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Written by Carrie

Now that the trauma is over (at least for now) I feel like I should share this story with everyone.

I  have been cutting the girls nails every sunday for the last 4 months.Ttheir nails grow so quickly and there is no other way from keeping their nails short. I did not want to try sandpaper because I was afraid it would hurt their little feet....

So 2 weeks ago from this Sunday I was doing the normal cut the tip of the nail off that Ii learned from Cynthia and Ellen. I do it the same way each week. I put them sleepy in a pouch and put a grape half in there. While they are busy eating I take a foot or a hand and just cut the tip off. Well Keira has never liked this procedure  and often would skunk me just to let me know how much she liked it. This Sunday I took her out and had all but one hand left. I cut the first finger nail and then decided to stop as she was getting so upset and so was I. I put her back in her pouch with Hailey and then my husband noticed blood. he asked me if i was bleeding. i said no. we looked in and saw that Keira was the one bleeding!  My husband looked at the nail clippers and told me to put on shoes we were going to have to go to the vet. I asked him if I cut the nail too short (as I had never done this before) and he said no, I had cut her finger tip off. I was a mess. I was in shock. the whole time Keira was as calm as a cucumber. We rushed her to the emergency clinic, where thank God there was a vet there with a lot of glider experience. He gave her meds.and burned the tip of her finger to stop the bleeding. She had also ingested a lot of blood before he had a chance to see her. She threw up 3 times that night.  I had to give her meds for a week and she wouldn't take them. It cost me $400.00 to get her fixed. I was my fault.Ii can't express in words how bad I felt/feel.

Since then she is now playing and eating more than ever. I feel so bad and I haven't been able to cut their nails since. Now it appears that there is a bit of bone sticking out of her finger and we are going to have to go to the DR again and he may have to remove more of her finger.

please, please be careful with your gliders they are so fragile and they trust us with health and happiness.