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lou has stds: hey.
WHiTeMiKe736: WUT UP
lou has stds: spare the sexual jargon.
WHiTeMiKe736: wut?
lou has stds: i want to know, how many have fallen under your axe.
WHiTeMiKe736: fcks that mean
lou has stds: listen, why do you molest? does it get you off?
lou has stds: work with me here.
WHiTeMiKe736: wut you mean
lou has stds: why do you touch the bad touch.
lou has stds: dont ignore me nick.
WHiTeMiKe736: nick?
WHiTeMiKe736: this aint nick
lou has stds: isnt it though.
WHiTeMiKe736: no
lou has stds: listen nick, dont act stupid with me
WHiTeMiKe736: yo this aint fuckin nick
lou has stds: i know its you nick.
WHiTeMiKe736: aight bro you fuckin stupid
lou has stds: what gives you the urge to stick your leathery hard steamy shaft of forbidden love inside little kids?
WHiTeMiKe736: lol you fuckin sick
lou has stds: don't laugh out loud. this isn't a joke.
lou has stds: nick.
WHiTeMiKe736: shit whos nick
lou has stds: you're nick.
WHiTeMiKe736: why do you think that
lou has stds: dont play stupid, give me the stds nick.
lou has stds: give me them. 1