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Stone Circle Society
The Stone Circle Society
Message Board


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Email List


'A Forum in the Round'

     Welcome to the Stone Circle Society Homepage. This site is to help us find where the meetings actually are this week and explain what we are generally about.


This Friday (04/26/01) the weekly meeting will be held at the Living Room Bar and Restaurant down the street from the Open Pantry and Riley's World Of Wine. Hope to see you there.

Every Friday at the Union Main Lounge, top of the front stairs and proceed straight, til you find a few talkative people. The Society's email address is in case you do not have a hotmail passport, yet.

Why Do We Exist

     The Stone Circle Society was originally created by three average joes at the turn of the century in order to provide an informal philosophy opportunity for those who believe that dialogue, whether one has aspirations to be a philosopher or not, is key in developing the skills necessary to practice philosophy. The Society was also created as a venue for meeting those individuals who are pursuing future careers in philosophy through the UW.

     The premise is that those of us who graduate here and go on to do graduate work ,or get employed in some other field, will be in the position to hire others later. It benefits those of us interested in pursuing philosophy careers in a slim job market to employ our friends, or be employed by friends in the future. Finite resources, kids. That is the brief, and thus far bankrupt, uneventful, history of the organization.

What Is Society Policy

     Society policy is, compared to other organizations, simple.

     The society is democratic. Everyone has one vote in deciding group decisions, and anyone can call for a revote. Simple majority wins votes. Everyone's title is president. Roles in the group are filled informally. Basically, whatever's clever.

     If there is a large minority after group decisions and dissent is ripe, members are encouraged to form subgroups within the Stone Circle that do their own thing, rather than start a new philosophy organization on campus. Divergence and disagreement is not a problem.

What Are The Rules

     So far there is only one, and it is subject to repeal by vote, as are all rules of the society.

     The freedom of speech is sacred. Debate will never be escalated to physical violence. No matter what is said, members are expected to use words, not force, to persuade. If a member decides to disregard this rule, she will be unwelcome to attend future meetings. Again, this rule, and its consequences are always up for appeal. That is the only rule.

Suggestions Anyone

     Anything outside of inter-society violence that encourages or sparks debate/inspiration is wholeheartedly welcome - anything. Further suggestions are to be made on the message board found at the link below or in the logo at the top of the page.

Message Board and Chatroom

Society Email Department Address: