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SD16qteen2003: hi
Louis Sachmo: It's not wednesday.
SD16qteen2003: I know its not wednesday
SD16qteen2003: its tuesday
Louis Sachmo: But when?
SD16qteen2003: wtf
SD16qteen2003: dude its tuesday right now
Louis Sachmo: Hmm.
Louis Sachmo: Monday?
SD16qteen2003: your dumb
Louis Sachmo: When was Monday?
Louis Sachmo: I've been in a coma for the past 3 years.
Louis Sachmo: Youre the first person I've talked to since then.
SD16qteen2003: yesterday
Louis Sachmo: Hmm.
Louis Sachmo: So that makes today wednesday, right?
SD16qteen2003: no \
SD16qteen2003: !!!!!!!!
Louis Sachmo: What do you mean?
Louis Sachmo: Please, I'm so confused.
SD16qteen2003: today is tuesday
SD16qteen2003: okay
SD16qteen2003: bye now
Louis Sachmo: Help me.
Louis Sachmo: I'm in the hospital now.
Louis Sachmo: The nurse is here, want me to put her on?
SD16qteen2003: no
Louis Sachmo: hey, this is the nurse.
SD16qteen2003: find someone else to talk too
Louis Sachmo: yeah, this fine young gentleman was in a coma for three years.
Louis Sachmo: help him out please.
Louis Sachmo: Thanks nurse.
SD16qteen2003: I am busy
Louis Sachmo: no problem. :-)
Louis Sachmo: See?
Louis Sachmo: So I need help.
Louis Sachmo: Please.
SD16qteen2003: no
SD16qteen2003: go away
Louis Sachmo: Who is president, we'll start off easy.
SD16qteen2003: leave me alone