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littlefurrybunny: Hi...
lou has stds: Who the fuck is this?
littlefurrybunny: ouch, nice welcomeing there.. your sn on your website..
lou has stds: Tina Tits?
littlefurrybunny: no, Tina have very small tits, you wouldn't like them.
lou has stds: id eat them.
littlefurrybunny: no.. see guys don't eat tits, they eat pussy.
lou has stds: i eat yours, and like them, too.
littlefurrybunny: interesting...well sorry to disapoint you but I'd rather my tits not be eaten
lou has stds: i'll punch your vagina.
littlefurrybunny: you know...that sounds kind of painfull...and I have to tell you...if you do that to me.. I'll cut off your dick:-)
lou has stds: not if you have three.
littlefurrybunny: lost me on that one. What will I have 3 of?
lou has stds: three bruises from me.
littlefurrybunny: oh..well... I've had more then that at one time before... I Think I could still manage to cut off your dick, no worries
littlefurrybunny: oo and hey, are you going to put this on your webpage? cuz that'd be kinda cool, I'd feel famous!
lou has stds: fuck you.
lou has stds: this convo is going in my ass.
littlefurrybunny: wow, you don't like me very much do you?
lou has stds: i hope you get diabetes.
littlefurrybunny: I already have it
littlefurrybunny: You're really not a very nice person are you?
littlefurrybunny: Or did I do something to insult you? because if I did, I didn't mean to.
lou has stds: You did.
littlefurrybunny: What did I do?
lou has stds: you insulted my race.
littlefurrybunny: I'm sorry....Um...when did I do that?
lou has stds: You said "fucking brown people, i hope they die".
lou has stds: I'm brown.
littlefurrybunny: Really now? see I don't think I would ever say that considering one of my best friends is brown
lou has stds: Well you did.
lou has stds: I'm fucking pissed.
littlefurrybunny: oh... I don't believe I Did that. But if You think I did... then I am sorry.
lou has stds: Youre not sorry.
littlefurrybunny: But anyways, its pretty obvious you would rather not talk to me. So I'll just leave you alone.
lou has stds: Finally.
littlefurrybunny: correct, I'm not sorry for saying that because I never said it. but I am sorry that you hate me for no reason now. Ass.
lou has stds: I'll maime you.
lou has stds: IN THE CUNT.
littlefurrybunny: I'm sure you'd try if you knew were I lived
lou has stds: were?
lou has stds: or where?
littlefurrybunny: but since you don't you can't.
littlefurrybunny: Well... I'll let you figure that one out on your own
lou has stds: I don't fuck uglies.
littlefurrybunny: Who said I'd ever fuck you?
lou has stds: You said it before.
littlefurrybunny: no, i said I'd cut off your dick. thats far from saying lets fuck
lou has stds: No it's not.
littlefurrybunny: see now, maybe if you were actually nice, I would, but seeing as you're pretty much an asshole..why would I?
lou has stds: In my tribe, thats considered fucking.
lou has stds: I'm an Actecian, not an Asshole.
littlefurrybunny: oh, very you can fuck once then you're done eh?
littlefurrybunny: ok how bout this, you're a jackass?
littlefurrybunny: i find you highly entertaining to talk to though.
lou has stds: I find you highly entertaining to fuck.
littlefurrybunny: oh.. That's nice
littlefurrybunny: So, seriously now, would you like me to stop talking to you or not?
lou has stds: Stop breathing.
littlefurrybunny: I'll take that as a yes. Goodbye, Nice site btw, I like it.
lou has stds: bitch tit whore.
littlefurrybunny: well if you would really like me to leave, stop instuling me
lou has stds: No.
lou has stds: btw = bitch tit whore
littlefurrybunny: Sheesh, all I try to be is nice and look where it gets me
littlefurrybunny: interesting
lou has stds: Don't be nice to me.
lou has stds: I'll just coax you into sex.
littlefurrybunny: HA, well if you were nice back to me maybe I wouldn't mind having sex with you!
littlefurrybunny: You seemed like you'd be an interesting and fun person to talk to. but whatever I don't feel much like talking to people that hate me for no reason.
lou has stds: Ok, die, quickly.
littlefurrybunny: no thanks, I'd rather die a slow, lonly painful death.
lou has stds: good, get cancer.
littlefurrybunny: ok.. well if you have any ways that I can get cancer easliy please tell me...actually I would like to die soon. death sounds fun.
lou has stds: Douse yourself in liquid neon.
littlefurrybunny: would you like to be the one that douses me in it?
lou has stds: I'd like to be the one that watches the dousing, I'm far too lazy.
littlefurrybunny: Alright, well you'll be in good company, there will be lots of people watching, many people want me dead
littlefurrybunny: so are you like this to everyone? or just to people you don't know? And don't worry, I will keep talking to you. Atleast until I die.
lou has stds: Die, now.
littlefurrybunny: that doesn't answer my question hun
lou has stds: Don't hun me.
littlefurrybunny: should I babe you then?
lou has stds: I'll smite you first.
littlefurrybunny: I"ll take that as a bout sexy?
littlefurrybunny: hottie?
lou has stds: No.
littlefurrybunny: so what should I call you?