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Love is Grrr: Hi.
lou has stds: I'm a consumer whore.
Love is Grrr: That's nice.
lou has stds: And how!
Love is Grrr:
lou has stds: Ah, blank.
lou has stds: So what's up?
Love is Grrr: Nothing, Who are you?
lou has stds: What annoys me.
lou has stds: A written dialogue by lou.
lou has stds: I don't like wheat.
Love is Grrr: Wow.
lou has stds: What's your name?
Love is Grrr: Bishima Shindaliqia
lou has stds: Cat got your tongue?
Love is Grrr: You like to molest small children?!
lou has stds: Why not at all?
lou has stds: The tempest of doubts bestows knowledge upon you?
Love is Grrr: And sniff old mens depends?
lou has stds: You get an L for lame.
Love is Grrr: Word.
lou has stds: I'm hungry and I haven't the slightest where my feeding hand is.
lou has stds: Tis quite a problem, no?
Love is Grrr: Maybe up your anus.
Love is Grrr: Or the small boys next to you.
lou has stds: You've already used the small boys.
lou has stds: You've already used the small boys.
Love is Grrr: And that gives me the right to keep using it.
lou has stds: The only right you have is the right to remain dancing.
Love is Grrr: I can't dance, Im crippled.
lou has stds: Try again.
Love is Grrr: I can wiggle on my stublets.
lou has stds: Weak.
Love is Grrr: Tweak.