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TragicVisionZ: a/s/l?
cvs aids: 12/m/in yo face
cvs aids: LOLZ JKJK
TragicVisionZ: mm.. a clever one, eh?
TragicVisionZ: apparently so.....
TragicVisionZ: but seriously folks, how old are you?
cvs aids: im clever like a beaver
TragicVisionZ: hmmm.that would have worked much better if clever rhymed with beaver
TragicVisionZ: are you cleaver like a beaver?
cvs aids: it does ryhme
cvs aids: oh wait, it doesnt
TragicVisionZ: ...........
cvs aids: :-(
TragicVisionZ: 'fraid not
cvs aids: I always mess everything up
TragicVisionZ: booo hoooo
cvs aids: im sorry
TragicVisionZ: meh' thats ok
TragicVisionZ: how old are you?
cvs aids: ten
cvs aids: ill be eleven next year
TragicVisionZ: wow
TragicVisionZ: thats super
TragicVisionZ: :/
TragicVisionZ: the song in your profile is super
TragicVisionZ: not much of a talker, eh?
cvs aids: I legally died once.
TragicVisionZ: oh yeah?
cvs aids: They had to pump my heart out of my asshole and regenerate it with a wooden paddle.
TragicVisionZ: hows that working out for ya?
cvs aids: Well, Im not dead, Am i?
cvs aids: HAHAHAHAHA
TragicVisionZ: wow
TragicVisionZ: intelligence is not detected
TragicVisionZ: how old are you, really?
cvs aids: eleven
TragicVisionZ: no, really?
cvs aids: twelve
TragicVisionZ: no, really
cvs aids: thirteen
TragicVisionZ: no really
cvs aids: i cant spell fourteen, so i'll skip to fifteen
cvs aids: fifteen
TragicVisionZ: no really
cvs aids: sixteen
TragicVisionZ: you think we can get to 100?
cvs aids: you think my fist will fit in the nookus of your face?
TragicVisionZ: nookus?