Joey growth and development

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Newborn Joeys5-7 Days in Pouch14 Days in Pouch
21 Days in Pouch30-35 Days in Pouch40-50 Days in Pouch
60-63 Days in Pouch7-15 Days OOP25-30 Days OOP
45 Days in Pouch55-60 Days OOPJoey Chart

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Newborn Joeys- The trip into the pouch:

16 days after mating sugar gliders birth up to 4 joeys at a time. 1-2 being most common, 3-4 being rare. When a joey is born, its similar to a rodent baby. Joeys are born pink, naked(no fur), blind and deaf(The ears are fused to the head).Little pinhead sized black eyes are visible at this time. The mother will lick a path leading to the pouch so the baby can crawl in it. The fur is wet and licked down because the joey is sticky and will get caught and stuck in the dry fur where it will get cold, dry, no food and die. The mother will, of course, try to lick it out if it gets stuck but that makes it worse. (I had this happen to me but thankfully my glider birthed them in my hands so I could help 'untangle' the joey and scoot it into pouch. She's a sweet, healthy joey now.) All they are capable of is crawling(barely tho- thier legs are like little nubs). They're born live at about the size of a piece of uncooked rice and crawl into pouch; the whole process takes about 5 minutes for them to be completely in pouch and attached to the nipple. There they remain for another 2 months before they are developed enough to come out. Also, momma is gonna need more protien, now is a good time to start feeding more.

It's very rare to see a joey born live and make the journey into the pouch. Few are lucky enough to catch it, some by just being around at the right time, others count the days after mating. Most joeys are born in the morning-noon, and I heard somewhere that gliders do not birth joeys at night. I dont know how true that is but with all of mine its held true. IF you do happen to see a joey born or know there is one in pouch and you have little or no experience with gliders, resist all temptation and DO NOT attempt to open that pouch and peek inside. It is possible to do this, but very dangerous if done the wrong way. The joey MUST stay attached to that nipple until it comes off on its own. Joeys jaws arent developed enough to hold on by themselves. The nipple swells in the joeys mouth causing it to stay latched on, if knocked off it WILL die because it can't open its mouth and get back on.

Newborn Joeys- 5-7 days in pouch:

Disappearing Joeys- Dont freak out if you just saw your joey born but can't see it in the pouch days later. Sometimes first time glider mothers lose thier joeys, but dont forget momma glider can hide it in the back of the pouch so it's most likely still there. They haven't done much growing at this age yet and you may not be able to see if for a couple more weeks. It really depends on how observative each glider owner is, and how much you notice about your gliders.

Newborn Joeys- 14 days in pouch:

Not many physical changes are noticeable, the size has just about doubled since birth now. Feet are starting to form on the little nubby legs and tail should be slightly more than a stump. Not much else. If the owner is in tune with thier glider it's posible to feel a tiny lump by now. Gliders are still capable of hiding the joey in the back side of the pouch and its very easy to miss still.

Joeys- 21 days in pouch:

Growth has started to get very rapid and the joey is almost big enough now where the lump is obvious and can't be hidden any longer. The head has grown larger and the eyes are bigger. Ears are still fused to the head, but are bigger and the feet should have little nubby looking toes. The tail still isnt as long as the joey itself yet. Overall size of the joey has increased quite a bit.

Joeys- 30-35 days in pouch:

By now the joey should be a completely visible lump and can no longer be hidden. If you dont see a lump then 1 of a few different things may have happened.

  1. Cannabalised
    • The mother was lacking something in the diet.
    • Something was wrong with the joey.
    • Mother may have been stressed.
    • In a trio or more situation females may eat each others joeys.
  2. Rejected
    • Something wrong with the joey.
    • Something missing in the diet.
    • Too young for the glider to be a mother and she may not have known what to do.
These are the most common that I know of.

Joeys- 40-50 days in pouch:

The tail should be as long as the joey by now and the toes have little nails on them. The nose looks too big for the head right now, and whiskers are growing. The eyes should be pretty large and have a layer of skin over them. Ears are still fused. The joey will look like a peanut from the outside of the pouch. The head and back give it that peanut shape. Inside the pouch, the joey should be large enough now that its insides can be seen fairly well through the transparent skin. Now is the best time to just sit with the female on her back and watch the joey move around, provides hours of entertainment. May even get lucky enough to see a foot or tail tip pop out of pouch occasionally.

