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BobIsTheWay: Hello. Have you accepted Bob as your personal savior?
lou has stds: When and where do we meet?
BobIsTheWay: The followers of Bob meet every wendsay behind the dumpster at the local church.
lou has stds: The Bob himself cannot even spell a day of the week?
lou has stds: I am discouraged.
BobIsTheWay: Its not necessary to spell to be a follower of Bob.
BobIsTheWay: infact...Bob loves those who are fucked up more than those who are not.
lou has stds: I am oddly attracted to this Bob, I will comply.
BobIsTheWay: Wonderful. You know that Bob can save you. He is the light, the way.
BobIsTheWay: I was questioned the other day by a girl asking, is it ok to have premarital sex in Bobism...
lou has stds: Milk, in it's original form is also the Way.
BobIsTheWay: I told her, it is not a sin as long as u do not have sex with more than three people at a time.
BobIsTheWay: That's true.
lou has stds: No animals?
BobIsTheWay: Hmm...
lou has stds: Only domesticated ones?
BobIsTheWay: id have to talk to Bob...i think itd be ok. as long as it wasnt a neighbors pet.
lou has stds: I raise cattle in my backyard.
lou has stds: Is that ok?
BobIsTheWay: Are they yours?
lou has stds: They might be.
BobIsTheWay: Ah...well if u dont know...
BobIsTheWay: thats ok.
BobIsTheWay: have fun.
lou has stds: I stole them, then I pit them against eachother in a battle to the death.
lou has stds: The survivor gets eaten.
BobIsTheWay: Sounds fair
lou has stds: Can me and Bob be sexually active while I practice his religion?
BobIsTheWay: Of Course! Bob loves to have sex with his followers.
BobIsTheWay: We have these t-shirts
BobIsTheWay: that say... "I slept with Bob"
BobIsTheWay: Bob is bisexual
BobIsTheWay: and has a 13 inch penis
lou has stds: I resemble a 13 inch penis, me and Bob sound compatible.
BobIsTheWay: I think so.
lou has stds: Does he have anal beads?
BobIsTheWay: Im not sure. I guess you could explore
BobIsTheWay: Bob is very mysterious
lou has stds: If I kill one ore more Bobs, do I become Bob?
lou has stds: Notice the ore, i'm into minerals.
BobIsTheWay: You become a follower of Bob by changing your name to. [Your Name]-Bob
BobIsTheWay: You can become Lou-Bob
BobIsTheWay: Note: Dont be fooled by the many rednecks and hicks with names similar. They are not Bobists.
lou has stds: Shiska-Bob ?
BobIsTheWay: thats the holy food.
BobIsTheWay: So do you want to join Bob? He will add to your sins and tick off your christian friends. He is the supreme one...
lou has stds: Sometimes when I get sick, I throw up the food i've eatin within the past few hours.
BobIsTheWay: Oh my Bob...
BobIsTheWay: you are the blessed child...
BobIsTheWay: Are you Him?
lou has stds: I am his son, Bob Jr.
BobIsTheWay: I knew it! when i saw your screen name!
lou has stds: I am reguiled as a God, yet I have the penis of a small child.
BobIsTheWay: That is Him!
BobIsTheWay: lol ok this is getting old now...
BobIsTheWay: anyway, ive been tellin stacey bob hates her cuz shes a vegitarian
lou has stds: I win.
BobIsTheWay: yeah, im tired...and ran outta stupid things to say.
lou has stds: I win, wheres my money?
BobIsTheWay: in Bobs underwear
lou has stds: Can you get it for me?
BobIsTheWay: I already had sex with bob once today
lou has stds: Me too.
BobIsTheWay: aw damn...
BobIsTheWay: We cant go back for seconds, the shear manliness of Bob would kill us.
BobIsTheWay: Anyway, im switchin back to Shing, preaching Bob has tired me. talk to ya later.
lou has stds: yeah. 1