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Mnman2: hi
: what do you wanna know?
lou has stds
: Hi, oh boy.
lou has stds: I want it all.
Mnman2: such as?
lou has stds
: Ill start from the top.
lou has stds: When Sarth Death Quin kills Anakin, what happens
lou has stds: ?
Mnman2: what?
: what are you talkin about
: anakin's arm is cut off
lou has stds
: Hmmm.
lou has stds: Oh god?
lou has stds: Is he alright?
Mnman2: uh...... yea
lou has stds
: I heard that there are storm troopers, I like them.
Mnman2: yes
lou has stds
: How many?
lou has stds: 6?
lou has stds: More than 10 and its gay.
lou has stds: And god hates faggots and anything queer.
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