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frozenjellybeans: r u that gay
frozenjellybeans: r u even on
frozenjellybeans: answer me
lou has stds: I'll fucking find out where you live and destroy you.
frozenjellybeans: says who
lou has stds: Says me, fuckface.
frozenjellybeans: ima fuckface??
lou has stds: You're an idiot, you deserve death but social injustices have let you live.
frozenjellybeans: how am i a fuckface??
lou has stds: Are you that stupid?
frozenjellybeans: not really
lou has stds: Kill yourself and take your stupidity with you.
frozenjellybeans: can i take u 2??
lou has stds: Can you stop Iming me and get some friends you fat peice of shit.
frozenjellybeans: ur iming me 2
lou has stds: Just because you're fat and socially retarded doesnt mean you have to Im me.
frozenjellybeans: im only taking after my faveriote unkle
lou has stds: Learn to spell, your attempts at being funny are horrible.
frozenjellybeans: no i can spell
lou has stds: No, you can't spell, nor can you type well.
lou has stds: Plus, you have the humor of an eight year old.
frozenjellybeans: o
lou has stds: That's a fucking horrible combination.
frozenjellybeans: ok
frozenjellybeans: wat is
lou has stds: Your attributes.
lou has stds: Stupidity, obesity, idiocy.
frozenjellybeans: wat??
frozenjellybeans: r u ok??
lou has stds: If I were you, i'd have impaled myself on a wooden stake many years ago.
frozenjellybeans: y?
lou has stds: Do you even observe what i'm typing? Or do you just read the last thing typed and say something stupid regardless of what I said before?
frozenjellybeans: the first 1
lou has stds: It's a question, not a choice, idiot.
lou has stds: You reach a new level of stupidity.
lou has stds: I'm amazed, seriously.
frozenjellybeans: well the answer is the 1st 1
frozenjellybeans: jackoff
lou has stds: The number one cannot be an answer, it's a fucking yes or no question.
lou has stds: Do you take special classes in school?
frozenjellybeans: no
lou has stds: Where do you live?
frozenjellybeans: :-X
frozenjellybeans: eww
lou has stds: Shut up.
lou has stds: What state, assclown?
frozenjellybeans: mi
frozenjellybeans: assclown??
lou has stds: Yeah, you.
frozenjellybeans: wat??
lou has stds: I'm going to drive my bicycle to MI and strangle you with my pubes.
frozenjellybeans: r they really that long?
lou has stds: The kind I have are.
frozenjellybeans: wat kind would that b
lou has stds: I'd show them to you, but you'd be dead, for I would have strangled you already.
frozenjellybeans: i dont want 2 c them
lou has stds: You won't be able to, didn't I just explain that above?
frozenjellybeans: yea but if u did show them 2 me i wouldnt want 2 c
lou has stds: No, listen, you WONT be able to see them, it doesnt matter if you want to or not.
lou has stds: Should I go over this again?
frozenjellybeans: no
frozenjellybeans: i think u should say sumthin that makes sence
lou has stds: sence?
frozenjellybeans: u no wat i mean helldick
lou has stds: helldick?
lou has stds: That was pathetic.
lou has stds: How old are you, three?
frozenjellybeans: yea im 3 and i can type im smrt
lou has stds: You don't type that well, you're pretty much a fucking moron.
frozenjellybeans: i never said i type well
frozenjellybeans: i said i can type
lou has stds: Which means you type well.
frozenjellybeans: not really
lou has stds: There's two, can type and can't type.
lou has stds: Can type means types well, can't means sucks at typing.
lou has stds: I don't want to go over this.
lou has stds: We should go swimming.
lou has stds: I'd drown you.
frozenjellybeans: would u sit on me
lou has stds: Hmm, well we'd be in a pool, I don't think I could.
lou has stds: You reach new levels of idiocy every day.
lou has stds: Every second rather.
frozenjellybeans: well would u try
lou has stds: You can't sit on some one in a pool full of water. I can drown you, that I can do.
frozenjellybeans: who said we would swim in a pool fucker
frozenjellybeans: haha u r scielent
lou has stds: "scielent"
lou has stds: Not really.'
lou has stds: I'm in shock.
lou has stds: You've amazed me.
frozenjellybeans: let me guess with me stupidity
frozenjellybeans: and now u r thinkin howd she no
frozenjellybeans: and ill say im smrt
lou has stds: Then i'll say shut up.
lou has stds: Then you'll say something stupid.
frozenjellybeans: like...?
lou has stds: ^ that.
lou has stds: Then, I get angry.
frozenjellybeans: then i kill u
lou has stds: I'll smash a rock against your nose.
frozenjellybeans: then every 1 is happy
frozenjellybeans: nm
lou has stds: Don't never mind me.
lou has stds: Fatso, i'll kick your blubbery ass all over.
frozenjellybeans: ill never mind u if i want
lou has stds: Lose some fucking weight, you're disgusting.
lou has stds: You'll die if I want.
lou has stds: Fucking obese walrus.
frozenjellybeans: well its not my fault u gave ur weight 2 me
lou has stds: What? I gave my weight to you?
lou has stds: Why do you type?
frozenjellybeans: bcuz stupid fags dont undrstand me
lou has stds: You don't even understand yourself.
frozenjellybeans: i understand em
lou has stds: Your idiocy is amazing.
lou has stds: People study things like you in laboratory's.
frozenjellybeans: should i put it in a museum
lou has stds: Put what in a museum?
lou has stds: How old are you?
frozenjellybeans: my stupidity
frozenjellybeans: im 3 remember
frozenjellybeans: jackass
lou has stds: How old are you?
frozenjellybeans: i just fucking told u
frozenjellybeans: r u fucking reterted
lou has stds: Ok, first off you were being sarcastic, second, fuck you, third, What's your age?
frozenjellybeans: 15
frozenjellybeans: fuck off
lou has stds: I'd fuck you off a cliff.
frozenjellybeans: would u fuck me good 1