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Welcome 2 my life!!!!

Hmmm where to start telling you the tale of my life..Well first let me introduce myself. My name is Rodd Carroll , I'm a 26 year old male . I have brown hair, hazel eyes. I'm 6 feet tall and about 190pounds.

I waz brought into this world by two great parents.(Ernie and Sherryl) I also have a sister named Lisa.(aka Pain) .Too my Bestest Friend,Michelle (aka Freddette) Thank you for being MY ANGEL and letting me be myself..... I love you ...................... Kevin C your the other greatest best friend I have ever and could have.....

Kim it was fun while it lasted!!! Everything happens for a reason...


<Hey Rose thanks for your shoulder to lean on!! Hello Lesia your awesome!!!!

Hey Alison thanks 4 quackers friends forever!!. . Thanks Moo for being in my corner through everything!!!!

Well my site has been on the net for close to 5 years now.. wow!! Well my life has been well up and down over these years. Well i've been through some hellish relationships. But hey what doesn't kill you makes you stronger.. right, right!! Well i now live in Winnipeg. well i got one word for you about this palce... it's flat very very flat!!! Well for now thats all i have to say!!!

Well before I go any farther I'm going to tell you my 3 rules 2 live by....

Everything happens 4 a reason!!!!! and the other iz There r 2 many a**holes in the world, y be 1.... Plus last but not least... YOu only live once so meet as many people as you can... How I c it every person you meet you learn some thing new from that person it might not be a good thing but you'll still learn some ting..

.... Plus a quote that is awesome from my "Big little Sis" Rose "To the world you may be a small person but to one small person you maybe the world!!"

Spots to go!!!!

Angelfire/Free web sites
Hotmail/Free e-mail
Other kewl spots on the web.
Pics of me!!!!
Pics of Friends and Stuff...
A story everyone should read!!!
My school, BTTI
My military life
My mountain BIking page
