's in another building) and get the mission from Commander Johnson. If you meet Thereza wandering around Fort Emergence, she has another quest for you. If you want to brave lava, both the NE and NW corners of Fort Emergence have treasure caches with 420c and a Bolt of Fire spellshard, and a crossbow with bolts, respectively. There's a secret passage in the SW with Bolt of Fire and Spray Acid scrolls. When you feel ready, head out south into Upper Avernum. OUTDOORS: Always talk to the guards. It becomes worthwhile later on. Never pay brigands unless you're woefully damaged. Try hanging around for some wandering goblins to fight. They'll build up your XP until you level, so you can get enough skill points to be able to take on the bandits. The goblin lair is easier than the bandit lair and will be more rewarding for a level one party. Early on, items dropped in combat can be sold for quite a profit. Silver rings are dropped often and fetch a decent price. Gems are also light and expensive. Even some weapons, like swords and spears, or armor can fetch a tidy profit. To get the package for Theresa, go slightly NW from the bridge after Fort Emergence. There should be a stalagmite area with a body inside. Search for a secret passage and examine the body. When you give Thereza the package, you'll get some reputation (2) and coins. GOBLIN LAIR: You can kill monsters while still in town mode. They should give you no trouble if you take them on one or two at a time. Your priest can heal whomever needs it for two SP. Use your automap to make sure that you've cleared out the entire dungeon. There is a Crafted Chain Mail in the NW corner (you'll need a boat to get there). There is a staircase down to another dungeon level at the center of the western wall. WOLF PIT: In here, the monsters are slightly tougher but shouldn't pose a threat. In the first animal pen, there's a secret passage leading to a chest with a healing and curing potion. In the north are Pants of Power, but you need Move Mountains to get them. Remember where they are. Go to the center of the northern wall and search it for secret passages. Go up the staircase and get the statuette. Now you can move on to the bandit's hideout through the stairway in the northwest. BANDIT HIDEOUT: From where you came in, go east. Try to stay in town mode - the mage's sleep ray will have no effect. To take care of the leader, make your way to the northeast. If you're starting to get low on SP, you can go outside through the exit to south (through a secret passage), rest, and come back in. The treasure from the leader is decent, and thugs will drop decent armor and boots. Try to fill every one of the twelve wielded items with some item, just so you can carry more. OUTDOORS: Go back to Fort Emergence and speak with Commander Johnson. You'll get reputation (1) and some coins. You should be at least level four by now, and you should have some skill points to spend. Train in Fort Emergence and you can head up to Ghikra to return the statuette. If you haven't already, you should kill the group of bandits on the road to Ghikra. GHIKRA: Q: Return Koriba's Statue Q: Info on Slimes for Rentar-Ihrno You can deliver the statuette to Koriba and get a soul crystal as a reward. For a price, Tekora-Tel will teach you Capture Soul and Simulacrum. Speak with Rentar-Ihrno and ask her to let you speak with the crystal souls. She'll also give you a quest to find information about the slimes on the surface (and kill them) if you've seen them (Rentar Charm (+1 Melee Damage), 250xp). You can purchase Vahnatai Lore from Glantris-Bok. Later on, if you buy the boat from Gointz in New Cotra, you can enter from the water and learn Capture Soul and Simulacrum level three if you have Dispel Barrier or Piercing Crystals. NEW COTRA: Q: Kill a slime Q: Find Hmurr's cows If you have enough coins you can buy weapons, but you should save 500 for Gointz' boat. Go to the mayor and talk to him about any missions. Ask Hmurr too. OUTDOORS: Both quests are easily solved to the southwest. Bump into all cows you see, and the ice slime is in the passageway with the frozen water. To the north of the ice slime is a greater shade with a ring, also no problem. NW of New Cotra is an encounter with a group of Nephilim. They have pretty good treasure. To the south of New Cotra, there's a group of escaped giant lizards with a cache of missile weapons if you defeat them. After you get your rewards (1 rep, 300c;food) from the quests, hop in your boat and go north up the river. When you reach the end, hop out to the west. If you go down the passage, there's the Radiant Slith Spear, although you have to fight an extremely tough Shambler to get it. Save before the fight - and the spear is definitely worth it. Give it to your first character and watch him dominate without even going into combat mode. Now you can leave the boat somewhere useful, like near Ghikra, and head up to the surface. Surface I: OUTDOORS: After all of your years in Avernum, you finally come to the surface. However, all is not well with the world. Explore around a little bit and kill the unicorns and slimes you come across. To the south is the first big city on Valorim, Krizsan. KRIZSAN: Q: Find Dominique Q: Destroy the Slimes Q: Find Fellows' Gold Ring The city of Krizsan and all of Krizsan province has been dealing with the slimes, which are not too tough. But first, a little exploration. Jinx sells weapons and has decent prices to sell to. Benedict sells armor and has a quest for you to find Dominique (200xp, 1 rep, healing potion, haste potion, knowledge brew), who is in New Formello in Upper Avernum. Fellows, the apprentice mage who sells luck charms, will also identify your items. He'll also ask for his gold ring (100xp, lucky charm(+1 luck)). Any gold ring will do, but his is along the western wall, through a secret passage on the outside of town. In the very southeast corner of town, there's a secret passage with some lockpicks. On the same wall, just south of the east exit, is a room where a mysterious wizard occasionally appears. If he's there, you can purchase the location of the Ring of Endless Magery, one of the five major artifacts. Just to the west of that, in town hall, Captain Agrod promises you 10 gold for each unicorn horn you bring him. Next to his office is Valoda, the jobs dispatcher. Be warned: if you don't fulfill a job on time, it could be 50 days before you get another one. The mayor gives you a quest to eliminate the slimes. To get more information on them, speak with Dawn in the inn. To west of Krizsan, there are several other towns that can boost your level and get you some nice equipment before you take on the slimes. UNICORN CAVE: This is your average cookie-cutter dungeon. You shouldn't even need to move into combat mode. There's a body with decent items in the NW