Joeys- 60-63 days in pouch/ Out Of Pouch(OOP):

The joey should be coming OOP around this time. The jaw is developed enough where it can detach and get back on to eat.It can take up to a week for a joey to come fully out- meaning it's too big to fit back in the pouch. There will be butts, tails, feet and everything hanging out of pouch. After a few days to a week the joey will be out of pouch and clinging to its momma. It just sticks its head into the pouch to nurse instead of the whole body being in there. When it comes OOP it should have a very fine layer of fur on it, the underside is all pink still, no fur. Ears are just starting to 'pop' out and with mine I've noticed that around 3-5 days after being fully OOP they start hearing. I dont know if thats just mine tho. The eyes are still closed but have enough skin over them now so it doesnt look like a big black dot anymore. Since the female has two uteri and three vagina's it is possible for her to have two different aged joeys in pouch. It's possible for joeys to come OOP 2 days apart to 2 weeks apart. Dont panic and think one is 'ahead' of the other. This is comepletely normal. Joeys start making little 'fussing' noises about now, if the mother leaves the joey in the nest and the father happens to be out too, when that joey cries they will come running to it's aide. They make excellent parents. It's possible right now to be able to tell what sex the joey is. Handling is encouraged at this time, but start out slowly. Start at 2-3 minutes and work up to 5 a day, then 10 and so on.

Joeys- 7-15 days OOP:

Eyes should be opening and they should be able to hear by now. The fur is thicker on the shoulders and neck, but still very thin underneath. The teeth aren't very developed yet but there are tiny ones starting on the top jaw. The bottom 2 teeth aren't very long and it looks like a small lump on the gum. The joey should be pretty vocal by now and riding on either of its parents backs when they go somewhere. The joey will not leave the nest alone and go exploring just yet. Joeys may 'jump' in your hands when held, I am not sure why but mine did that just when they were starting to sleep. This will go away around 30-45 days OOP. At this age the joeys lke to be kept warm since they dont have much fur on them yet, they like sleping in hands and being kept warm. Also, now is a good time to move the nest/pouch to the bottom of the cage in case a joey happens to wander out by accident.

Joeys- 25-30 days OOP:

The eyes should be completely open and the joey more adventurous. The ears are up and listening to everything. Fur should completely cover the underside. Scrotum/inside of pouch wont have much fur yet, but very shortly will be fully furred. Some joeys may even start practicing small jumps or hops, most will not tho. Teeth are big enough where biting will hurt and the joeys will start to chew fingers/nails now.

Joeys- 45 days OOP:

Most joeys, by now, are looking to explore and are showing thier personalities. They should be running around the cage with the parents and riding on backs less, now is a good time to try playing games with them that you might play with the parents. Not too rough, be gentle. Joeys should be starting to pick up food, mostly fruit, off the parent's dishes and taste it. They most likely wont try tasting the meat or eggs till later. Just the juices and fruit, maybe some veggies is all the joey will eat. At this age they do like baby cereal, don't overfeed, just a little for a nice treat to help get them started on solids. It helps to mix the cereal with some juice.

Joeys- 55-60 days OOP:

At around this time the joey will be completely weaned and able to live on its own. It should have a fully fluffed out tail by now and eating most solid foods that are fed to the parents. It will want to come out and run and play with the parents at night and the parents(most of them anyway) will wrestle and play rough with the joeys. I dont mean rough like biting them, but rolling around and hollering at each other. Before seperating from the parents be SURE the joey is eating on its own and make sure it 'pees' and 'poos' by itself. If it doesnt, then it isn't ready to be on its own yet. If not ready yet, it may be another week before the joey is ready to live on its own.

Joey Info Chart- Kim's joeys
Joey NameIn Pouch DateOOP DateEyes Open
12:36-12:45 PM
(64 Days In Pouch)
12 Days Post Pouch
(65 Days In Pouch)
13 Days Post Pouch
(63 Days In Pouch)
13 Days Post Pouch
2:15-2:23 PM
(63 Days In Pouch)
13 Days Post Pouch
2:15-2:23 PM
(63 Days In Pouch)
11 Days Post Pouch

  • IN POUCH DATE- If I have the time under the date they crawled in pouch, then the joey was born in my hands. Also, I know what day they were born from either seeing it or checking pouch everyday after my gliders had mated(16 days after mating the joey is born and crawls into pouch for 2 mos).
  • OOP DATE- I go by OOP date as the first day they are fully OOP for the whole day. They do go back in pouch and out for about another 7 days, so it's possible for a joey to be OOP after 70 days. It varies from glider to glider. Since the female has two uteri and three vagina's it is possible for her to have two different aged joeys in pouch- one glider had twins come OOP two weeks apart.
  • EYES OPEN- I go by the eyes opening the first day I see 1 eye open. Sometimes it will take 2 days for both eyes to be open, sometimes both open in 1 day.
  • TWINS- Twins dont always open thier eyes or come OOP on the same day, its usually 2 days apart for me.