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I'll be there 4 u....


Hey friends, good times never end!! 

Without u guyz... my tears can never be stopped during my bad times.... ( n u know WHEN!!) Anyways... I love you all... With all my heart!  Well... of course there are ppl here I dun love... or maybe like... but I like the others and I don't know photo shop YET, so just bear with it... n u all know who!! hahaa..... <-- Candy's evil laugh^^ By the way, remember to sign my guestbook! And dun just say "nice homepage cuz I know it's not nice! haha... how nice can it be when I did it in ONE NITE man... n it's 12 now n I haven't started doing my homework... grrrr

Bruce, Maggie: hey, how u doing over there? I will have a family section soon... n u guyz are going to be there!! U guyz are my beloved friends n my blood related cousins lar^^ haha...

Louise n Dee:I'm glad that ur computer is still working n u made ALL THE way to my homepage... haha... j/k! anyways... keep up the good work. n Louise, I will join u in a year! ALEX!!!!!

Nicky: Hey!! when u coming over? Such a liar! haha... anyways, I am waiting for u in the PEACEFUL (a.k.a boring) city of Vancouver!

Arvin:hey! when u found out about his website n read this long... I think u are pretty boring, why didn't u call me HUH?? haha... n... my computer skill is getting better because of YOU... "hint hint". Anyways, I made this website because I wanted to post up pics of my friends, n I am not FULL OF MYSELF like somebody over there.... haha...

Daryl:Hey, I am not that close with u but we had some really nice talks! n sorry for spelling ur name wrong... haha... too bad we never knew who each other were before u graduate!! anyways, we should take some pics together so we can post it up here!

Tim n Steven: Hey!! How are u guyz doing in Hawaii?? haha... Hawaii to me is a place where u travel.. I can't imagine living there.. I dun think I can ever go to school, I will stay on the beaches instead...^^

Will: hm... u Vivi lover dun remember the old ones ga la! m choi lei ah!! And look how nicE I am... I got the better photo for you too man! see how much I CARE ABOUT UR FEELINGS!! u better sign my guestbook this time!! haha....u demanding friend, forcing me to write longer shoutouts.... n not signing my guestbook!!! Hmm... since u threw all those FREAKY memories at me... I guess I will have to "show u sum love" as you said. And LISA, HE WANTS A LONG SHOUTOUT as long as yours, isn't he demanding?? yahh... so wut have u been doing science freak.... how's Vivian? And do u remember when wuz the last time u called me?? It wuz because u wanna buy her presents. And when wuz the last time u brought me present?? HUH?? Unequal treatment man! hey, I am looking for apartments, u better help me out now! hahaha...

Stan: hey! are you surprised that I gave u a shout? Well u shouldn't be... haha... cuz' I think u r a really nice guy!! hehe... had lotz of fun WALKING around with u... n the way u make me blush... SCREW YOU! yah... u r msging me now, so I better give u a reply... Let's watch a movie sometime! And trust me, I can drink more then you! haha...

Good good Friend: hey!!!! be happy always^^ and... dun worry too much... And I love that thing, dun laugh about it!!

CHIEN: HEY!! I spelled ur name right this time! haha... so u are a BIG FAT LIAR! hahaha....

Ben yo, haven't talked to u in such a long time, u dun call me anymore, I guess u arn't sad anymore?? "hint hint" YES, I am saying that u only call me when u are sad.... SO?? it's TRUE!

he one who's "cauing" me: HEY!! can't u tell that I like you too?? Look at how close we are standing together~~ haha....

To the others whom I have left out: I'm sorry! But... I am out of words

To those who dun like me or think I am spoiled wutsoever: well... No one can ever satisfy every one's needs. If u think I am spoiled or INCONSIDERATE, then it's ur choice n decision to be around me or not.  At least my ppl around me love me n I love them too! So it mite be ur owh problem!