corner, through a secret passage. There are some herbs through a mossy boulder-blocked passage in the center of the north wall. DELAN: Delan has a fletcher and horses to buy. Feral, in the inn, sells horses for 500 gold. DELIS: If you've saved the Empire troops to the east of here, speak to Glydden in the inn (1 rep). Otherwise, this town only serves to house Paolo's package, which is in a room in the inn. PERGIES: Q: Return Paolo's Package The only thing of interest here is Paolo, in a room in the inn. He'll teach you priest spells at level two and give you a quest to retrieve a package from Delis. There is no reputation hit for doing the quest. When you return the package, Paolo gives you your reward (Mage's Bracelet, 200xp). Also, in one of the iron mines to the north of here, you can buy cheap metals. After that, you should be ready to explore your lead on the slimes. BOJAR'S TOWER: As soon as you enter, go to the west. Kill the four archers and the slimes, and then attack the barracks. You can always leave and re-enter the dungeon if you get weakened. You should find yourself dumped into the second level right after that. Make your way north to a room with a few guards and archers. Kill them, and move into the next room. Kill those soldiers too, and move south. There are decent items in the two locked supply rooms. Loot them and take the locked door out. Get in the boat and row south to the slime pool. Kill it from a distance with firebolt, and go through the door. Make your way to the slime encounter and use the secret passage in the southwest. Bojar is right through here, and he drops a Robe of Magery (protects 1- 3+2, +1 intelligence, 10% less chance to be hit) when he's killed. His library has the information you need, along with a ruby. If you want to explore the rest of the level, there's a strength potion, 220 coins, and Forcecage level 3 in a secret chamber at the webbed corner of Bojar's lab. Also, there are tons of goblins and a guard worm, which will give a low level party problems. If you go back to level one by way of the stairway next to the slime pool, pull the lever and clear out the rest of the level. After you leave, make your way to the east of Krizsan. SILVAR: Kilborn offers several spells that Paolo does not, but beyond that, this town is ordinary. COLCHIS: This town has been taken over by slimes. Talk to the ghost in the southeast. The pillar slightly to the north and the anvil in the center of town have a basic charm (+40% acid resistance) and a wyrmskin helmet (1-2+2; 10% illness protection), respectively. If you can't get the helmet, increase your strength and try again. To the southeast of Colchis is the Slime Pit. SLIME PIT: As soon as you walk in, you'll be beset by slimes. Kill them all and proceed to the center of the level. There's a pedestal with buttons here. Each button corresponds to ramp on the level, with the position of the button on the pedestal mapping to the location of the ramp. It's easiest to start with the two ramps above the pedestal. Press one of the buttons and go to that ramp. When you descend it, kill the slime pool in that section and go back to the pedestal. Repeat this for all of them. If you're having trouble with the section with the statues and mauve slimes, look for a secret passage in the east wall. If you're having trouble with the section with the boat, try and focus on the mauve slimes, mostly ignoring the other slimes. When you're done with all five of them, there should be a rune behind the slime pool. It leads to the Alien Slime. If you stay just out of range, you can pepper it with spells and bring it down easily. Also, you can cast War Blessing on a fighter and send him/her in against the Alien Slime. After killing it, find the secret passage to north. Go to the end and note the rune. Back on the upper level, there are some goodies for the taking. In the NW corner are a crossbow and some bolts. In the center of the north wall, past the barrier, are a healing potion, energy potion, and haste potion. Slightly to the east of that, through a secret passage, is a plot coupon about the slime's creators. There's a healing pool slightly to the southwest of the pedestal, through two secret passages. To the west of the pedestal, there's a ruby guarded by three poison fungi. To the far west, past a mossy boulder, is a small supply cache with a healing potion and a lightning spray scroll. Also, in the southeast, you'll find a fetid zombie and a wight guarding a Radiant Robe (1-8;+30 protection from melee;+20% resist magic;+20% resist acid). Also there are Lightning Spray L2 and Summon Aid L2. Just north of there is a secret passage leading to the body of a member of the first Avernum exploration party, which Anaximander will tell you about. Now it's off to claim your rewards! KRIZSAN: Talk with Mayor Arbuckle for your official reward (1500c, 500xp, 4 rep). Now that you've beaten the slimes, Falko, in the northwest corner, will join your party if you let him. However, you need to have an empty slot. You can store party members in Fort Emergence, Hawke's Manse, or the House on a Hill. Upper Avernum II: FORT EMERGENCE: Go to the mage's area in the southeast and talk to Mazudmar. She should teach you a motion or signal to get by barriers in a secret passage nearby. Go there and learn Move Mountains (level 2) and Far Sight (level 2). To the north of Mazudmar is Berra. Get him to identify the rune you found in the Slime Pit. He'll tell you that it's Erika the Archmage's rune, a surprising twist. Go to speak with Anaximander. He'll get you in to see Erika, and enable your rewards from Levy (Invulnerability Elixer) and Solberg (in the Tower of Magi). He'll also tell you about the first Avernite expedition on the surface. Head out to Upper Avernum again. Speak with the traveling guards and give them information (1 rep). OUTDOORS: To the north of Ghikra, along the east wall, there's a long winding passage down. In it are many groups of Giant Lizards and a group of Poison Fungi guarding a Wand of Ice at its end. Just to the west of the sign pointing to Erika's Tower are a series of encounters with ogres, sliths, and undead. You may want to attempt this later, at a higher level. At the end of the fights, you'll find a serendipity knife (4- 20+1/5; +6 luck). ERIKA'S TOWER: Erika is to the north of Ghikra, across a small bridge. Erika will teach you Magery, a great special skill, if your reputation is high enough. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~SPECIAL SKILL~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Magery: A great skill that increases the power of all your spells. It's a great skill for mages and priests too. Unfortunately, you can't train in magery. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Erika will also teach a lot of mage spells at levels one and two. Accept Erika's boon, which will aid you tremendously in the endgame. Pick up the amulet, but don't forget to go back to Erika and have her activate it. On the table next to Erika is a spellbook for Haste L3. If you do choose to explore the rest of Erika's Tower, prepare for a wide variety of magical and monster traps. The room to the north of the amulet room contains a diamond dagger (6-30+1/5), but it springs an Ur- Basilisk trap with it. On the right side, in the last room, there are chests with 350 gold, mushrooms, a nimble band (+1 AP), a ring of idiocy, a cursed greatsword, and a fire orb necklace (+10% Fire Resist). NEW FORMELLO: Q: Help out Sliths You can find Dominique here, if you haven't already. Go to the bottom room in the inn and speak with the Sliths. Hsska will join your party if you get Commander Ace to improve the living conditions of the Sliths. Ahsoth will give you the actual mission. He'll grant your request if you eliminate a chitrach nest to the south of New Formello. You'll have to attack the nest several times before it's eliminated. Beyond the nest is an Amber Shield (1-6+2; +1 luck). Go back to Ace and then Ahsoth (300xp, 3 rep). Hsska is a great addition to your party, and his strong priest spells are great at such an early level. PORTAL FORTRESS: Q: Get Research Books Q: Find Denise's Amulet Above the east entrance, there's an Unspecified Services building. In the SE of this building is an item enhancing platform. There are many of these located throughout Avernum 3. They are used by putting an item on the pad and pulling the lever. That will give a stat bonus to the item on the pad. This one will give +10% cold resistance. To use it again, talk to Kelner. He will reset it for you. The library has an interesting scroll on one of the bookshelves. Walner will tell you how to decipher it. You can also buy identification and alchemical recipes from Walner. Walner will also take your research tomes from you for a fair price (40 gold and 20xp). This is one of several item quests throughout the game. In the NW, Denise will give you a quest to find her amulet in the Tower of Magi. You will get (200xp and a Forcecage Scroll) for returning it. Across the hall is Carol, who will heal you and sell you first aid skill for 150c a pop. You will now be able to use the teleporter in the SW, which takes you to the Tower of Magi. TOWER OF MAGI: Q: Recover Lab Notes Q: Read Vahnatai Notes Soon after you enter the Tower of Magi, you should come across Mahdavi, a Triad Mage. She'll give you a quest to read Erika's notes on the Vahnatai (). In the NE, you can buy recipes, potions, information, and priest spells. Wandering around the NE is Carrie, and apprentice who lost her lab notes. If you recover them for her (the wight is in the NW cell in the secondary lab), she'll tell you where to find an archer's cloak (1-4;+1 Dex;+3 Missile Damage;+15% Missile Hit Chance) and you'll get 200xp. In the south, through a secret passage, is a tome with Arcane Summon lvl 2 (-250xp) and an Energy Pulse mind crystal. Energy Pulse crystals only dumbfound the user, and should be sold. Denise's amulet is in her quarters in the southern part of the tower. Solberg is in the room next to hers. He will teach you Ice Lances lvl 3 for killing the Alien Slime. In the SE there is another item enhancer. It will give +10% fire resistance, then four negative abilities, and then +10% Protection from Melee. In the room before it, the desk contains the Xian Tome, which gives you a different book each time you read/use it. Now it's back to the surface to deal with the second plague. To start, we'll head out by going through a mountain pass a little to the east of Fort Emergence and the Unicorn Cave. Surface II: OUTDOORS: Q: Show Dryad Something Beautiful WNW of the pass is a series of rocks with a serendipity knife (4- 20+1/5;+6 luck). To the south of that is the Distant Hut, a teleportation center. West, south, and east of that are two encounters that result in a hoard of coins and a fire orb necklace, along with a Health Charm (+20% Illness Resist;+10 protection from all damage). North of the distant hut are a group of refugees that need to be told that you've ended the slime plague (1 rep). Also, right there's a dryad's grove with a sad dryad who needs a perfect flower (north of Libras or in the Tower of Zkal). In return, you'll get the location of the Dryad's Blessed Charm. There's a bronze greatsword to the far west, on a body. NW of the pass, if you have the Orb of Thralni, there's an island with a cache on it. You can fly to the island to the north of it and get into a fight with some tough vengeful shades and spectres for a Pirate's Blade (). East of the pass is conflict with some ogres herding Nephil slaves. If you help the Nephilim, they'll give you an energy potion. North of there, on a small island reached by walking on rocks, there's a stash of iron and silver bars. Selling them will net you a lot of gold. A little to the east of the mountain pass is a secret passage that leads to a stone circle. Across Valorim you will find mysterious stone circles, similar to Stonehenge in size and appearance. You have the option to pray in them. If you pray in four or five, you will be forced to fight Haakai and mung demons in the endgame, but each stone circle gives you a spell at level three. The first stone circle will give you Curing L3. Finally, Farport is across the bridge to the northeast of the circle. FARPORT: Q: Kill Roaches for Nell The town has a weaponsmith, an inn, food, and a sage. The sage will also sell scrolls and identify items. She tells you about the Isle of Bigail, which has been infested by giant cockroaches and is run by priests called the Anama. Nell, will also give you a quest to clean the roaches out of her home. Doing so will get you 200xp and a point of Arcane Lore. Hop on the ferry and go over. PORT TOWNSEND: The only person of real interest to you in Port Townsend is Father Rice. He will speak to you about the Anama's beliefs and ideas. If you want to join them, you will get free priest spells, but you will lose all of your mage spells. (Note: to cheat this, stash your mage in Fort Emergence before joining. Your mage will have all of his/her old spells, but won't be able to buy new ones.) Agree with Father Rice if you want to join the Anama. To the west of Port Townsend is Bavner, and your first contact with the cockroaches. BAVNER: Q: Visit Point Contemplation There's a trainer here, and an Anama Acolyte, Seela, who will tell you about the talking spiders to the north of here. There's also a small inn in the NW corner of town. Mother Loomis will tell you her views on magic, much like Father Rice, and she will give you a quest to visit Point Contemplation (250xp, 2rep), a roach-infested town SW of Port Townsend. In the SE part of town, there's a stash of coins and another Health Charm. POINT CONTEMPLATION: In the keeper's quarters (NW corner) there is a healing potion. There are healing, strength, and curing potions in the northern part of the contemplation area. Through a secret passage, there are 200c and a pilgrim's cloak (1-1;+2 pathfinder;+20% resist magic effects). GIANT INTELLIGENT FRIENDLY TALKING SPIDERS: Q: Help Some Spiders The GIFTS have quite a bit to do with the plot, but first let's grab some goodies. There's a secret passage just east of the entrance. Fight the spirits and take any iron bars that you want. At the end of the room is an item-enhancing platform. It gives +10% mental resistance and is usable twice. You should probably give the enchanted items to your fighters, since they will be most at risk for mental harm. In the NW part of town is a room with an evil altar in it. Kill the temple guards for some experience. There's a gold ring on the altar. North of there is a passage with the chief of the spiders, Spider. He'll give you a quest to help the spiders fight some evil roaches so he'll divulge the location of the friendly roaches. East of here, still in the town, are some roaches you can kill. FRIENDLY ROACHES: In here, either talk to Filth Spreader or find the map on the wall (NW corner) that shows you where the Filth Factory is. Scattered throughout the town are herbs, some behind secret passages (SW corner). OUTDOORS: Q: Retrieve Charm for Nephil There are drakeskin boots (1-2+2) east of the spider cave. There's a Wand of Slowing on a body southwest of the boots. Back east of Bavner is a Nephil who was robbed of his necklace by the innkeeper in Bavner. He's looking for a chieftain charm (+1 str, +1 dex, -2 int, +1 melee), and any one will do. When you talk to the innkeeper, if you're not careful, the town and the entire Isle of Bigail will turn hostile. Make sure that you have enough reputation (35+) before pressuring him, or that you've defeated the roaches. Upon returning the charm, you'll receive 200xp and a Blessed Bow (4-20+1/5). North of Kuper, the next town to the east, is another stone circle. The second stone circle teaches War Blessing L3. Just north of the stone circle is Vanvor, who will sell you some of his scrolls. Just north of him is the Spiral Crypt. SPIRAL CRYPT: Make your way to the throne room by going south and east. Speak to the riddle ghast and either answer his riddle (fang) or provoke him into fighting you. Behind him is a lever that you can pull. Continue down the passageway and cast move mountains on the wall if you want. In the room is a wight, a ruby skeleton, and iron plate mail. Through a secret passage are Gorfival, two ghasts, and two spirits. Gorfival has a lot of treasure scattered around, including humanskin gloves (1-2+4; +1 assasination, +2 damage to humanoids), a prismatic torc (1-3; +10% fire, cold, acid, and illness resist), a healing potion, a strength potion, a cursed shield, an ash crossbow, stone bolts, a cursed greatsworsd, and an energy potion. Continue on your road, battling skeletons and zombies. When you come across a room with crypts in it, one of them contains a dexterity charm (+1 dex). Make your way forward and pull the lever. Go around again and pull the lever in the room with crypts. That will enable the exit, near where you came in. KUPER: Q: Find Mundt In the south end of town is Olga, who sells tickets to Kneece. Later on in the game, this will be important. If you provoke him, Zog will attack you. He carries fairly good equipment. You can rest in the NE corner of town, and there's the regular shtick about Anama beliefs. Mother Melamed will give you a quest to find Mundt, who is Lorelei, and requires real or fake Anama rings to see. As a reward you'll get the Xian Coins and (). FENRIS PORT: Father Gavlax has the normal Anama spiel and tells you that Kurtz has some illegal business. Kurtz sells recipes and the location of herbs (for 100 gold). He will also identify your items. There's a generic weaponsmith and the innkeeper will tell you about joining the Anama and certain courier jobs from Shayder. Volb will sell you cheap tickets to Softport. SOFTPORT: Q: Find Zik The mayor in the NW will give you a quest to find Zik, who is in Dorngas (). He'll also tell you to search his bookshelves and to take whatever you want. You should find a healing potion, a spray acid scroll, and an arcane blow scroll. Nydia, in the temple, will heal you. There is also an armorsmith. Tucker, in the inn, is also from the first surface expedition. If you send him back to Avernum, you'll get 25xp. Buy some tickets from Terry and return to Fenris Port. Head north. NORTHPOINT LIGHTHOUSE: The lighthouse keeper here has animated undead to do the menial tasks. Don't attack them when you first see them. In the NW corner is a spectre. He'll attack you after you talk to him, and he'll drop a Call Spirit mind crystal. Don't use it just yet, since there's a quest involving it later on. HECTAR: There's nothing special here. There's a fletcher and a tailor. OUTDOORS: Q: Find Curing Potion Outdoors you should find a group of priests asking for a curing potion. Give one to them for 200xp, 50c, and 1 rep. There are a lot of alchemical herbs around here, and there is a battle with gremlins in the NW. There's a steel longsword south of Hectar. SHAYDER: Q: Graymold Salve For Jed Q: Deliver Package to Lorelei Q: Eliminate the Cockroach Infestation Q: Find Grunders' Ring In the NE corner of town is the Sisters of Mercy Hospital. Inside, Jed has information and needs a graymold salve to save more lives. If you deliver it to him, you'll get 250xp, 2 rep, and Meena will train you in Pathfinder. Meena is in the main Anama temple, which is across the road to the west. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~SPECIAL SKILL~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Pathfinder: This is like the Safe Travel spell, but it's inherent. You will be able to navigate through swamps and lava without damage or poison. Get a few levels for each person, and it will be valuable later on. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Also in this room is Ahonar, the high priest of the Anama. He will remove Dread Curse, sell priest spells (nothing that Clarisse, in the Tower of Magi, doesn't have), and let you join the Anama. If you choose to join the Anama, you may want to leave your mage(s) in a character storage room like the one in Fort Emergence. If you join, you will be able to enter the Anama Inner Sanctum. You will be able to learn a lot of spells up here. You learn the first ten priest spells at level two, Divine Fire L3, and Divine Restoration L3. Also, you can purchase magical substitutes in the form of potions and crystals from Danza. Should you choose to rob the Anama, there are a lot of Black Shades and two Ur-Basilisks guarding the treasure. However, you will get 3000c, a Blessed Large Shield, a Blessed Longsword, a Blessed Steel Helmet, two piercing crystals, an unshackling crystal, a recall crystal, a haste potion, an energy potion, a curing potion, a strength potion, and a healing potion. Unfortunately, the entire Isle of Bigail will hate you forever. Also on the ground floor, in the passage north of the library, is a room with a desk and chair in it. The desk teaches Curing L3. South of the Anama Temple is the Wild Gaff Inn, in which an important quest arises. Buy the innkeeper's drinks and her "secret". Talk to Irvine as she says, and pick up his package. Break down the door to the room to the right of Irvine's room. Fight the warriors and mages and pick up their chain mail if you want. Bohman, wandering around town, sells potions. In the bazaar, Begbie sells weapons and Renton sells armor, while Rippel sells food. Sick Boy, wandering around, will tell you about Judith's artifact and how to find her. This is the Fury Crossbow. If you pay her 1000 gold, she'll tell you where it's hidden. Sara, in the southeast section of town, will sell you mage spells, but nothing that Erika didn't have. Across the path is Nell's house. The room to the west has the roaches that need to be cleared out. Grunders, north of Nell's house, will give out jobs and buy your items. If you're Anama, he'll give you a quest to find his Anama ring (200xp, 500c, 1 rep), which is in the sewers. North of Grunders is Mayor Berthany, who will give you a quest to end the roach plague. There is a bolt of fire scroll in the mayor's archives. At the west end of town is a ferry to Marish, which you'll come to later. In the NE corner of town is the library, with Arkley the librarian. He'll tell you about Purgatos, who is on Kneece, and has the next link to ending the cockroach plague. Just west of the library is a locked door that leads down to the sewers. SHAYDER SEWERS: Head south, and fight the roaches to the east. There's a secret passage at the north end of the roach room with 100c, a skribbane herb (an addictive drug that boosts HP and SP), maps, and some iron javelins. Continue south and fight the fungi and roaches. In the room with three bodies, each body carries Poor Chain Mail. In the center of the level is a crumbling wall revealing a dead mage. On the body is a Bolt of Fire L3 spellbook. In the NW corner is a boat with a Wand of Lightning on the ground beside it. There are herbs on the island with swamp east of where you found the spellbook. If you row to the northeast and go south, you'll come across a trash room with a Wand of Fire (Fireblast). To get Grunders' ring, you need a point of luck in your party, and you need to walk back and forth of the ledge to the north that's only reachable by boat. We'll visit the last town on the isle before going to Kneece. SOUTHPOINT LIGHTHOUSE: Q: Find Elspeth's Crystal Elspeth will sell you crystal and give you a quest to find her Call Spirit Mind Crystal, which was in Northpoint Lighthouse. If you decide to give it to her, you'll get 250xp, 1 rep, and an assortment of crystals. KNEECE: Your objective is Purgatos, who lives in the center of the town. However, the town is littered with giant lizards, fire lizards, salamanders, and even a drake. The drake is at the south of town, and around him are steel bolts, bronze plate mail, an energy potion, and a healing potion. Enter Purgatos' walls at the SW and go north. One of the barriers is a force barrier, which you can walk through. Continue around and enter the center wall and make your way to Purgatos' door. Bash it and speak with him. If you talk enough, he'll eventually give you the Phoenix Egg. Now it's off to the Filth Factory (north of Shayder)! FILTH FACTORY: Walk through the wall and look around. To the south are a bunch of monsters and miscellaneous filth machinery. This part of the dungeon is entirely optional. If you make your way all the way to the southeast, there are 150c, a basilisk, and two mirrors. The mirrors can be used to redirect beams north of there to allow access to a chest with fine razordisks, fine leather armor, and an energy elixir. Go north to the second filth creation room, where you will meet up with the other way to go. If you chose to go to the north at the start, you will find yourself in a filth creation room. In its NW corner is a room with a healing potion and a first aid kit. Go east and fight the roaches. You will come to the second filth creation room. Now go to the control room on the west wall. Only one person may enter. They should either have high tool use, a piercing crystal, or Unlock Doors. They should also be able to fight a bunch of roaches and undead. Once the person has gone through the locked door, they should head for the control panel to the north. Fight the guardian roach and take the curing potion on the table if necessary. Press the button "Deactivate L1->L2 Power Conduit" and hurry back to your party. Make your way to the south and pass the deactivated beams. On the ground in the next room is Elsner, of the first surface exploration team. He is carrying plate mail. Go down the trapdoor. LOWER FILTH FACTORY: Head down to the room with the barrels and lever. Pull the lever and go up the hallway to the other room with levers. Pull the middle lever. Go back to the barrel room and use the teleporter. Head west and go down the passage. When you reach the inner filth factory, go northwest and head around the circle. There's a staircase at the west end. Make note of it and head inside the filth circle. It's shorter to go to the north. Go into the inner inner circle and pass the entrance to the center ring. Go down to the broken power projector and get the scales. Then go to the center and use the Phoenix Egg (500xp). Head up the staircase and go out to Shayder. Get your reward from Mayor Berthany (Firewalker Band (+40% all resistances), 300xp, 4 rep) and head back to Fort Emergence. Upper Avernum III: FORT EMERGENCE: Q: Investigate New Formello Murders Q: Recover the Orb of Thralni Show Berra the scales and he will identify them as dragon scales. Then go to Anaximander. You will get 200xp for each member of the first surface exploration party you found. Also, you'll learn of murders near New Formello and the theft of the Orb of Thralni. Anaximander should also give you the Jewel of Return. Now go to Levy to get your reward, a Ring of Skill (+10% Chance to Hit in Melee), allowance, and information about the theft of the Orb of Thralni. ERIKA'S TOWER: Erika should now teach you magery. Also, if you ask her enough, she'll let you look at her Vahnatai notes, which can be accessed by entering the tower from behind and going through a secret passage to the SW. You will find the notes in the dresser (+1 Vahnatai Lore), and the book has Safe Travel L3. There are also three crystals, amber, an emerald, and a ruby. Now, to solve the New Formello murders, go to a cave north of New Formello. MURDER CAVE: You'll run into some chitrachs and the bodies quickly. However, there is a secret passage leading deeper into the cave. Make your way through the stalagmite "maze" and go into combat mode. There will be a chitrach and null bug ambush when a character leaves the next room. Defeat the chitrachs at the end and pick up the key. That's all you can do here. PORTAL FORTRESS: Speak to Seles and use the portal. ARRIVAL PLATFORM: There's nothing special in the dungeon, aside from the healing and strength potion to the east. Sometimes a fletcher's ring or shield ring will be dropped. The soldiers do have decent equipment. After leaving the dungeon, head west, south, and east. If you have a high enough reputation, you should be able to get through with only one combat. SUBTERRANEAN DOCK: Kill everyone and take a boat. Sail to the tower on the lake. It's easier to enter from behind. CULT OF THE SACRED ITEM: Finally, you've arrived. Kill the two guards and head inwards. If you head SW, there's a room of just crates and barrels. That room contains a strength charm, bolts, and arrows. In the two rooms south of there are leaders with keys. The priest's bookshelves contain helpful adventuring information, too. Back up the hallway to the north, the first two doors to the west lead to the courtyard. There are just some soldiers and archers in there. The next three doors to the west lead to the north exit, where there are several guards. There's a wand of bolts on the table. At the end of the hallway are some mundane items. The horn will come in handy much later in the game, but you can get more horns elsewhere. Go across the courtyard to the door in the NW corner that is unlocked by the key. In here are some useful minor items. There are the Iridium Pants (1-6; +10% Acid Resist) and more Research Tomes. To the north is the portal room, which you'll leave by once you have the Orb of Thralni. Now go back to the courtyard and through the door to the SW. Touch the water at each point and continue through the passage. In the item room, you'll find a Repel Spirit spellshard, the Orb of Thralni (allows flying outdoors) and 500xp, a Uranium Bar (diseases party), and Cursed Plate Mail. Go back to the portal room and walk into the portal. Guards will ambush you, and you'll need to reactivate the portal. When you walk through, you'll be in the Bandit Hideout. PORTAL FORTRESS: You can hand off any Research Tomes you have to Walner and go back to the Tower of Magi for your reward for the roach plague. TOWER OF MAGI: After telling Mahdavi about reading Erika's notes, you'll receive 200xp and +1 Vahnatai Lore. Solberg will now teach you Lightning Spray L3. ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ (4) LEVEL THREE SPELLS: MAGE: Bolt of Fire: Spellbook in Shayder Sewers. Light: Portal Fortress, encoded in library Call Beast: Lair of the Ursagi Spray Acid: Spellbook in Zkal's Tower Haste: Book in Erika's Tower, next to Erika Slow: Return Mithral to Arion; Hawke's Manse Ice Lances: Reward for killing Alien Slime, Solberg Unlock Doors: House on the Hill, requires Dispel Barrier Create Illusions: Spellbook in Erox Far Sight: Library in Sharimik, finish Hunt Down Zang first Lightning Spray: Reward for destroying Filth Factory, Solberg; Hawke's Manse Capture Soul: Secret Chamber of Ghikra, requires Dispel Barrier; Hawke's Manse Simulacrum: Secret Chamber of Ghikra, requires Dispel Barrier Dispel Barrier: Spellbook stolen from Ernest Summon Aid: Tower of Zkal, read three times, first two drain you Forcecage: Below Agate Tower, in SW secret room Fireblast: Reward for lowering Troglo/Giant Barrier, X Arcane Summon: Khoth's Library, after gaining entry to Footracer Arcane Shield: Inner Lair of Drakos Arcane Blow: Reward for defeating Golems, X PRIEST: Healing: House in Storm Port, finish Destroy Undead for Storm Port first Curing: Anama building in Shayder War Blessing: The second stone circle you visit Terror: Tomb of Vahkohs Repel Spirit: Library under Remote Cavern Smite: Torria Summon Shade: Chasm of Screams Safe Travel: Secret back room of Erika's Tower Unshackle Mind: Monastery of Madness (L2) Move Mountains: Gale Library Mass Healing: NE corner of the Lower Giant Caves Mass Curing: Pit of the Wyrm Radiant Shield: Defiled Crypt, requires Dispel Barrier and Move Mountains Divine Fire: Squiggus - second look in the chest in the Gremlin room; Anama Temple Control Foes: Elhioc's Home, Under Castle Troglo Cloud of Blades: Blackcrag Fortress, requires Unlock Doors or Move Mountains Return Life: Lorelei Library, after destroying Troglo/Giant barrier Divine Retribution: Secret room in center of Spiral Crypt Divine Restoration: Far Northeastern Valorim, two large battles to obtain (carry a horn) Divine Host: Moon Library, finish Find Grimoire of Thren first, requires Vahnatai Lore ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* (5) QUICK ANSWERS: How do I get into the building in New Cotra with no doors? First, register. Then go to either Sharamik or Lorelei and speak with the blond female agent of Avernum (Sandra) who wanders the streets. Talk with her, and she'll tell you to speak with Commander Johnson. Do so, and he'll tell you what you need to do to enter the building. What do I do in the Remote Cave? First, buy drinks and rumors at the Inn in Sharamik. You'll be told to speak with a soldier in Angel's rest. Do so, and be friendly- buy his map. The map is your guide to this level. The first thing you should do is go up to the yellow-white mushrooms and head straight down. How do I join the thieves guild? Go to Shayder, and buy some drinks in the inn. You'll get advice on a job. Talk with the man in the inn, and offer to take the job. Carefully deliver the package to Kendra in Lorelei, and you'll be allowed in. What are those weird stone circles I've come across? Across Valorim you will find mysterious stone circles, similar to Stonehenge in size and appearance. You have the option to pray in them. If you pray in four or five, you will be forced to fight Haakai and mung demons in the endgame, but each stone circle gives you a spell at level three: 1st stone circle: Curing 2nd stone circle: War Blessing 3rd stone circle: Move Mountains + Dexterity 4th stone circle: Divine Fire 5th stone circle: Divine Host There are stone circles north of the Inn of Blades, north of Storm Port, north of Kuper, on the road from Malloc to Moon, and in NE Valorim. Help! I'm being attacked by a vampire and I don't know what to do. Go back into Vahkhos's lair, and search the western wall. Go through a series of secret doors, and smash the crystal (guarded by two demons). What does the Dryad want? A perfect flower. There are two- one can be found near the ursagi on a long path loaded with gremlins, the other can be found in Zkal's lair. It's your choice which one you want to get first. How do you get into Blackcrag Fortress? Join the thieves guild. Buy passage from Geoffrey for 3000 gold and set out to Blackcrag. Go to east of Blackcrag and go down the path. Talk to the innkeeper and press the button. If you don't mind angering the town, there are good items to the east. Cross the bridge and make your way to the portcullis. Kill one doomguard and go through the passage. Voila! How do you kill Rentar-Irhno? You don't. You have to find the found ladders down to the lower level and direct all 10 beams into the center of the level by pushing buttons. Where can I buy Mage Spells? Sara - Shayder Spragins - Sharimik Tekora-Tel - Ghikra Erika - Erika's Tower Velnas - Gale Petrie - Blackcrag Moon Library Khoth - Khoth's Library How do I get into Linda's chambers? Wait till day 160. How do I get into the room behind Erika or the Dragons? You don't. There's nothing there, anyway. What are those strange platforms that zap lightning? Item modifiers. Place an item on one, and pull the lever. The item will now have a bonus and will make the item slightly better. There are several found throughout the game: Portal Fortress - +10% Cold resistance, usable twice (ask the wizard to reset it) Tower of the Magi - +10 fire resistance, usable once,-20% resistances four times, +10% melee damage protection Spider Cave - Mental resistance +10%, usable twice Concealed tunnel - defense +1, usable twice Greendale - melee damage +1, usable once Upper Golem factory - parry +1, usable twice Upper Golem factory - 10% Magic resistance, usable twice Sharamik - Random effect (+1 missile damage, +5% missile to hit, +5% melee to hit, +1 to melee damage ), 1000 gold Blackcrag - Random effect, 5000 gold - Most of the information was compiled by Schrodinger. Where is Zik? Dorngas. Where is Zang? Moon. Why can't I hit hill giant chiefs? They have invulnerablity elixers and drink them at the first sign of adventurers. Either get to them before they drink it, or wait a few turns before attacking. What do I do with the slimes or roaches? There are adequate guides in the help file provided with the game. Follow them. Is there a hidden dungeon? Yes. Bring pants to the final dungeon. In the SW corner are two runes. Put pants on one and walk on the other. Enjoy! - Schrodinger and I have worked on this together. ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ (6) CHEATING: The character editor is the best way to cheat. Right now, here is a list of items and special item numbers that can be added by the editor: Items: 1. Copper Coins 2. Silver Coins 3. Gold Coins 4. Bread 5. Mushrooms 6. Grens 7. Steak 8. Dried Meat 9. Weird Meat 10. Lizard Haunch 11. Fish 12. Deli Sandwich 13. White Tunic 14. Red Tunic 15. Green Tunic 16. Cloak 17. Cloak 18. Pants 19. Pants 20. Shirt 21. Shirt 22. Robe 23. Dress 24. Cursed Leather Armor 25. Poor Leather Armor 26. Leather Armor 27. Fine Leather Armor 28. Drakeskin Armor 29. Cursed Studded Armor 30. Poor Studded Armor 31. Iron Studded Armor 32. Steel Studded Armor 33. Blessed Studded Armor 34. Cursed Chain Mail 35. Poor Chain Mail 36. Iron Chain Mail 37. Steel Chain Mail 38. Mithril Chain Mail 39. Cursed Plate Mail 40. Bronze Plate Mail 41. Iron Plate Mail 42. Steel Plate Mail 43. Blessed Plate Mail 44. Cursed Dagger 45. Stone Dagger 46. Iron Dagger 47. Steel Dagger 48. Blessed Dagger 49. Cursed Short Sword 50. Stone Short Sword 51. Iron Short Sword 52. Steel Short Sword 53. Blessed Short Sword 54. Cursed Longsword 55. Bronze Longsword 56. Iron Longsword 57. Steel Longsword 58. Blessed Longsword 59. Cursed Greatsword 60. Bronze Greatsword 61. Iron Greatsword 62. Steel Greatsword 63. Blessed Greatsword 64. Cursed Spear 65. Stone Spear 66. Iron Spear 67. Steel Spear 68. Blessed Spear 69. Cursed Pike 70. Stone Pike 71. Iron Pike 72. Steel Pike 73. Blessed Pike 74. Cursed Halberd 75. Bronze Halberd 76. Iron Halberd 77. Steel Halberd 78. Blessed Halberd 79. Stick 80. Ceremonial Dagger 81. Kitchen Knife 82. Staff 83. Hammer 84. Cursed Javelin 85. Stone Javelin 86. Iron Javelin 87. Steel Javelin 88. Blessed Javelin 89. Cursed Bow 90. Cavewood Bow 91. Ash Bow 92. Yew Bow 93. Blessed Bow 94. Cursed Crossbow 95. Cavewood Crossbow 96. Ash Crossbow 97. Yew Crossbow 98. Blessed Crossbow 99. Cursed Arrows 100. Stone Arrows 101. Iron Arrows 102. Steel Arrows 103. Blessed Arrows 104. Cursed Bolts 105. Stone Bolts 106. Iron Bolts 107. Steel Bolts 108. Blessed Bolts 109. Rock 110. Drakeskin Sandals 111. Sandals 112. Blessed Sandals 113. Cursed Boots 114. Boots 115. Drakeskin Boots 116. Cursed Cloak 117. Blessed Cloak 118. Cursed Robe 119. Blessed Robe 120. Cursed Buckler 121. Wooden Buckler 122. Iron Buckler 123. Steel Buckler 124. Blessed Buckler 125. Cursed Small Shield 126. Wooden Small Shield 127. Iron Small Shield 128. Steel Small Shield 129. Blessed Small Shield 130. Cursed Large Shield 131. Wooden Large Shield 132. Iron Large Shield 133. Steel Large Shield 134. Blessed Large Shield 135. Cursed Leather Helmet 136. Poor Leather Helmet 137. Leather Helmet 138. Fine Leather Helmet 139. Wyrmskin Helmet 140. Cursed Bronze Helmet 141. Bronze Helmet 142. Iron Helmet 143. Steel Helmet 144. Blessed Steel Helmet 145. Cursed Gloves 146. Gloves 147. Drakeskin Gloves 148. Sack of Meal 149. Bowl 150. Bowl 151. Pitchr 152. Pot 153. Pot 154. Bolt of Cloth 155. Bolt of Cloth 156. Bolt of Cloth 157. Cloak Clasp 158. Pincers 159. Tongs 160. Spearhead 161. Bucket 162. Bucket of Water 163. Flgon 164. Horn 165. Jug 166. Jug of Cheap Wine 167. Golden Goblet 168. Plate 169. Plate 170. Candle 171. Torch 172. Lamp 173. Spoon 174. Lockpicks 175. Fine Lockpicks 176. Magic Lockpicks 177. First Aid Kit 178. Fine First Aid Kit 179. Poor Fur 180. Nice Fur 181. Beautiful Skin 182. Pillow 183. Silver Drinking Cup 184. Mortar and Pestle 185. Papyrus Sheet 186. Dice 187. Scalpel 188. Needle 189. Thread 190. Trowel 191. Skull 192. Bones 193. Whip 194. Pen and Ink 195. Earrings 196. Trash 197. Trash 198. Trash 199. Bar of Tin 200. Bar of Lead 201. Bar of Iron 202. Bar of Silver 203. Amber 204. Emerald 205. Ruby 206. Silver Ring 207. Gold Ring 208. Jeweled Ring 209. Silver Bracelet 210. Gold Bracelet 211. Silver Necklace 212. Gold Necklace 213. Torc 214. Healing Herbs 215. Spiritual Herbs 216. Energetic Herbs 217. Graymold 218. Toadstools 219. Mandrake 220. Healing Potion 221. Curing Potion 222. Strength Potion 223. Energy Potion 224. Poison Potion 225. Haste Potion 226. Invulnerability Potion 227. Resistance Potion 228. Healing Elixir 229. Curing Elixir 230. Strength Elixir 231. Energy Elixir 232. Poison Elixir 233. Haste Elixir 234. Invulnerability Elixir 235. Resistance Elixir 236. Knowledge Brew 237. Restoration Brew 238. Protection Brew 239. Heroic Brew 240. Graymold Salve 241. Balm of Life 242. Searing Balm 243. Draining Brew 244. Scroll - Bolt of Fire 245. Scroll - Call Beast 246. Scroll - Arcane Blow 247. Scroll - Slow 248. Scroll - Ice Lances 249. Scroll - Create Illusions 250. Scroll - Far Sight 251. Scroll - Lightning Spray 252. Scroll - Dispel Barrier 253. Scroll - Summon Aid 254. Scroll - Fireblast 255. Scroll - Repel Spirit 256. Scroll - Summon Shade 257. Scroll - Control Foes 258. Scroll - Spray Acid 259. Scroll - Force Cage 260. Scroll - Spray Acid 261. Scroll - Divine Host 262. Scroll - Bitter Loss 263. Scroll - WitheringScroll 264. Ring of Vulnerability 265. Ring of Idiocy 266. Clumsy Ring 267. Ring of Exposure 268. Ring of Grief 269. Magnetic Ring 270. Shield Ring 271. Ring of Health 272. Ring of Skill 273. Resistance Ring 274. Assassin's Band 275. Fletcher's Ring 276. Armor Ring 277. Nimble Band 278. Warrior's Ring 279. Firewalker Band 280. Quicksilver Ring 281. Archer's Ring 282. Wand of Bolts 283. Wand of Ice 284. Wand of Slowing 285. Wand of Lightning 286. Wand of Fire 287. Wand of Acid 288. Wand of Forcecage 289. Wand of Absorbtion 290. Rod of Arcana 291. Rod of Beast Call 292. Rod of Major Call 293. Rod of Illusions 294. Strength Bracelet 295. Dexterity Bracelet 296. Intelligence Bracelet 297. Mage's Bracelet 298. Priest's Bracelet 299. Warrior's Bracelet 300. Lucky Bracelet 301. Monkey Bracelet 302. Chill Charm 303. Warmth Charm 304. Health Charm 305. Shielding Charm 306. Basic Charm 307. War Charm 308. Freedom Charm 309. Crystal Charm 310. Knowledge Char 311. Sticky Charm 312. Harm Charm 313. Mind Crystal - Beastcall 314. Mind Crystal - Spiritcall 315. Mind Crystal - Regenerates 316. Mind Crystal - Curinge 317. Mind Crystal - Battle Frenzy 318. Mind Crystal - Divine Aid 319. Mind Crystal - Restore Energy 320. Thirsting Blade 321. Crystal Imbued Shield 322. Mind Crystal - Gymnastics 323. Mind Crystal - Pathfinder 324. Mind Crystal - Magery 325. Mind Crystal - Resistance 326. Mind Crystal - Energy Pulse 327. Empire Records 328. Mushroom Merlot '91 329. Shard of Release 330. Mithril Woven Robe 331. Archer's Cloak 332. Dragonskin Cloak 333. Pants of Power 334. Pants of Sorrow 335. Robe of the Magi 336. Radiant Robe 337. Rogue's Leather 338. Mauling Leather 339. Shadow Leather 340. Icy Chain Mail 341. Polished Plate Mail 342. Assassin's Dagger 343. Diamond Dagger 344. Flaming Sword 345. Icy Longsword 346. Demonslayer 347. Ghoulbane 348. Giantslayer 349. Jade Halberd 350. Obsidian Spear 351. Alien Blade 352. Acid Arrows 353. Bolts of Life 354. Arrows of Light 355. Acid Bolts 356. Boots of Speed 357. Nimble Boots 358. Bloodthirst Spear 359. Crystal Shield 360. Serendipity Knife 361. Nimble Gloves 362. Gauntlets of Might 363. Piercing Crystal 364. Unshackling Crystal 365. Recall Crystal 366. Searing Crystal 367. Shielding Spike 368. Spidersilk Shirt 369. Stoneshatter Crystal 370. Slith Spear 371. Fine Slith Spear 372. Bag of Sugar 373. Aranea Fangs 374. Ore 375. Historical Scroll 376. Fine Meal 377. Cheap Wine 378. Orb of Thralni 379. Cursed Waveblade 380. Waveblade 381. Fine Waveblade 382. Cursed Razordisk 383. Razordisk 384. Fine Razordisk 385. Vahnatai Cloak 386. Crystal 387. Fine Crystal 388. Gold Ore 389. Rough Diamond 390. Silver Ore 391. Dagger of Hate 392. Fury Crossbow 393. Ring of Pure Focus 394. Fungoid Spine 395. Rope 396. Bar of Uranium 397. Pyrrhic Gauntlets 398. Justice Lance 399. Thinking Cap 400. Anaximander Note 401. Bandit Map Note 402. Map of Krizsan Province 403. Map of Upper Avernum 404. Map of Bigail 405. Map of Karnold 406. Map of Midori 407. Map of Monoroe 408. Black Halberd 409. Spell Tome 410. Book 411. Book 412. Research Tome 413. Curing Potion 414. Xian Skull 415. Xian Coins 416. Xian Vest 417. Xian Slacks 418. Xian Rock 419. Xian Ale 420. Xian Shrub 421. Xian Tome 422. Xian Chainmaill 423. Xian Pouch 424. Spellshard * 425. Charm 426. Ring of Endless Magery 427. Bliss Elixir 428. Rogue's Elixir 429. Amber Shield 430. Wyrmslayer 431. Rentar Charm 432. Spidersilk Tunic 433. Radiant Slith Spear 434. Lucky Charm 435. Wilderness Boots 436. Fire Orb Charm 437. Piercing the Lost Portals 438. Robe of Magery 439. Chieftain Charm 440. Fungal Armor 441. Lab Notes 442. Pirate's Blade 443. Map of Footracer 444. Red Scale Armor 445. Pears 446. Apples 447. Cake 448. Meat on Spit 449. Crafted Chain Mail 450. Basket 451. Clay Pot 452. Teapot 453. Mug 454. Tecup 455. Boardgame 456. Potted Plant 457. Hourglass 458. Carved Stone Spiral 459. Lovely Stone Spiral 460. Saw 461. Plank 462. Stone Blocks 463. Bottle of Ale 464. Bottle of Wine 465. Unicorn Horn 466. Perfect Flower 467. Humanskin Gloves 468. Incense 469. Skribbane Herb 470. Pilgrim's Cloak 471. Gremlin Wine 472. Mung Bracelet 473. Prismatic Torc 474. Savory Herbs 475. Fine Clothes 476. Iridium Pants 477. Troglo Cap 478. Mithril Blade 479. Giant's Shield 480. Ursagi Skin Armor 481. Sack of Fine Meal 482. Tremor Boots 483. Damp Papers 484. Beastslayer 485. Barrier Tunnel Map 486. Troglo History 487. Vothkaro Message 488. Dryad's Blessed Charm 489. Field Plate Mail 490. Jewel of Return 491. Ring of Bone 492. Golem Diadem 493. Wyrmskin Boots 494. Naturewalker's Torc 495. Prismatic Mail 496. Ruby Helmetl Helmet 497. Passage Stone 498. Black Halberd 499. Pachtar's Plate Mail (courtesy of Jec'aisoa) * - This item cannot be added through the editor. Special Items: 1. Unused 2. Unused 3. Unused 4. Unused 5. Unused 6. Unused 7. Unused 8. Unused 9. Unused 10. Unused 11. Twisted Steel Key 12. Giant's Key 13. Stone Key 14. Lost Papers 15. Reward Slip 16. Key to Hawke's Manse 17. Silver Key 18. Large Iron Key 19. Vahnatai Crypt Key 20. Electrum Key 21. Twisted Gold Key 22. Stolen Package 23. Dirty Anama Ring 24. Scroll From Prazac 25. Scroll From Anaximander 26. Soul Crystal 27. Drawing of Rune 28. Withered Scales 29. Crystal Shards 30. Hot Crystal Shards 31. Silver Runed Amulet 32. Crystal Statue 33. Cooling Amulets 34. Thought Crystal 35. Book on Teleportation 36. Blessed Athame 37. Erika's Amulet 38. Metal Lumps 39. Egg of the Phoenix 40. Anama Rings 41. Suspicious Package 42. Scroll of Passage 43. Sharimik Ring 44. Troglodyte Message 45. Silver Ring 46. Love Letter 47. Good Luck Charm 48. Embroidered Favor 49. Locket With Painting 50. General Baziron Message 51. Unused 52. Blue Crystal Key 53. Guardian Key 54. Key 55. Grimoire of Thren (courtesy of Tycho Maudd) ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* (7) ADDITIONAL INFO: Drakefyre's Demense - http://www.sitemouse.com/users/drakefyre Silver's A3 Map - http://www.silverchat.com/%7Esilver/av3 Spiderweb Software Forums - http://www.ironycentral.com/cgi- bin/ubb/ultimatebb.cgi ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* (8) VERSION HISTORY: Version .5 - The first two plagues and the orb quest are completed. Expect the rest soon.